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Financial Humps

When it comes to the subject of money, it is astounding

how much people simultaneously desire it while holding

negative feelings of guilt and shame about it.

And the truth is that you attract things into your life in

accord with how you feel about them. Money is no exception.

You can say that you want more of it. You can say

affirmations for more. You can visualize having more.

But … if you don’t FEEL good about having it, if you feel

guilty or ashamed and undeserving of having it – you won’t

be able to attract it.

Money is a good thing. It’s important. Those who say

otherwise are merely paying lip service to a cliche

that they themselves, via their actions, don’t really believe.

Those who say money isn’t important are the first to ask for

a handout or a discount. Those who say money is not important

are also the first in line to cash their checks.

On the other hand, those who have money are in a position to

help themselves AND others. Hence the saying, the best thing

you can do to help the poor is NOT be one of them.

All around you there are people who want more of the abundance

available, even though they may claim otherwise. Many people,

when they sense you have more than they do, will get jealous. And

they will showcase their envy in a variety of ways.

Some years back a man told me how he reacted to those who

were jealous of his financial status. He said, ‘No one tries to

tear down somebody who already is. The fact that they’re trying

to tear me down is a good sign.’

How true.

One of the things that helped me over the emotional money

hump was when I placed financial success on the same wave-

length as sports.

As an athlete, no one ever criticized me for trying to win too

much (although that can happen, too). And I never felt bad

about winning championship after championship. I never felt

that I was ‘greedy’ when I won five blue ribbons in a swimming

meet while others got none. I never felt bad about myself when

I won a wrestling tournament while my teammates lost.

And so, why would it be okay for me to win tournament after

tournament, and be rewarded for doing so, but it was somehow

not okay to be rewarded for improving my financial status.

When I reflected on the issue this way, I changed my emotional

money hump to a financial launching pad.

You can, too. If you want to.

What I have just described is the crux of Psycho-Cybernetics.

I looked at previous successes, namely those I had in sports.

I noted all the good feelings I had in the athletic arena. I noted

that my feelings about money were the opposite of those I had

about sports. Once I ferreted out the negative, I went into the

Theatre of My Mind and I transformed those feelings to positive


In short, I changed my self-image about money.

Want a financial blueprint for success? Then convert negative

feelings about money into positive ones. Do this and money

will beat a path into your wallet or purse.

If you can imagine it, it will come.

To strengthen your Imagination Power and bring the future positive YOU into

the present, go http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html


Matt Furey

P.S. Got an email yesterday from a customer who plays the Psycho-

Cybernetics Subliminal CD’s in his car on the way to work. Says he

LOVES them. Find out why by getting a set yourself. The info on them is

at http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/subliminal.html

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