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How To BEAT Back Pain at Work

How To BEAT Back Pain at Work

If you suffer from any type of back pain,

you know that it can make work almost

impossible sometimes – heck, I know of

people who’ve lost their jobs because of it.

So that’s why I wanted to share this great article

with you about how you can “beat back pain at work”.

I hope you find this helpful:- Matt Furey

How to BEAT Back Pain at Work

by Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS. MFT

It’s getting to be so bad that by Monday afternoon, you’re

already tired of being at the office. You’re not even thinking

as far ahead as Friday.

In reality, it’s not the folks you work with who are getting

you down – they’re tolerable, mostly, although there is that

one guy in accounting. Where do they find these people?

It’s not even your boss, who, if he knew even half as much as

you do, would be a shoo-in for Executive of the Year.

No, the biggest pain in your neck is actually located a bit

lower. And it’s really what’s making working where you do

seem a lot worse than it actually is.

Face it. It’s your aching back that’s sucking the joy out of

your nine-to-five existence and making you feel 10 years older

to boot.

Sure, you’ve learned to tolerate the bad coffee, pointless

meetings, and lame jokes in the course of your day. But you

just can’t tough it out when it comes to back pain, which can

range from dull, nagging aches to those unexpected twinges

that feel like you’ve been hit with a taser gun.

The bad news about back pain is that it not only lives with

you all day at the office but it also comes home with you at

night. It may even dog your weekends.

How do you develop pain?

If you are experiencing back pain at the office, you may think

that it is coming from all the sitting, standing, and lifting

that you have to do. And, indirectly, it does. But it is

actually more about how the body has to adapt to all the

sitting, standing, and lifting than the activity itself. Let’s

take sitting as an example.

Because of the amount of time you spend sitting, your body must

gradually adapt itself to that position. This happens in a

number of ways. The first thing it must adapt to is how the

weight goes through your hips and pelvis. Then, there is the

way you sit – upright, slouching, or something in between.

Most importantly, it’s what happens to the muscles while you’re

sitting. For example, your hip flexors will get tight from

being in a shortened position and your butt will get weak and

flabby from being in a relaxed state.

That simple combination of tight hip flexors and weak glutes is

called a “muscle imbalance.” The result of these muscle imbalances

will be postural dysfunctions of your pelvis and spine. These

imbalances send both your spine and pelvis into abnormal positions,

the combination of which can be devastating to a person with a healthy

back and catastrophic for a person suffering from any form of back pain.

What can you do about it.

What you must also understand is that your imbalances are the

result of what you do in your everyday life – your workouts,

sitting, the activities of your job, and your own personal

habits. I’m not going to tell you to stop going to work. But

what if you changed the way you present yourself at your desk.

Instead of sitting at your desk, try kneeling. I kneel at least

30 percent of the time I spend at my desk. I have a small foam

pad that puts me just high enough to type and see the monitor.

I sit on a therapy ball – and guess what. I don’t sit still like

my momma told me to. I move my hips in every direction,

which means I’m working on my core balance all day long.


Action steps to take



When I sit, I sit with my legs in all different positions –

sometimes bent, sometimes behind me, other times stretched out

in front or even to the side of me, keep the legs moving.

Every 10 minutes or so, I will work my body in some way – and,

yes, that includes walking away from my desk. But more than that,

I make it a habit to stand up when the phone rings. I also stand

when I have to read something or when I’m rearranging the stack

of stuff on my desk for greater productivity.


If your job requires you to stand all day long, be sure you have

quality footwear and a neutral shoe insert. Our body mechanics

start when our feet hit the ground. It is best if your feet are

in the most neutral position possible.

One negative body pattern that many people fall into is to

continually shift their weight from one foot to the other. The

problem with this is that most people find eventually decide that

one leg will be more comfortable than the other, and then that leg

will get most of the weight most of the time. This will wreak havoc

on the pelvis and spine. Better to put equal on each foot as much

as you can, and learn to correct when you catch yourself shifting

your weight or leaning on one leg too much.


A third obstacle on the job can be situations where you have to

lift anything over 10 pounds repeatedly. Again, it’s not the

activity itself that puts you in jeopardy; it’s your body’s

inability to tolerate the stress of the weight. In other words,

you should be able to lift anything you want to and not have any

difficulty doing it. The problem occurs when your body is

suffering from the muscle imbalances and postural dysfunction

that we talked about earlier – and you don’t even know it.

So, when you lift that object and you get injured, think of it

as the straw that broke the camels’ back. Your body was already

in a compromised state, and it just needed that last bit of stress

to send you in to a painful condition.


It’s an unavoidable fact of life at the office, and it can also

play a role by causing your muscles to tense up, which makes you

more prone to injury. Stress also lowers your tolerance for pain.

In some cases, minimizing stress on the job can be a daunting task,

but deep-breathing exercises, walking around the block, or even

talking about your frustrations with a trusted friend can help.

In closing, I want to leave you with this message: Even though

the workplace can be a hazard to your health, if you do find

yourself having back pain, remember that your thoughts and your

beliefs about your situation will have a direct impact on your ab

ility to recover and how fast you recover. That’s why it’s critical to

learn all you can about your condition and take action as soon as

you can.


50 Years of Back Pain Gone in Just Days

Jerry Tarman had suffered from

chronic back pain on and off for

over 50 years. Like most people, he

had tried it all…

Chiropractors, physical therapy, he even overdosed

on Tylenol but nothing gave him lasting relief until

he discovered muscle balance therapy.

Unlike most treatments which only deliver

temporary relief, if any at all, muscle balance

therapy delivers lasting relief to 8 out of

10 people who use it because it addresses

the underlying cause of the pain, not just the symptoms.

If you suffer from any type of back pain, neck pain or sciatica, I

urge you to learn more about this breakthrough new treatment.

Click below to learn more about this breakthrough new treatment.


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