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Carpal Tunnel Almost Steals Career

Yesterday I received an email from Rick Manelius, PhD, whose livelihood was being taken away due to carpal tunnel syndrome. But, by doing my exercises just ONCE per week – he recovered.

Below is his story:

I had been warned for many many years about the dangers of working long hours at a computer without taking certain precautions (exercises, good posture, taking breaks, etc).

I heard horror stories of people having to give up a high paying computer programming jobs to take a significant amount of time off and/or have surgery just to regain their ability to type.

I even knew a guy who had to resort to temporary life-hacks to get around this condition, like using his non-dominant hand for half the day just so he could reduce the pain.

I had ignored all the warning. I had not taken any precautions. And 3 years ago, I had my moment of panic.

The thing about carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms is that they sneak up on you.

It starts off as soreness and then maybe there is a little bit of inflexibility. But eventually it becomes undeniable as it turns into full blown numbness and/or intolerable pain.

And while I’m usually a very stubborn person that tries to fight through the pain, I couldn’t ignore it any more when I simply couldn’t feel the top of one of my fingers.

Tons of negative thoughts crept in: What if I lost my job because I couldn’t do it anymore? How would I support a family or even myself? How would I learn to live with this for the next 60+ years of my life?

The mere possibility of losing the full use of my hands for the rest of my life was unacceptable. And so that is when I decided to attack the problem head on.

Initial Attempts

I was still coaching track and field at the time, so I sought advice from the sports medicine trainers. I mean, why not? I already interacted with on a daily basis while monitoring the recovery process of my injured athletes. And I have full trust in their abilities because I spent many years in that very same facility when I was an athlete and they were able to do wonders in getting me back healthy and competing.

However, I wasn’t able to make any noticeable progress on the carpal tunnel symptoms. Sure, they did give me a large dose of education and some extensive stretching exercises. But a week’s worth of trying resulted in no noticeable gain.

What about pain killers? A few colleagues of mine that had experienced similar pain swore by it. And while I agree that there is some benefit in reducing inflammation in the healing process, I knew that this would be a terrible solution for me because it would only mask the problem and allow me to fake myself into believing I could continue on. So that solution was a no-starter for me.

The Solution

Personally, I don’t believe in coincidences. Within a short time of this epiphany, I received an email from Matt Furey about his carpal tunnel product. I jumped on the offer and started working with the program immediately.

I’m happy to report that I’ve been able to reduce the pain and numbness down to ZERO and I’ve regained almost all my flexibility back. It’s possible that I could continue working diligently at this and bring it up to a full recovery. But I only do the exercises once in a while instead of the recommendation of 3 times a week. So it’s my own laziness that’s not getting me that last incremental benefit!

Does that bother me. Absolutely not.

Because now I KNOW that I have the tools necessary to make sure I will always be able to earn my living on a computer or do anything else that requires me to use my hands for any length of time. And the few times the problem has reared its ugly head, I just start doing the exercises again and it goes away.

That is the punchline for me: I not only achieved the initial results in a very short period of time, but I also have the knowledge to re-apply this in the future if it ever becomes an issue again. In short, this investment has been worth every penny.

I can’t recommend this program enough to any computer programmer, administrative assistant, or anyone else that is largely in front of a computer all day. If your job depends on your ability to use your hands, then you need this to make sure you keep them as functional and pain-free as possible.

Here is the link. Good luck!

Full disclosure: I’m in no way affiliated with Matt Furey and receive no commission or any other benefit from this recommendation. The last time I even purchased anything from his company was a year or two ago. However, having used this program again recently, I felt obligated to put out this recommendation to help anyone else suffering from these pains.

MJF: Thank you, Rich. Your story makes my day. What’s cool is how the product helps those with wrist and hand pain too – not just carpal tunnel. Best to you.

Matt Furey

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