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Advice from a 97-year old champion

If you’re not making mistakes,

then you’re not doing anything.

–John Wooden (1910 – )

Hall of Fame basketball coach for UCLA

won a record 10 NCAA championships

So many people do everything they can to avoid making

mistakes – yet mistakes are the corrective feedback we

need to help us reach our goals. Trying to avoid mistakes

is a HUGE mistake. Better to move and correct mistakes

as you’re in motiion than sit idle trying to figure out how not to

make a wrong move. The latter never seems to work.

When you’re in an airplane, most of the time the plane is

off course. When you’re driving in a car – you must always

have your hands on the wheel so you can make minor

adjustments. You are continually modifying and correcting

your course based upon ongoing feedback.

We tend to forget this when we get an idea to achieve

a specific goal. We tend to think the key to success is never

making a mistake. It’s not.

When you make a mistake and a teacher points it out to

you – the answer is simple: Thank you for telling me that.

I’ll work on that.

The average person says he’s sorry and apologizes when

a mistake is pointed out to him.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

That’s all you ever hear – along with no change in behavior.

Better to hear “thank you – I’ll get right on that” – and witness

a change in behavior.

People who see feedback as helpful are grateful to learn what

is steering them away from the goal. It may be a tough thing

to do – to listen and be open – but it’s what the best of the best


Yes, you have the option to agree or disagree with the feedback –

and you’ll become better at discerning what is helpful and what

isn’t the more you practice – but you’ll never get anywhere if

you view mistakes as negative and feedback as undesireable.

My best students LOVE being advised – even, as they would say

it, “raked over the coals.” And wouldn’t you know it – three of my

students have played Carnegie Hall. Amazingly, all three of these

Carnegie Hall performers are the BEST listeners and take advice

better than anyone else. They beg for me to show them their


Keep all of this in mind as you go through your day today. Mistakes

are nothing to fear. Nor is the feedback that will help you improve.


Matt Furey

P.S. There’s a reason why the good get great. And that reason has

more to do with their minds than anything else. It’s not talent, or

smarts, or who you know. It’s who you are inside your own brain.

Successful people get this and want more of it. Those on the road to

failure don’t get it – and that is why they continue to fail. Make a choice

which road you want to travel on. Make a choice to launch yourself like

a torpedo to the destination of YOUR choosing. Check out the Psycho-

Cybernetics Fearless Success Coaching Program now by going to


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