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Listen to Your Gut

You’ve heard about having an intuitive flash – or a gut feeling. But most likely it has never been explained to you quite the same way my friend, Jeremiah Perez, will tell it to you. The guy truly has a way with words and I think you’ll find his writing both entertaining and informative. Incidentally, although this article is written for those who are interested in martial arts and fighting, there is a lot of information in this that will prove beneficial to ALL of you. Read on and enjoy.

Matthew Furey

To Trust, or Not to Trust Your Gut… That is the Question.

by Jeremiah Perez

You might think I’m talking to you about the urge to eat that third piece of pie after you’ve already had a four course meal…but I’m not.

I’m talking to you about what some would say is your second brain and no the size of your gut doesn’t determine how smart your second brain is because if that were the case you’d see beer belly braniacs making scientific breakthroughs.

And you know that’s not so since most can barely figure out how to keep their ass crack from showing as that flab of fat pushes their pants down towards their ankles.

So I’m actually talking to you about your INNER gut.

You know the one that fills full of butterflies as you’re waiting in line for a roller coaster or it sends warning signals to you when you “somehow” un-explain ably know something is wrong.

Your stomach and brain have a very strong relationship with good communication skills and that’s because the stomach has millions of nerve cells which makes it seem like it has a mind of it’s own.( if you’re a male you can probably include another body part which seems to have the same talent only it tends to get you in trouble from time to time.)

Your gut is a safer body part to listen too.

When it comes to your mind body connection and you talk about whether or not the brain controls the body or the body controls the brain trying to figure out who’s boss is the proverbial which came first the chicken or the egg debate.

If you put your hand on the table and you mentally go to your happy place while thinking good thoughts as someone shoots a nail through your hand your body will scream at your brain in a very loud and clear manner.

Yet on the flip-side there are monks who can think themselves into being conduits of heat and energy so immense they can sit in the snow high up in the mountains with a wet sheet

wrapped around their naked bodies and evaporate every last water droplet until the sheet is bone dry before taking an over night nap in the freezing cold surrounded by man eating tigers that wont touch them with a ten foot pole.

In the end of it all, the body and the brain are together and separate at he same time and when it comes to your SIXTH sense and second brain they all have to work together.

As I worked in the world of bodyguarding this was crucial for avoiding even little mistakes which could cost your clients their lives and the same applies to fighting more than one person at the same time.

Sometimes your brain does the talking and sometimes it’s your gut’s that lead the way.

Your brain needs to have the information that fine tunes awareness and your physical body needs the moves that Breaks, Stops and Drops attackers quickly and easily so you can have the guts to Kick some serious ass no matter how many of them there are.

Proven Fighting Moves is busting at the seams with real world awareness that takes you on a journey into the darkness of a criminals mind so you can stay ten steps ahead of the sick and twisted games they play and it gives you the easiest tactics that stops attackers dead in their tracks even if your fighting more than one person at the same time.

And YES it’ll work for you too.

Otherwise I would have called it I-think-it-might-work-fighting-moves instead of Proven Fighting Moves. Order NOW!.

Power Quote of The Day

“Experience taught me … to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper.”

— Donald Trump

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