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More Life Lessons You Won’t Learn in School

Two weeks ago I met with the owners of a restaurant here in Tampa.

They’d  opened  their doors five months earlier, and business was anything but booming.

It would be easy as well as typical to blame the economy, but I believe you can attain flow, financially and otherwise, in any economy.

Well, one day when I was paying my bill the owner told me that the booths and tables were from the previous owner – who failed in this location.

As I was leaving I told the owner that I’d be back to tell her something in a day or two.

When I returned I met with the owner and her sister and advised them on what they could do to change the flow of energy in the restaurant. I gave them a few principles to follow in terms of flow – and to my delight, began making changes instantly.

They completely trusted what I told them and began at once.

A week ago when I entered the place, I was stunned. I got positive goose bumps all over. The place was flowing with energy that was previously blocked and barricaded.

And since that day, every time I go there, they have more and more customers. Business is starting to boom. Word is beginning to spread. People who used to drive by are suddenly jarred into seeing their place for the very first time. Like a magnet, they are pulled into this restaurant to eat.

This is an example of what I can help someone accomplish who is open, willing to learn and accepting of change.

When someone is willing to learn and change – results come quickly. Sometimes so fast you’re left wondering, where were all these people, all this success, all this prosperity before. This is also an example of someone who wasn’t in FLOW, but quickly got into the Zone by following the suggestions of someone who has been there and done it.

It isn’t lack of knowledge that holds most people back. It’s the inner image and the corresponding feeling that goes along with it.

In a previous email I told you about a physically fit specimen who’s been told all his life that he’s not good enough yet, so guess what? He won’t even begin.

Then there’s a 30-year old man who enrolled in one of my courses several years ago.

He followed what I taught and within short order was easily knocking down six figures. In this course, he learned how to get into flow.

And when he hit six figures he increased his flow to seven figures by making products about what he teaches. Today, he’s a star in his niche.

What’s the biggest difference between the two men?

Physically, the younger man has more going for him. He’s a lean machine with a ton of athletic ability most would scream for.

The other guy was 55 pounds overweight.

But he got started anyway and today he’s not only 55 pounds lighter, he’s seven figures more prosperous.

He accomplished both objectives at the same time by getting into FLOW and starting NOW.

He didn’t wait until he was Mr. Perfect to get moving. Neither did the owners of the restaurant.

The winners began with what they had and amplified it.

This is the same thing I’ll be teaching you at my seminar in Clearwater, Florida in less than 10 days. At present we are 90% full, so there’s still time to enroll if you act immediately.

Make sure you’re there as this event will be a life-changer in ways you cannot yet believe.

“Believe what doesn’t seem possible and you’ll do what others believe incredible.”


Matt Furey

P.S. Expect to Win – Hate to Lose is back. Seize your copy today – or come to my seminar and get yours signed in person.



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