From my journal:
“When I first began to train in reverse, I did so
because it relaxed and energized me at a
deeper level than anything else. After a couple
weeks I noticed my memory getting much sharper.
So much so that I began to recall things from very
early childhood that I’d forgotten. Then when I
added the “chi” to what I was doing, along with
youthful visualizations, an energetic shift took place.
People began to guess I was in my early 30’s – and
when I revealed my true age they accused me of
lying. At first I thought people were joking – but
over the last two months I’ve realized they weren’t.”
Matthew Furey
Note: The Dao Zou program is far more than a train-
in-reverse system. It is a complete mind/body program
that cannot be beat. Those who simply train in reverse
will only get about 1% of the benefits of those who learn
the entire program – including circulation of chi – mental
imagery and opening of the body’s energy centers. Go to – order the program,
use it and begin to feel an almost immediate change in how you