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Eat Your Juice

I guess I should take a photo of this because you might

not believe it. When I was in Shanghai a few days ago, at

a fruit stand right next to the hotel I stayed, the watermelons

were piled higher than snowfall after an Iowa blizzard.

It was cold, yet watermelons were basking in the freeze. Hard

to imagine when you consider that watermelon season in the U.S.

only lasts for a few months. Yet in China, day or night, spring, summer,

winter or fall – rain or snow, watermelons abound.

China is the world’s largest producer of this magical fruit. It’s practically

omnipresent. There’s so much that watermelon juice in coffee bars and

restaurants is a normal health drink. And yes, I’m talking about freshly

squeezed watermelon juice – not packaged.

There are some who think drinking fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable

juices are bad for your health. Their reasoning is the so-called high-sugar

content. Or the high glycemic index rating. Unless you’re a diabetic, this

sort of thinking may be well worth deleting from your idea bank.

Truth is there are certain kinds of freshly squeezed juices that promote,

encourage and accelerate fat loss. Watermelon juice is one of them – but

then again, you need to know HOW to drink it – and when – otherwise you

may get sick to your stomach.

Members of the Matt Furey Inner Circle regularly receive updates on what type

of foods to eat, depending on the season, and what these power foods will do

for you. In the near future I’m going to delve into freshly squeezed juices in a

big way. In the itnterim, let me tell you something important about drinking juice

or any other liquid. It may sound a big strange – yet it was a practice recommended

by many of the old-time physical culture heroes, like Charles Atlas.

What is the practice?

It is this: Imagine that the liquid you are drinking is food. And as this liquid goes into

your mouth, imagine chewing it. Take your time. Don’t slug down the whole glass of

juice like you’re doing beer bongs at an idiot frat-rat party. Drink it slowly. Chew the

juice. In doing so you’ll not only enjoy the food, savoring every last drop – but you’ll

feel more energized as well. Just don’t make it obvious when you “chew” otherwise

we have to put you in a rubber room.

Before I go, let me encourage you to become a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle

so you never miss out on all the splendiferous updates that all my members receive

each month.

Two ways to enroll:

1. Go to http://mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html and receive 7 kick-butt gifts free


2. Go to http://mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html and take a test drive – free gifts for

this level as well.

Well, my friend, that’s all for now.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Make sure you enroll in my 2007 Fitness Bootcamp NOW to make sure you not

only get a seat – but a fully-loaded Furey-ized ipod as well. Enrollment is going

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