Ever notice that people who run all the time age
FASTER than those who don’t.
If you look at many marathon runners in their
mid-30’s, you’ll already see the ‘prune’ look beginning
to etch itself onto their faces. Why is this?
There are a couple reasons:
1. Many distance athletes believe, erroneously, that because
they workout, they don’t need to take any sort of supplement
that safeguards them against free radical damage. Show an
endurance athlete a supplement loaded with antioxidants proven
to reduce the risk of illness, including cancer and heart disease,
and don’t be surprised if you hear, ‘I don’t need that stuff. I work
Uh – duh. When you workout, your body cranks out MORE free
radicals, not less.
Yes, you need to exercise to get the results you want – but to sweat
and NOT supplement is a mistake. When you take super potent
antioxidants like Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil – you can get some
at http://www.drdavesbest.com – as well as berries like elderberry,
chokeberry, black currant and bilberry – you are insuring yourself
against disease.
In China, the longest lived people eat abundantly from fruits,
vegetables, meats, herbs – and green tea. Green tea is a mega
potent antioxidant as well.
2. The other reason for the ‘prune’ look – not to mention the
ready-for-the-scrap-heap feeling inside the bodies of many
distance runners is because, as the Chinese Taoists have taught,
the exerciser is ‘cooking’ his internal organs from over-exertion.
Cooking your organs?
It’s a scientific fact that some people are ‘warmer’ than others.
Their hands and feet are warmer. They sweat easier. They need
fewer clothes, and so on.
The above is not a bad thing.
However, when you over-exercise and have no method of cooling
your body off, you do internal damage and it shows on your face.
High stress in the home and workplace also contribute to over-
heating, too – so don’t think you’re off the hook if you don’t work
Key thing is you need to have a way to cool off internally. Supplementing
with antioxidants helps – but the way you exercise helps a lot, too. If you
exercise in such a way that your body doesn’t overheat – a way in which
you’re opening all the meredians in your body, a way in which you’re
increasing the flow of chi within rather than obstructing it – well, then, you
will know what it’s like to be 80, 90 and up and still be able to move with
ease. You’ll know what it’s like to still be mentally alert, filled with vim,
vigor and enthusiasm.
This is what you are taught in the Chinese Long-Life System, available at
The other day I was at the beach – training a couple friends. After one round
of a specific exercise that looked like ‘nothing much’ – the guy turned to me
and said, ‘WOW. I can feel the energy moving from my shoulders to my
hands. I can feel something clicking internally.’
Indeed. That’s the difference.
For great health you don’t just focus on the muscles. The muscles matter not
if even ONE organ in your body runs amuck. See how strong your legs
are when a kidney fails. Or how powerful your chest if your heart has
an attack. Or how far you can throw a football if your spleen is ruptured.
The Chinese approach to a long-life involves working from the inside out.
That’s why it is uniquel powerful. That’s why it works.
Get the program today by going to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html
Author of Int’l best-seller, Combat Conditioning and a plethora of power-packed
products – all of which change lives for the better – including yours. Go to
http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html to view them.
P.S. My big time announcement is coming soon. I thought it might be today,
but right now it looks like it’ll be within a few more days. It will be BIG.