Think about this for a moment. How many ways can you come up with
to ‘see yourself.’ Let’s try for 108.
Can you make yourself bigger, taller, smaller, lighter. Can you make
yourself heavier, softer, harder or more relaxed.
Can you make yourself smile, frown, laugh, cry.
Can you see yourself as a success in business; in relationships;
in school; as a speaker, writer, teacher, coach or mentor.
Can you see yourself traveling the world, living here and abroad.
Can you see yourself as young, vibrant and healthy, regardless of
your age.
The better you are at seeing yourself in different ways, the easier
it will be to ‘zero in’ on the way you really want to be.
Just remember to be willing to do whatever it takes to make things
happen in your life. Get the vision – then make it a reality.
The course that shows you how to do this in magnificent fashion is
Dr. Maltz’ Zero Resistance Living. I encourage you to give it a whirl
by going to
P.S. Vince Palko, a member of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group
– recently
wrote to comment on the latest CD he received in his monthly program.
Here’s what he said:
‘Boy Matt,
This CD is awesome. Can’t wait to listen to it over and over while I work.
Like I do with your other ones. AS I illustrate and paint in photoshop, my
mind is distracted enough to let the message sink in even further. – Vince’
Find out WHY Vince is raving by becoming a member today.