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My Opinion of Michael Phelps

This morning, after my eight-year old son heard the news that Michael Phelps got caught smoking dope – I had some explaining to do.


Because I have framed posters of him in our home. I also have several books about him, including “No Limits” – which I’ve recommended to all my coaching clients.

I also have three of his instructional swimming DVDs and his 2009 calendar. And these arrived last Friday.

I guess you could say I’m a “fan,” eh?

Now, the morning after Frank’s team – the Cardinals – lost in the Super Bowl – one of his favorite sports heroes faltered.

So how do you explain to an eight-year old who has no idea what smoking pot even means, what happened?

It’s a tough one – but I felt this morning gave me an important opportunity to explain to my children that “sooner or later” someone is going to offer dope to you. And when it happens, here is your answer. And here’s why you want to answer it this way.

Not only that, but here’s why people smoke pot – and here’s why what they’re hoping for from the practice doesn’t bring them happiness or peace of mind.

Then I explained that all of us are human – and even those who appear more human than the rest of us humans – are still human. I explained that the average person cannot imagine the focus and discipline that goes into creating an 8x Olympic gold medalist.

At the same time, once removed from the pool and the daly practice of swimming, much less the media hoopla and thrill of winning before the world – well, nothing you do seems to matter much. Nothing gives you that FEELING of being on top of the world.

YET, this FEELING can be recreated on a daily basis in the Theatre of Your Mind – so that you FEEL GREAT all the time, no matter what – so much so that you have no desire for drugs.


Because you’re high on life itself. You’re not simply high because you accomplished something or because you got praise from others.

If you cannot be happy without the praise and the achievements, then what have you really created?

A trap.

Right now Michael Phelps may feel like he’s created a huge world-wide prison for himself. Everything he does is recorded. Nothing is private. Nothing is off-limits.

This truth can be turned into a good thing – but it will take practice.

So I have two recommendations for Michael – and for anyone else who wants peace of mind and happiness – BEFORE and AFTER achieving your dreams and goals.

First, the world famous Zero Resistance Living Program – now available for half-price.

Second, my all NEW Psychic Self-Defense DVD – which will ward off negative influences as well as people who want to drag you down.

Yes, I wish Phelps never touched the stuff. But he did.

Right now I can join those who are laughing at him or condemning him. Or I can understand how he landed in this mess – and lend a helping hand to rise above it.

Anyone who can focus enough to become the greatest Olympian of all times can also turn what has happened into a positive. He can now become an even bigger role model for those who will be faced with the same choices – or who already have made these choices – and feel as if they’ve also failed.

I’m pulling for Michael.

We’re all human. All of us make mistakes. Even very stupid mistakes when everyone else thinks we “should” know better.

Yet, all of us are capable of rising above those mistakes and becoming MORE than we ever thought we could be – or would be.

What smart choice are you going to make for yourself, starting today?

Matt Furey

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