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Archive for September, 2006

When to Stop Thinking

Monday, September 25th, 2006

[Important: A quick note about my October seminar: I’m down

to 3 seats left. Make sure, if you want it, you enroll immediately

by going to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

Okay, onto todays’ tip.]

Before taking my most recent trip to China, I grabbed a stockpile of

books to read. One of them, BLINK, was so good, I’ve been telling

people about it ever since.

Incidentally, the author, Malcolm Gladwell, is the same guy who wrote

THE TIPPING POINT – another national best-seller.

So this book, BLINK, confirmed some things that I have been telling

people for the past 10 years – and it opened my eyes on a number

of other issues.

One of the things it confirmed was how someone of a high skill level

in martial arts, music, painting, and so on, can look at someone or

something, and INSTANTLY assess the skill level or value. I have often

told people that I can look across the room, see two people practicing or

competing, and immediately know if they’re the real deal or not.

How do I know this. I can’t really explain. It’s just a guttural instinct that

comes after three plus decades in the trenches.

I also loved the book because of how it revealed the power of face reading.

In Chinese this is called Xiang Mian. I’ve looked into it for over a decade

and find it to be most fascinating – as well as highly accurate.

One of the biggest ‘a-ha’s’ I got from BLINK, however, was how they have

scientifically proven that those who take a long time to make a decision,

usually make a WORSE decision than if they go with the gut feeling they

have from the get-go.

I know this rings true in my case. When I make my decisions quickly, I’m

almost always right, just as written about in BLINK. When I hem and haw

and think, think, think – I’m not really thinking at all. I’m preparing myself

for what will probably be a dumb decision.

The message is clear: Learn to trust your internal instincts. Learn to believe in that

initial gut reaction or feeling you have about something. Chances are better than not

that what you think in a BLINK will be the right answer.


Matt Furey

P.S. Only 3 slots left in my October seminar. Learn what I know about doing

real business online and your life may take off like a rocket. I’m betting it will.

Go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com and enroll NOW.

The Exercise Habit

Monday, September 25th, 2006

Think of all the things you do today that are

nothing more than habits.

Good or bad – you formed them through repetition

of thought – and repetition of deed.

The truth about the formation of habits is that they

start out as ideas – then you act upon them. And if

you act upon them everyday for 28 days – sometimes

less, the habit is locked in. Virtue or vice – the habit

has YOU – you don’t have it.

The above is often more true of bad habits than good.

Bad habits are easy to form and hard to break. Good

habits on the other hand, take a little more guts to

form – but once again, when they’re locked in you’ve

got something that is an automatic reflex.

Until … you start hanging around with people who don’t

have good habits – or you go on vacation – or you get sick

for a spell – and so on.

Bad habits are easy to keep because there are so many

people around you who have the same bad habits.

When it comes to good habits though, oftentimes you have

to search for others who can reinforce the good you’re doing.

But even if you don’t find many others who share your good habits

for exercise, proper nutrition, a positive mental attitude and

so on – this is not a problem so long as you stay focused through

constant reading, listening to audio programs, going to seminars,


I suggest you form one new positive habit at a time. Spend at least

28 straight days ‘hooking’ yourself on this good habit. Then, once

it ‘has you’ – think about adding something else that is good.

One of the great things about the Royal Court from Combat Conditioning

is that the exercise habit grabs you from the inside out. You can be done

with a bodyfat reducing, muscle-building workout in 15 minutes – 30 if you’re

hard core. You feel so good doing these exercises that you want to do them

more often. They become a good habit quickly – and they give you the internal

strength to drop negative, destructive habits.

So make sure you do your Hindu Squats, Hindu Pushups and bridging today –

http://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html – as well as the Magnificent

7 from Combat Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html

These workouts constitute the very best habit-forming exercises on the planet.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. If you really want to reinforce the positive habit of exercise – be sure to

join the Matt Furey Inner Circle – where you’re surrounded by the people and

information that will continually help you take charge of your life. You can read

all about it at http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Copyright, Gold Medal Publications, Inc 2006

Woman Crushes Rapist

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

It’s a sad reality – but many women don’t know how

easily they can fend off a rapist or street punk. Women,

like men, have all the physical tools to drop a punk to

his knees, begging for mercy. Unfortunately, most women

have been repeatedly told that they “can’t.” They’ve been

told that men are stronger, bigger, faster, smarter and so


Well the truth is this: Even if a man is bigger and stronger,

that doesn’t mean you don’t have the tools to knock him on

his keister. It’s simply a matter of knowing how to use your

body in a certain way.

A raccoon, for example, is only about 20 pounds – yet it’ll rip

right through any “strongman” alive today. Keep this metaphor

in mind. Teach a woman to fight with the spirit of a raccoon and

no one can defeat her.

I recently read about a lady who fended off a guy who

was at least 3x stronger than her. Made my day to read


Naturally, being the inquisitive type, I wanted to know

“why” and “how” she was able to do so. When I looked

at the program she learned from, I smiled and nodded.

When you read all about it I think you’ll see what I mean

as well.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/womens_defense.html

and see how a woman can go through her entire life and

prevent herself from being raped. See how she can easily

save her own life when no one else is around to fight for


If you’re a man – don’t think this message won’t or cannot

hit home. All of us came from a woman. All of us know

a woman. All of us love at least one woman whom we’d

like to protect from harm.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/womens_defense.html

and make sure you are doing everything you can to help

your loved ones avoid harm.


Matt Furey

5 Reasons Why Bodyweight Exercises Work Like Magic

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

When someone is resistant to a new idea, one of the things

he will do to stall, procrastinate and delay is ask the question


I know this tactic very well .. and so does my wife.

We went through the ‘why’ stage when we were

learning each other’s language.

When I was learning Chinese, instead of simply

absorbing the material like a child would, I wanted

to know ‘why.’

Why does the person’s name have to come first, followed

by the time, followed by the verb, and so on.

‘Wo mingtian chi fan tai duo.’ Translated literally, I yesterday

eat too much.

I’d much rather say it my way, ‘Wo chi fan tai duo mingtian.’

I ate too much yesterday.

Zhannie went through the same, only in reverse. ‘Why do I

have to put an ‘s’ on the end of some nouns but not on others?

Why not just put the number before the noun so we know how

many of something? Isn’t saying five car the same as saying

five car(s)?’

When you think about it, we don’t need the doggone ‘s’ at the end

to understand. But we insist on it in English. Why. Who the hell

cares. Just the way it BE (yes, twas an intentional Furey mistake).

We accept it and move on.

Whenever something is NEW, many people literally demand to know

‘why, why, why.’ Yet, deep down, they really don’t want to change.

Here are some examples sent to me by email: Why are bodyweight

exercises better than weights. Why does excess fat on your waistline

disappear with Combat Abs. Why does back pain go away with bridging.

Why does your metabolism crank up the heat so much more when

you train this way instead of with weights or aerobics.

Why are pushups safer shoulders than the bench press. Aren’t they

really the same thing.

And so on.

Often, trying to explain ‘why’ is futile because the person asking

‘why’ doesn’t really want to know the answer. He simply wants to

argue and hold onto a current belief.

And so, the only real way for someone to be convinced of the validity of

Combat Conditioninghttp://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

or Combat Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html – is to get

the programs, use them and discover the truth for yourself.

Even though that is the real truth, I’d like to give you a few reasons why

the exercises work so well and so fast anyway – so here goes:

5 Reasons Why Bodyweight Exercises Work Like Magic

1. When you do Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushups, or variations of them,

you are working major muscle groups. Most people who train with weights

do isolation exercises. The person who works major muscle groups beats the

isolation exercise dodo 16 ways from Sunday.

2. Because bodyweight exercises are ‘natural’ movements that require deeper

self-concentration, neurological connections are stronger than they are when

your focus is on something other than yourself, i.e. ‘weights.’

3. Bodyweight exercises allow you to train your body from virtually any angle

or position. The same cannot be said of weights, especially all those ridiculous


4. Bodyweight exercises simultaneously increase strength, endurance and

flexibility. Hindu Pushups and bridging are a textbook perfect example of this.

5. Bodyweight exercises attack the muscle at a deeper level than weights, thereby

giving you greater ‘functional strength.’ The person who does a set of pullups, for

example, works the muscles of the back and arms far more than the person doing

a lat pulldown on a machine.

There are more reasons ‘why’ – but again, none of these reasons mean a doggone

thing if a person is resistant to the idea.

It is not my job to pound through the mental and emotional debris that stops someone from making the decision to go ahead. All I can do is present my

point of view and move on.

On second thought, tis probably a good idea to end today’s message with a

hearty ‘thank you’ to all the Furey Faithful, who now occupy some 139

countries – we just added ‘Ghana’ to the list – and have been kicking butt and

taking names with my superior programs.

You are the BEST!!

Matt Furey

Author of Int’l best-sellers Combat Conditioning, Combat Abs and a slew of

other kick-butt products – go to http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

to see more

What’s a Cow to Eat

Saturday, September 23rd, 2006

Caused quite a stir with my email yesterday about

corn – and where you can stick it.

Although I didn’t render an opinion on WHAT healthy

cows should eat – some felt I was advocating cows be

fed a grain-based diet.

No, the Fure-cat didn’t say that. I meant to say that feeding cows

grain is how farmers fatten them – and the same thing happens

to a LOT of human beings who are grain fed. They get F-A-T.

Yesterday I was in a green tea shop in Orlando. The women who work

the counters were wonderful, sweet human beings; always of great

service. They even put of with ME and my deliberate attempts to

unsettle their stomachs.

In addition to green tea they also serve vegetarian foods, which I took

a serious look at as sometimes the dishes are quite good. But not in this

case because all their dishes were grainy.

The salad they had would be okay – minus the tofu. But the other dishes:

noodles with tofu, rice with veggies and tofu, pesto with tofu – and so on –

are toxic to the system.

Grass-fed beef, however, is not toxic to our bodies, especially when you

eat it bloody and throw the bread, potatoes, corn and rice in the dumpster

where they belong.

I told the girls I was going out hunting today; out to bag an elk and a deer.

Although I was speaking in jest, as I’ve never hunted a day in my life, what

I said went over about as well as a fart in church. They got a bit upset at

me and said, “That kind of food is not good for you.”

I kept mum. Thought about flexing a few muscles – maybe even squashing

a few cubes of tofu to prove otherwise. But what would it accomplish? Nuttin.

These girls, I should point out, are in their early 20’s – and they’re already showing

the deleterious effects of a grain-based diet, especially one with soy – a major

no-no. Big butts that are getting bigger. Acne. Low energy. Pasty face.

If they followed the Furey Fat Loss System I’m betting the extra ‘tonage” would

disappear, along with the zits and pale complexion – but it’s none of my business

what they eat. I only go there for green tea and an atmosphere of bedlam.

By the way, if you want to know more about the Furey Fat Loss System, I’ll be

happy to send it to you for no charge when you’re a member of the Matt Furey

Inner Circle. If you’re already a member, you know the value. If you’re not yet

a member, then let’s get the lard (er, lead) out bubba.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html and enroll now so you

receive the FFL program along with many other gifts. Or enroll for a month to test

it out by going to http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html

Either way you get the Furey Fat Loss Program gratis.

Fair enough?

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey – aka “The Peaceful Meat Eater”

Why the Chinese Are Getting Fat

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

Three years ago I began to spill the beans on how fat

the Chinese are getting. No one would believe me.

Now the word is spreading and others are chiming in.

Yesterday, Al Sears, M.D., noted in his health segment for

EarlytoRise.com that 20% of the Chinese population is now


Think, my friend, that’s an awful lot of people.

Now, there will be some who will blame Mickey D’s and Kay

Ef Cee for the increased weight in China. Yet, these companies are

only part of a major movement in China – a movement AWAY from eating

foods that are natural and unprocessed.

Others will blame the increased girth on the amount of meat the

Chinese consume. Yet, the Chinese and meat have long been

friends. Tis nothing new. They eat a ton of meat and always

have. Very few vegetarians in China.

Based on what I can readily observe in my twice-per-year voyages to

China – these are the reasons for overweight in China.

1. Increased prosperity – with more moolah, the people can afford to eat

foods in amounts they wouldn’t have entertained before.

2. Decreased activity due to increased use of cars and motorcycles.

3. Increased consumption of milk, yogurt, ice cream and other dairy

products they

didn’t used to eat.

4. Greatly increased consumption of processed, devitalized, unnatural


i.e. desserts like pies, cakes, cookies, chips and candy.

5. Increased consumption of soda pop, coffee – less consumption of green


6. Sugar consumption is huge. Even when I order a vegetable or fruit


drink I MUST give directions NOT to add sugar. Imagine that. Adding


to a fruit drink. Unreal.

In spite of this downward trend, there are still a great many Chinese


are following the traditions that have given them superior health.

And those

Chinese are the ones I learn from.

One of them is a 90-year old lady, who I often practice the Chinese


System with. She can run like the wind. She’s strong, flexible and

mentally alert.

And if you pass candy before her eyes she says no.

You can see me training with her at http://


All for now.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

Sex Exercises

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

I’ll never forget the day the 68-year old

man I was training came into the gym and

said, ‘You know something, I haven’t been

able to get it up for five years. But after two

weeks of training with you, I’m driving my

wife wild again.’

Gotta love hearing stories like that. Moreover,

that story was told to me back in the old days,

when I was teaching weights and cardio.

All I can say is that the exercises I teach in

Combat Conditioning and Combat Abs go waaay

beyond weights and cardio when it comes to sex


For example, the Hindu Pushup doesn’t just build

your upper body. It has been known for thousands

of years to help increase blood flow to all the sexual

organs. The mere arching of the spine and thrusting of

the pelvis in this exercise helps both men and women

increase sensitivity and power in this area.

The bridge is HUGE for increasing sex drive, too. Just

look at the mechanics of it. You have to arch your back,

lift your buttocks in the air and hold.

Reminds me of a funny and true story. Had a couple from

Canada who bought my Combat Conditioning book and DVDs,

as well as a t-shirt. The t-shirt has an illustration of me doing

a bridge. As can be imagined, the woman’s eyes were drawn

to my nether region – and she determined from this drawing

that I must have an erection. This was unacceptable to her,

so she took a black magic marker and colored me in.

Truth is I didn’t have an erection in the pictures taken for the

book, but perhaps that’s a good idea for an un-abridged addition.

Okay, back on track here. Hu-hummm. Too funny.

In Combat Abs – the first two exercises, the Farmer Burns Stomach

Flattener and the Vacuum – are deep breathing exercises that

not only help burn unwanted flab from your waistline, but they

increase strength in the internal organs – and yes, that includes

the sexual organs.

Not only that, but many women who’ve hit the age of 40 and up

and have battled urinary incontinence – have found these exercises

to fix that problem within days.

The Farmer Burns Stomach Flattener and vacuum also improve

digestion in a big way. Adam, a Matt Furey Inner Circle

Member for many years now, wrote me back in 2001 to say that

he thought I was going overboard when I stated that these exercises

will improve digestion. But after doing them for a couple days he

KNEW this to be the case.

You can learn all the exercises I mentioned for next to nothing.

By becoming a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle, you get

Combat Conditioning and Combat Abs gratis – along with five other

gifts – and you get access to our Member’s Only Discussion board,

where you can ask as many questions as you’d like for an entire

year. Even questions about sex. In addition to that, each month

you receive a newsletter and CD where I take you by the hand –

and lead you to better body.

If you want to be fit, if you want a better love life, if you want to

be supremely healthy and much, much happier, then skidaddle

on over to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

and get your oars in the water.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. For even more advanced teachings on increased sekx drive,

go to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com. I met a guy at my

January bootcamp – he’s in his 50’s, and after getting

the course he and his wife were living their second honeymoon –

if you know what I mean.

Copyright, Gold Medal Publications, Inc 2006

Your Mistakes Lead to Success

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

‘A life spent in making mistakes is not only

more honorable but more useful than a life

spent doing nothing.’ – George Bernard Shaw

I think Dr. Maltz and Mr. Shaw must have been

reading and/or writing from the same page, hence

the Maltz phrase …

‘Mistake maker – mistake breaker.’

In order to grow as a person, you must be open to

and willing to make mistakes. And if you’re not willing

to do so, you cannot improve and grow. It’s impossible.

Yet, I often find people with 10,000 questions, 10,000

worries, 10,000 fears about ‘what to do and when.’

‘Who Will Do What By When’ – now that’s the title of a

great book that I encourage you to read.

Tis far better than ‘Who Will Worry About What for

How Long.’

Perfectionism is a deadly disease. I have people who

attend my seminars on Internet Marketing, and they

approach the new business with nothing but fear, worry

and self-doubt. The prevailing attitude is, ‘What if I do

something and it doesn’t work.’

Well, the answer is ‘Hurrah.’ Put your arms up in the air

and congratulate yourself for at least doing something. Now

you know what doesn’t work – and you’re one move closer

to finding what DOES work. My very first idea didn’t make me

a fortune. I made many mistakes early on. Yet, today most of

what I touch turns to gold. How can that be? It’s because my

mistakes guided me toward doing the right thing more


My son came home from school yesterday and was upset

because he got a “yellow” warning. I asked him what caused

him to get the yellow. After he told me this I reminded him

that most of the time he gets a “green” – the best mark for

the day.

“What are you doing on the days you get green?” I asked.

After he told me I said, “Okay, focus on getting green more

often and do the things you normally do when you get green.”

He immediately calmed down.

When it comes to the Internet, you’ve got to remember that

it is a very forgiving place. I make mistakes on this

cyber-highway. But I keep driving. I don’t stop and

fret about my mistakes. I learn from them and move on.

The same approach is how you learn to get good at anything.

Take the Olympic figure skaters. They fall down hundreds of

times in each practice. And, quite often they fall in competition.

Yet they get back up and go at it again. They conquer the ice

by having a willingness to risk falling on it. Without risk they

would have nothing.

And so it is with YOU, my friend. Want to get more results out

of life – then do what a wise businessman said long ago …

‘Double Your Failure Rate.’

This does not mean that you deliberately try to fail or make

mistakes. It means that you understand the more things

you try, the more mistakes you’ll make – and the faster you’ll

get yourself onto the fast track to success.


Matt Furey

P.S. The Zero Resistance Living Program will help you learn from

all your mistakes at lightning speed. By using the power of your

imagination, and being willing to DO SOMETHING – you’ll discover

a whole new world of abundance coming your way. Go to

http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html and order NOW.

P.P.S. Door almost closed on my October seminar – The Science of Super-

Human Marketing. Go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com and enroll

NOW. This seminar will not repeat.

What’s Impossible

Tuesday, September 19th, 2006

Suppose you were to ACT as if it were impossible to fail. How do you

think your life would change if you did?

Suppose you got an idea, and, instead of sitting around mulling it over,

you immediately jumped into action. How would this change your life?

Suppose you looked in the mirror each day and told yourself you were put

on this earth to succeed, not to fail. How would this change the way

you feel throughout the day? How would it change your results?

And let’s say, just for fun, you thought about all the things you have to be

grateful for each day. Let’s say you took some time to recall a string of

successful experiences. What do you think would happen if you did?

I’m betting your life would change for the positive in a big, BIG way. Now

you’re left with one question to ask yourself – ‘Do you want to experience

a BIG, POSITIVE change in your life?

If so go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html and take a

look at the powerful course that changed the direction of my life.


Matt Furey

P.S. Want another way to experience “Quantum” growth in your life? Then

go to my October seminar – The Science of Super-Human Marketing. This

IS the MOST important seminar I have ever taught. I will be revealing the

most powerful marketing strategies I know – and the good news is that ALL

of them are SUPER-HUMAN – meaning they are personal, powerful and

professional. These strategies are light years ahead of what everyone else is

doing to eke out a living. What would happen if you entertained the idea of

using them? – go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com and see how they’ve

helped me and many others.

P.P.S. Only a few seats remain. Enroll NOW at http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

Copyright 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc and

Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc.

Wife Lashes Husband about Weight

Tuesday, September 19th, 2006

‘Don’t get too thin.’

That was the advice the wife of a Matt Furey Inner Circle

member gave her husband recently. On our private member’s

only discussion board he told us that he chose to ignore this


Good idea.

The man’s goal is to be back in fighting trim. An honorable puruit.

So what’s going on with the wife?

Well, tis a very common thing that wives say to husbands –

and husbands to their wives. It’s not meant to be hurtful or

harmful (at least not in this case).

What is really going on is this: The man is changing. He’s

changing right before her eyes. And many people are

frightened by change. They see it as a negative instead of

a positive. And the reason they see it as a negative is because,

with the ‘familiar’ they know what to expect.

But with change? – oh no – something ELSE might happen.

Hot chicks might start to notice you more. They might

even begin to desire you. Then again, when you’re really fit,

maybe you’ll start looking at HER (your wife) in a different light.

Maybe you’ll demand that she change. Maybe you’ll start

wanting an even fitter wife. And so on.

Yes, men have different ways of trying to strap limitations

on their wives, too. My advice in either scenario is ‘mind your

own business.’

My wife works out regularly. I don’t tell her what to do. Don’t offer

her a word of advice, unless she asks – and she rarely does. So

I keep my trap shut. Funny, huh? She has free access to the fitness

guru – but she’d rather be independent – and I admire that. Doesn’t

hurt my feelings in the least as I understand the dynamics of the

relationship. Most conversations are improved by ‘minding your own


What about my wife? Does she tell me how to train?


Does she worry if I’m making a change for the better? No.

And that’s a good thing.

If you have a wife or husband who tends to offer unsolicited fitness

advice – or who makes comments that are inappropriate, you have

my permission to say ‘mind your own business.’ It might rattle their

cage a bit – but so what?

Better to be outside the cage rattling it – than inside the cage wishing

you could.

Another Fureyism you can take to the bank.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. The September issue of the Matt Furey Inner Circle newsletter and CD

is almost completely mailed out. This issue contains some powerful weight

loss advice concerning meat and what type to eat for the fastest weight loss

humanly possible. Make sure you don’t miss out on this fat blasting issue.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html and enroll NOW.

P.P.S. You can also test-drive the MFIC for a month by going to


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Copyright © 2011 Gold Medal Publications, Inc. and Matthew Furey