The Greatest Secret of Success Ever Revealed! Dear Friend, When I was growing up in a small town in Iowa, I wanted to get good at something. I wanted to stand out, to be admired, to get so good at something that when I walked by people would say, "There's the guy who ..." If you're honest with yourself, I'm sure you can relate. All young people want to excel at something. For some it's sports, for others, music, mathematics, writing or art. Then... LIFE happens. You have teachers or coaches who tell you that you'll never make it. You have classmates and "friends" who laugh at your desire. You may even experience conflicts inside your own family, with doubting parents or siblings. And then what happens? In most cases, the young person gives up on his goals and dreams. He begins to doubt himself, to second guess his talents and abilities. This doubt turns into fear and frustration. And as the years pass by, even though you've acquired news skills, abilities and talents, any time you attempt to tackle something new, the ghosts of fear, doubt, worry and frustration creep into your vision, and the keep you from getting what you want out of life. "What happened to me?" you may ask yourself. "I used to be a person of confidence and courage. Now I doubt myself at every turn." Two Different Groups of PeopleAfter Robert Fulghum, author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, became a best-selling author, he was often asked to speak before two distinctly different groups of people. The first group was kindergartners. The second group was college graduates at their commencement ceremony.When speaking to the kindergartners, Fulghum would ask questions such as: How many of you can sing? How many of you can dance? How many of you can draw? How many of you can .... (fill in the blank?) It didn't really matter the question. Whatever Fulghum asked, eyes filled with belief raised their tiny hands while saying, "I CAN." Contrast this with the soon-to-be college graduates. When asked the same questions, nary a hand went up. The words "I CAN" were almost non-existent. When I hear stories like this, I tend to wonder: I thought you went through school to get an education. You just finished 16 or so years of school. When you began you could sing, dance and draw - and now you can't??? The Greatest MotivatorA friend of mine often says that people today are so afraid of failure and defeat that they bubble-wrap themselves to avoid anything and everything that could make them feel bad.And this bubble-wrapped mentality is being passed on to the youth of today, with dire consequences. The other day a coach who works with my son asked if he could "ride" him harder. "Your son has a lot of talent," he said. "Do you mind if I get on him and ride him to become better." I said: "Coach, that would be great. I understand what it takes to become a champion, and babying someone isn't the way to get the job done." "Thank you," he said. "You're one of only two parents who will allow me to give their son or daughter the edge they need to make it." "Really?" I asked. "Are you serious?" "Absolutely serious," the coach said. "That's very sad," I replied. "Don't count me in that group. Put us into the group of two who are willing to be pushed. We want to get good. And if being pushed is what it takes, then push." 33 Years AgoI'll never forget the day, some 33 years ago, when I was told I would never become good, that I would never amount to anything.These comments were some of the most motivating words ever spoken to me. They forced me to dig deep, to make something of myself. These words challenged me. I wanted to be a champion. I wanted to be good. And whenever someone told me I wouldn't be, it made me focus even harder to prove him wrong. Additionally, whether I won or lost, I took inventory of myself. I asked myself how I could have done better. I looked for mistakes to correct. And then I got back to work. A Mindset That Follows YouThis mindset, this way of being, is still with me to this day. I didn't get left on the mats where I competed.It followed me into the world of business. It followed me onto the Internet. It follows me when I go on stage to speak about success and achievement. And it follows me, perhaps more so than anywhere else, in the gut-wrenching, edge-of-your-seat story I lay out for you in The Unbeatable Man. Many who have read virtually everything I have ever written, have said that The Unbeatable Man is my best work ever. Others who have been given The Unbeatable Man book and CD's from friends, and didn't know anything about me or the sport I wrote about, grabbed the book and were so completely hooked from start to finish, they finished in one sitting. For example, here's what one baseball coach had to say about it: "This book should be on the shelf of every winner's library. If you want to propel yourself to metoric levels of success and fulfillment then get The Unbeatable Man right this second. It will catapult you to the top of the medal stand!! One of the best inspirational books ever"And here's what an Aussie from Down Under had to say about it: "Hey Matt, And if the comments listed above aren't enough proof, he's more:
The Way of Unbeatability!Everyone, once you get past the defenses, wants to be significant, wants to be loved, admired and respected. Sadly, damn few people in society today ever show you the WAY. But The Unbeatable Man WILL. The Unbeatable Man will show you the way to make yourself UNBEATABLE. He lays out the groundwork for what you can and will become if you follow the same approach he used.The Unbeatable Man teaches you how to strengthen your spirit, your inner being, to the point where regardless of how many times you've failed or fallen, you can still get back on your feet and MAKE IT HAPPEN. In The Unbeatable Man you will discover: • The hidden power of silence and how it can give you unstoppable power to reach out and achieve the impossible! Transform Yourself NOW!The Unbeatable Man will help you transcend and transform yourself. He may help you become larger than life. Most importantly, he will help you get up after every mistake, every set-back, every knockdown until you've become virtually UNBEATABLE.If you don't want this for yourself, then get it for your son or daughter, your niece or nephew, or a friend in junior high, high school or college who wants to be somebody but is continually tempted to give up his or her dreams in order to fit in and be liked. Giving up who you are to be liked leads to emptiness. Sticking to your guns leads to feelings of personal power and invincibility. That's why so many high-achievers have such high praise for The Unbeatable Man. They understand better than anyone how the principles in this book give you an edge over anyone and everyone. Better Your BestPraise for The Unbeatable Man has poured in from the day the book first launched. Best-selling author, Dan Kennedy, who seldom lends praise to anything, said, "It's TERRIFIC."Steve Chandler, best-selling author of FEARLESS, wrote: "This book is TOTALLY INSPIRED." But the comments I love most are from people like Ron, who told me his son, who won't read anything, grabbed a copy of The Unbeatable Man and read it from cover to cover. He couldn't put it down. Place your order for The Unbeatable Man today and I'll send you a FREE copy of The Power of Thought Vibration, a riveting CD with a $49 value that you'll listen to again and again for ideas, inspiration and intestinal fortitude. I look forward to hearing about how The Unbeatable Man and the FREE CD changed your life. Best, ![]() Matt Furey P.S. The most motivating, captivating and inspiring stories of all times, are usually those of young athletes who defied the odds. Everyone loves a WINNER! The Unbeatable Man is more than a book about winning, though. It shows you the way to the indomitable spirit that lies within you. Order NOW and keep me posted on your progress. |
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