Last night, before hitting the rack, I went through a simple
bridging routine. I alternated the back bridge and the front
bridge – with several details that I’ve never taught before.
I do this routine before bed for a couple reasons that I have
never written about before. And that includes what I wrote in
Combat Conditioning as well as Combat Abs, as well as Gama-Fitness,
Anyway, the reasons why I bridge this way are as follows:
1. It puts me into a euphoric state – nice to feel that before bed,
don’t you think
2. It energizes me – just not the type of energy that interferes with
sleep – more like the kind of energy where you KNOW your brain is
3. It increases electrical charge and vibration throughout my entire
4. It makes me aware of energy at a more subtle level – this comes
in handy whether you’re a competitive athlete or someone who deals
with people for a living.
5. It increases seksual energy. Now, no one is interested in THAT topic,
6. It helps burn off belly fat as well as the turkey fat on your neck. If you
don’t want a bunch of loose skin hanging from your neck as you age, then
be sure to bridge.
7. It increases feeling of groundedness.
Now, the above represent only seven reasons why the bridge is so great.
I’ve written about many others previously, such as elimination of back pain,
and so on. Yet, the key is in the doing of the bridge. Anyone can read about
Reminds me of a saying I learned long ago, before people started calling me
the Zen Master.
It goes like this: ‘The study of Zen is not Zen.’
So many people today are simply ‘readers.’ They read but don’t do. Or they
go on discussion boards and rave about their knowledge. That’s fine – but make
sure you DO first.
Afterall, ‘the study of exercise is not exercise.’
Make sure you take time to bridge today.
And if you can’t do the bridges in my book just yet, if they’re too advanced for
you, then start with a light bridge over a Swiss ball. That’ll get you headed in
the right direction.
Kick butt – take names,
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