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My Visit to Shaolin Temple Today

Last time I wrote you I think I told you about the

pompous tour guide my brother-in-law hired

four years ago to show us the Shaolin Temple

in Henan province, China.

As soon as I met the guide my entire being

had an adverse reaction. Maybe it was the

fact that the lenses on his glasses were so

dirty I wondered if they’d ever been cleaned.

Maybe it was the fact that he had bad breath.

Or that he smelled of cigarette smoke.

But no, it wasn’t that. It was that twisted

smirky ass “I know something you don’t

attitude” that you used to get, years ago,

whenever you visited an Apple store to

ask computer or software related questions.

Naturally, there were many, many things

about the first trip that I treasured – but

one thing stuck in my craw and it wasn’t

expunged until this afternoon.

In short, the prick told me, after we

visited the Shaolin Temple grounds,

that we could NOT go to the cave

where Bodhidharma, the founder of

Shaolin kung fu, meditated for nine


In fact, he meditated so long in this

cave, and with such power, that his

impression was left on the cave wall


So naturally, being I am a connoisseur

of energy transmission, going to this

cave was supposed to be the most

important part of my trip to Songshan

mountain, where the Shaolin Temple


What irritated me most was the fact that

my brother-in-law agreed with the jerk

when he said it would take three or four

days to climb the mountain. I knew this

had to be a whopper of the greatest order –

so I began to argue and point in the direction

of the mountain.

I got nowhere with my statements, and I grew

even angrier when my brother-in-law told me

I MUST tip the guide. When I refused he gave

me his “Face, Face” – speech – telling me that

we may need the guide again sometime.

Oh, no. You mean you want to bring him into

my life a second time.

Four years later – time has healed the wounds

from the past.

I must admit, however, that this morning I played

out a great act in the Theatre of my Mind.

I pictured meeting the same tour guide at the

Temple – and he happened to be with a couple

of Americans. I said hello to the guide like we

were old friends. Then I talked to the Americans

in front of the guide.

“Isn’t this great. It’s a dream come true being able

to visit the Shaolin Temple, eh.”

“Oh yes, we’re so happy to be here.”

“I know. This is my second visit. Are you planning to

go to the cave on the mountain where Bodhidharma

meditated for nine straight years.”

“Yes, we were interested in going there. Have you been


“Well, I wanted to LAST time but I had a guide that told

me I would need three or four days to get to the top

of THAT mountain (I turn and point.”

“You’re kidding me. He said THAT.”

“I know. What a LIAR he was, huh. It’s very common in

China. Some tour guides just want to give the laziest

service so they get their dough and go home early.

So make sure you let your guide know you want to

go there. If he gives you a line, fire him. And make

sure you do NOT tip him at all.”

At this point my former tour guide is turning red in

the face – doing his best to pretend he’s playing

poker. I turn to him and wink. Then I say, “Enjoy

your journey.”

Well, I didn’t get to act this one out today – but I

did hike the mountain to the Da Mo Dong. It was a

4 Km hike – and quite steep.

It took less than an hour to get to the top – and my

brother-in-law – long since forgiven for his error –

took tons of photos of me in the cave, outside the

cave – as well as at the very top of the mountain.

In fact, he took plenty of pictures outside the temple,

inside the temple grounds – and all along the trail.

What a blessed day.

And what a wonderful time to affirm, once more:

Never give up on your dreams. Persist until you succeed.

If you get knocked down, keep getting up. The person

who continues to get up after each knockdown can

never be defeated.

And with all this in mind, let me say that I am extending

the half-off special once again, as a way of celebrating

my trip to Boddhidharma’s cave.

Go to http://mattfurey.com/giant_buddha_says.html

and order NOW.

Matt Furey

Zen Master of the Internet

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