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Are You Neglecting this Body Part?

This morning I was up before the sun rose, out in nature, taking in fresh air and quietude.

Once I felt grounded and focused, I began to work on my neck – doing a series of 9 exercises that get your brain, body and nervous system functioning at a high level.

By the way, if you’re into “mind power” as well as improved functioning of your brain – I highly recommend you begin training your neck on a daily basis.

Previously, the only way I taught my students to train their necks was the bridging exercises in Combat Conditioning. And it’s still a valid way to train your neck. I still bridge and teach it to my clients.

At the same time, I now START my day with neck exercises that I learned in China several years ago.

When I first learned them I compared them to bridging and discounted them.

That was a big mistake because this series of neck exercises is not just about building a bigger, stronger neck.

These neck exercises are part of a longevity training program.


Yes, you got that right.

Here’s the story: In China, the tortoise is revered because it lives such a long life.

And why does it live so long?

Well, the Chinese say the tortoise lives a long life because it’s always moving its neck.

Let’s consider the above statement for a second and apply it to the human body.

Is there anything from the ‘neck up’ that is ‘sort of’ important to our health and well being?


Okay, tell me what’s so important.

The thyroid, pineal and pituituary glands for starters. These have a lot to do with hormone secretions for the entire endocrine system – including metabolism, sleep, creativity and higher awareness. Then there’s the brain stem – which is more than a little important. And of course, there’s the brain itself. 

Alright, in addition to the tortoise moving his neck – there are three other things about the tortoise that are significant to living
a long life.

First, the tortoise moves slowly. He is not frantically hurrying everywhere he goes.

Second, the tortoise takes time to practice stillness.

Third, the tortoise has protection. If another creature attacks, the tortoise can retreat into his shell and hang out until the attack subsides.

Last weekend, when I conducted a private training with my Chi Kung group, we began each day with long-life neck exercises that are done slowly while focusing on your breathing.

The results were off the chain.

People were euphoric. Pain and stiffness went away. Energy increased. Mental clarity and focus sky-rocketed.

Some reported being able to see better.

Hmmm? Wonder why? Guess what’s located in your head along with your brain?

Your eyes.

Anyway, these long-life neck exercises are going to be made available exclusively for Members of the Matt Furey Inner Circle – aka Furey Faithful, very soon.

Not only that, those who enroll will get access to a treasure-trove of information that is already on the site – AND over the next 12 months, you’re going to be flat-out flabbergasted about how much NEW material I’m practically giving away.

My friend, what I’m coming out with is information you don’t want to learn second-hand or third-hand. You’ll want to get this straight from the horse’s (er, Zen Master’s) mouth.

Make sure you go to my new site and see all the Off-the-charts health, fitness and longevity information that you’re going to get when you’re a member.

Over the next 12 months, the ONLY people who will get access to this information will be members of the Matt Furey Inner Circle. I suggest you jump on board NOW because this information is almost too good to believe.


Matt “Coach” Furey

P.S. For a limited time, everyone who enrolls will be receive a bonus seminar, LIVE and in person, wherein I teach you The Next Level of Bodyweight Calisthenics.

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