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What Do You Think?

I’ve often poked and made fun of those who exercise with

gadgets coming out of their ears. The people who can’t go

for a walk or a run, or do any form of exercise without their

ipod, nano, walkman … or cell phone.

Crazy as it seems when you step back and think about it,

people today cannot even use a public bathroom without

cell phone in hand. Amazing. Alexander Graham Bell has

got to be shaking his head from his tomb.

Beyond the ear gadgets you’ll find gyms that don’t just

have tee-vee’s above every treadmill. That’s not good

enough. NOW you have screens attached to the treadmills,

cycles, stair steppers and other machines – so you can

watch the boob-tube or play a DVD or mp3.

But it doesn’t stop there. On these machinese there are fans –

just in case you might sweat – as well as holes for your drink –

a place for your cell phone and ipod – and so on.

The only thing missing from the entire operation is a place for

“YOUR OWN THOUGHTS;” a place for you to focus and concentrate


Reminds me of the Henry Ford quote, “Thinking is the hardest

work on earth, that’s why so few people engage in it.”

Now, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that thinking is the hardest

work on earth – but it is the most productive use of your time.

Not only that, but when you’re exercising, especially if you do

it solo – you’ve truly been given a prime opportunity to do some

powerful thinking.

Sometimes you CAN think when you have a gadget in your ears

because you’re listening to something educational or motivational.

But the truth is that most people who have gadgets in their ears

or a screen before them while they train – are not thinking. They’re

listening to head banger music or watching the “schnews.”

That’s right. The “schnews.” You know, those 24-hour per day channels

that have one positive story out of a million – and have a knack for

dramatizing an event for months.

Meanwhile, as you’re watching the “schnews” this thing called “Your LIFE”

is passing you by. Not to worry, it’ll be over in a flicker anyway – so you

might as well tune out by supposedly tuning in.

People often wonder if I sleep – or how I get so much done.

I look at my list and think, “Got what done. So much to do – so little time.”

[In the above sentence, by the way, short and sweet as it is, I have given you

one of the keys to greatness. You might want to re-read it and see if you caught

it the first time.]

Now, I fully realize that those who cannot live without their gadgets while they

exercise don’t like what I have to say. But I honestly believe, from experience,

and from the experiences of some pretty heavy hitters I’ve talked to, that exercise

time is one of the best times you will ever have for thinking about your life,

picturing what you want to create for yourself, forming plans to make things happen

– and strengthening not just your muscles, but your commitment to fulfilling what truly

matters to you.

Whether you’re running hill sprints, doing Hindu Squats or pushups – or going for a

swim – you can double your life force by using imagination power while you train.

I have discovered that the Imagination Channel is far better than the nightly, daily,

morning, mid morning, noontime and mid-day schnews. Tune in yourself and see

if this is true for you, too.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

Author of the Int’l best-seller, Combat Conditioning – available by going to


P.S. One more thing, my October seminar is going to be a sellout. People

are enrolling at a faster pace than ever before. If you’re interested, not

just in fitness but greater prosperity, then this IS the event to go to. Find

more on it at http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

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