As I’m putting together a number of products, including
a couple of books, I’m going to begin doing a lot more emails
that are powerful daily Fureyous-isms.
I’ll be doing the same most of the time for the emails I send
through the Psycho-Cybernetics and Knockout Marketing sites.
You can subscribe to those quotes at the following URL:
Anyway, here goeth today’s Fureyous quote for the day:
“Think of all the people who have told you that you’ll
never make it, that you don’t have the talent or ability
to live your dreams. Yes, think upon them. See their
words forming pictures in the sky. Then make a
decision to be the emperor of the images that go into
your mind. Block their images from entering your domain.
Light their images on fire and let them disintegrate into
vapor. Then remember that no one can make you see a
negative image and believe in it unless you give the green
light. Same is true of the positive. You are the ‘chooser.; No
one else.”
Matthew Furey
Zen Master of the Internet®