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Doctors Who Won’t Kill You

Some years ago Dr. Jack Kervorkian made headline news almost daily for his role in helping terminally ill patients commit suicide. Many believed him to be evil while others felt he was performing an honorable service to humanity.

I have no comment, one way or the other, about Dr. Jack – but I do have a comment to make about a great many medical doctors living today. Instead of becoming the “healers” they most likely wanted to be when they attended medical school – they got spun around a time or three and turned into drug pushers for pharmaceutical drug companies. And this has happened, in large part because much of America is sick – and instead of looking for natural ways to get back in tune with nature, they’d rather take a pill that will supposedly do it for them.

Truth is, quite often the pills you’re given by a doctor to eliminate an illness … do NOT eliminate the illness. What’s worse, they cause another one. Oftentimes they contribute to further deterioration of the body – often at an alarming speed.

For example, I know a lady who suffers from headaches which are caused by swelling in the brain. Upon seeing the doctor she was given a prescription for prednisone. She was told to either take this drug or go blind. She took the drug. And during the time she’s been on this drug, her bone mass has decreased so quickly you’d think she had someone inside her skeletal system with a jackhammer. It’s gotten to the point where she can fracture a vertebrae by leaning forward to open a window. Now what kind of “healing” is going on with this drug? What kind of drug eliminates the symptom of one thing while causing more problems elsewhere?

Next time you see a commercial on tee-vee for a drug that lowers cholesterol, high blood pressure … or supposedly eliminates another disease – don’t listen to or watch the silly images of happy people doing tai chi or other forms of vigorous exercise. Instead, focus on what is said very quickly at the very end of the commercial. I’m talking about when all the side effects of the drugs are rapidly mentioned in a low voice.

The other day I was talking to a 64-year old man who looks 40. I asked him if he goes for an annual medical check-up.

“No,” he said.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Listen,” he said. “When I wake up each morning, I’m happy and I have a hard-on. That tells me about all I need to know.”

Based upon Chinese medicine, the man is telling the truth. [This is something I cover in my Chuang Shang de Gong Fu course on China’s Secret Lovemaking Regimen.]

Am I saying you should forego an annual check-up or “never” see a doctor? No, I’m not. But I am saying that your emotional state of being as well as the strength of your sexual organs tells you a great deal about your health.

In Chinese medicine, for instance, when a man begins to suffer from impotency, it may be a sign that all his internal organs are beginning to droop, sag and lose energy. Naturally, the sex organs fall into line as well. They just happen to be the last link in the chain.

Some decades ago, Dr. Paul Bragg wrote extensively about the most important health doctors in the world. He listed seven of them. I will give my own version of who these DOCTORS are:

Doctors Who Heal

Doctor Positive Thoughts – most of being physically healthy is governed by optimistic thoughts and feelings

Doctor Deep Breathing – clean the lungs with deep breathing and you’ll never go wrong

Doctor Exercise – move your body and the river within will never become stagnant

Doctor Fresh Air and Sunshine – a walk in the open air will do wonders for the soul

Doctor Fresh Foods – eat foods that are organically grown and filled with wondrous nutrition

Doctor Massage – the power of another human’s loving touch can work miracles in your life

Doctor Rest, Rejuvenate and Recharge – all work and no rest makes Jack a sick catNow, if you’ll take a look at the Seven Doctors I’ve listed above – you can oftentimes determine the direction another person’s health is going. Think of someone you know and ask if he or she is spending time with all seven of these doctors.

All are important – yet the fact is that most Americans don’t eat properly, don’t exercise very often, don’t have a clue about deep breathing, rarely get fresh air and sunshine and would rather die than think positively about life.

Is it any wonder why so many people are sick today? The most basic and fundamental of Nature’s Laws are never followed. And when you refuse to follow Nature’s Laws – you begin to feel unnatural inside.

I believe it is best to begin each day with mind clearing and body cleansing exercises. Start with some form of meditation or visualization. I recommend the mind-expansion exercises taught in the Zero Resistance Living program as well as the physical exercises contained in Combat Conditioning.

If you cleanse your mind and body each day you’ll be way ahead of the pack when it comes to living a vibrantly healthy life. And when you combine these things with proper nutrition, deep breathing, fresh air, massage and so on – it’s hard to go wrong. It’s hard to go downhill.

Why? Because you’re not taking your health for granted. You’re continually looking to expand the good you feel inside.

Yes, doctors do serve a valuable and important function in society and we owe them a lot. At the same time, we also need to know when to draw the line; when to listen to Nature’s Doctors and tune the drug cartels out.

Listen to your body and listen to the doctors of natural living. Follow a healthy regimen of right thought, right food and right exercise – and next time you go to see your doctor he may be shocked at the amazing turnaround you’ve made.

Rise Up!

matthew furey

Matthew Furey

Zen Master of the Internet®

P.S. In next month’s edition of the Matt Furey Inner Circle – expect to read about the simple posture you can hold while breathing deeply, and how this will bring you to the next level of success.

P.P.S. Next month I’m having my world famous email seminar. For more information on this program, go here NOW.

Power Quote of The Day

“The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.”

— Plato

Greek Philosopher

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