Whenever you hear people saying that “depression is something that just happens to you” – never forget that yes, you do have options – and exercise is one of them. People who exercise regularly, especially those who do the exercises in Combat Conditioning, are the very people who know what it’s like to overcome fear, self-doubt, worry and depression. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about, sent in by a 50-year old couch potato:
Dear Matt,
When I ordered your manual a few weeks ago, I was stiff, tired and depressed all the time. I just wanted to tell you that since I started using your program, I feel 100% better. I’m nearly 50, and a lifelong couch potato, and I hated exercise, but these are FUN!
I’m nowhere near ready to do the Royal Court yet, but just doing regular squats (which you’ve shown me the value of), wall chair, side bends, bowing, the whirling dervish, along with partial pushups and crunches, and walking every other day through a hilly park, has lessened my lower back pain, quickened my step, and lightened my mood tremendously.
More importantly, your advice and attitude have kept me focused and positive. Instead of eating when I get stressed out, I do some squats! Thank you, and please send me more!
Samuel Graybar
You got it Sam! A whole lot more is coming your way. Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll know what it means to be the Master of Your Fate, the Captain of Your Ship.