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How to Rise Above Problems

I’m sure you’ve had the experience of something

going bad.

A tire blows out when you’re driving.

Someone is rude to you on the phone or in person.

You’re wrongly accused of something.

Your so-called friend is jealous of you.

You got fired from your job.

You lost a big sale.

Or you get into an argument with a friend or


When this happens you probably adopted

a “this sucks” attitude. Then you talked to

others who agreed with your position.

Collectively, you arrive at

the same “this sucks” conclusion.

Truth is there will always be things that happen in life

that we don’t like – yet, and this is important, we can

still carry a sense of happiness and joy within no matter

what happens. Even when enduring physical pain we can

be happy.

It’s not so much about having a positive attitude or “being

positive” as it is making a choice to be creatively alive; to

be actively involved in making something good happen.

When you’re faced with problems you don’t have to immediately

react and start solving them. Instead, you’d be surprised how

often you can stand back and say, “Alright, instead of viewing

this as a problem, let me think of creative ways to build around

this, to leapfrog it, to transform it into something good.”

At my seminars I’ve told a story about the two men who found themselves

at the bottom of a canyon. One man cried and moaned about how

much work it would be to get out of the canyon. He moaned about how

far he had fallen. He calculated how much work and time would be involved

in getting out of the canyone – and when he had the answer he sat with his hands

on his face, pouting.

The other man looked about the canyon. He noted there was a stream

for swimming, fishing, bathing – it even served as a wonderful view for

him to practice his painting. He saw the rocks and sticks and figured

he could build a home and stay awhile. With fresh air, sunshine, plenty

of water and a place to sleep, all was well in his world.

He went to bed that night a happy man with dreams of creating something

with what he had around him. The other man sat up all night thinking about

his problems.

Moral of the story is simple: Create what you want in life regardless of

circumstances. Don’t try to solve a problem before you begin creating.

Create NOW and in many cases the problem will go away.

When it comes to money – most people go into problem-solving mode.

They try to figure out how to get out of the canyon instead of how to

create what they want NOW. Big difference.

When it comes to health, people focus on the weight they need to lose

instead of on the body they want to create. Muy diferente.

Focusing on problems is not something creators do. Creators create.

You were born as a creative human being.

Use that creative power. Rise above petty nit-picking, fault finding and

problem solving. Rise above whining and complaining.

Think about what you want – independent of your problems – and get to

work on it.

The first day you do this, I guarantee you’ll sleep better. And you’ll sleep


For more on how you can do this, be sure to get your hands on Dr. Maxwell

Maltz’ Zero Resistance Living program – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html


Matt Furey

P.S. I was in the canyon once – financially speaking. And I built an empire in that

canyon. One day, from that canyon, I wired a check that wiped out all previous

debts. I know what it’s like to be down – and I know what it takes to rise above

problems. I’ll show you the fastest way to rise above the herd and make something

of yourself at my October seminar – http://www.knockoutmarketing.com – get in NOW

while you can still get a seat.

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