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Everything is Fake and Phony

Perhaps a re-reading of Catcher in the Rye is in order.


Because almost everywhere you look, you see nothing but the fake and phony.

First, you have politicians who rarely tell you the truth about anything.

Second, you have the news media – and almost everything they tell you is fake.

Third, you have the advertisers who blast you with more than 8000 suggestions per day to eat junk food – and not a single message telling you to eat fruits or vegetables.

Take your average child and suggest he or she have some fruit. Most will tell you they don’t like it.

Can you blame them?

Their brains are saturated with talking heads telling them that Mickey D’s, Kay Ef See, Burglar Sling, Chump Filet and Taco Schmell are what’s good for you.

Not to mention chips and soda slop and gobs of chocolate, cake, cookies, pizza and ice cream.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is almost all fake, phony, processed foods that wouldn’t be possible to consume without technology.

And the companies who create this disastrous “food” are wily as old foxes. An insider in the industry, who chooses to remain anonymous, told me how they hire ‘scientists’ to create the food we are told is good for us to eat.

Now, is the ‘scientist’ hired to make the food healthy for us?


The scientists’ job is to give the food three addictive qualities:

1. Crunchy

2. Sweet

3. Salty

How are Americans doing on these scientific foods?

Well, take a trip to the mall and look around. Wander into Walmart and observe. Go visit your local doctor and look at his waistline – as well as the girth of the nurses and attendants who escort you around. If you find a single fit doctor or nurse working in the same place – you’re looking at an unusual situation.

The doctors are fat; the nurses are fat – and they’re the ones who are supposed to be keeping us healthy.

And how do they do that? By prescribing fake medicines. This is far more profitable than looking at your diet and telling you to stop eating fake foods.

How many people do you know who aren’t being medicated in some way? Either for hyperactivity, depression, anxiety, being unable to focus, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, headaches and so on.

People are contracting diabetes, cancer and heart disease in record numbers – and our politicians tell you we need better health care.

What? Perhaps they mean ‘disease care.’

Health care is simple. Most of the time no doctors are required.

Stop eating fake foods, stop living a fake life, stop being phony with yourself, stop being a couch or computer slug – and most of life’s ailments will pass you by.

Now, for exercise:

If you ever feel like getting in shape – what are you told to do?

Long slow distance cardio, usually on electronic machines – as well as weight training, again, usually on worthless, phony machines.

The LSD cardio beats the hell out of your joints – and the weight training machines do almost nothing good for you except take up space and make you look like you’re hip.

The bottom line is this: If you want great cardio fitness – do sprints instead of long, slow distance. The so-called anaerobic exercises (without oxygen) are the ones that get you aerobically fit.

The same sort of wisdom applies to functional strength.

If you want strength, endurance and flexibility – you stay away from weight training machines. Instead, you do a series of dynamic body weight exercises like those I teach in Combat Conditioning.

These exercises get you fit faster than anything else I know. I’ve been training for almost 40 years, so I know what works and what doesn’t.

Order now and we’ll be sure to get you a copy of the Furey Fat Loss Diet at no charge.

Matt Furey

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