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3 Minutes a Day to Millions

Yesterday I had a full-day consultation with J, a client who

began his business two years ago, per my recommendation,

and quickly built a company doing over ten million bucks a

year. This year I’m certain he’ll break 20 million.

If you were to meet the man, you may walk away from a

conversation with him and vote him as “least likely to succeed.”

He’s playful. He’s fun. He jokes around all the time. He doesn’t

appear to have a serious bone in his body.

But – oh what a mind he has.

He sets a goal – then he goes after it, still in a playful manner

mind you, with absoulte unrelenting persistence. He’s a unique

combination of a pit bull and a Cheshire cat. Once he latches on,

he won’t let go – but he’s smiling through the entire ordeal.

Most of all, there is literally nothing you can do to discourage him.

No matter how many mistakes he makes; no matter how many

so-called failures, he will not let up.

Many years ago, for example, he entered flight school. He wanted

to become a pilot. He went through a string of teachers, one of whom

told him, “You will never, ever get your pilot’s license.”

11 teachers later, J got his license. As irony would have it, he was in

his private plane one afternoon, flying up north, and over the radio

he heard his former teacher (the one who said he’d never become a

pilot), making preparations for landing.

J got on the horn and informed his former teacher that he was NOW

a pilot, was right behind him, and would be landing right after him.

You can imagine the fear that shot through the teacher’s body at

that moment, can’t you?

After our first two hours yesterday, J turned his focus away from

marketing ideas and asked me to tell him more about the power

of focus. He told me that he attributes much of his success to making

mental pictures and movies of what he wants to achieve, and wanted

MORE help with the process he used.

Imagine that.

I began to quiz J, going into great depth about how he uses his mind to

create his mental pictures and movies. One of my most important questions

was, “How long do you spend picturing what you want?”

“About a minute,” he said. “I do it three times a day. I close my eyes and

see where I want to be and imagine I’m already there.”

“Has anything mysterious or magical ever happened as a result of doing

this?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. For example, I’ll think about someone I want to do business with.

Not only does picturing what I want make the process almost magical when

I give my presentation, but on many occasions, after thinking about a specifc

person, the phone would ring and he would be on the line telling me he was

ready to move forward.”

One of the key elements I have mentioned about J is that he is playful. He is

always having a good time.

Now you might think, “Well, of course. If I was making 20 million a year I

would be too.” But what you don’t know about J is that he was this way when

he started out.

Being relaxed – even playful, is a principle of Psycho-Cybernetics that you

must pay attention to, if you want to get great results from playing your

mental movies. You do not visualize when your body and mind are filled

with stress.

You relax your mind. You relax your body.

And then you begin to imagine the life you want to have.

Step-by-step details on how you do this is in the Zero Resistance Living course –


Also, each month in the Psycho-Cybernetics Success group, I personally guide

you through the very things I was teaching J in person yesterday. You can only

WIN when you’re a member of this extraordinary group of DOERS. Get involved

today by going to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html


Matt Furey

P.S. Want to get into the best shape of your life. Then I suggest you take a look

at my “Secret of Secrets” Fitness Seminar. I’ll be teaching the A-Z of applying the

powerful principles of Psycho-Cybernetics to your process – and the results you get

will amaze you. The key to lasting health and fitness success lies in the formation

of a powerful self-image. Make sure you create the results you want in your mind

first. I’ll show you the way – http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html

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