I recently received an email from a man who wants to know if my
fitness program will work for him. Normally I would simply say ‘yes’ –
yet today I have a different response that may surprise you.
Here’s the letter – followed by my comments:
Dear Mr. Furey,
I have been receiving your emails for sometime now and I can’t believe
I am writing to you. I am 42, out of shape, with high blood pressure. My
dad just had a heart attack at the age of 67. He also was diagnosed with
I am sure you have had this question before, but I will just lay it out.
Are your programs right for a ‘fat old man’. That is certainly how I
feel about myself. I know it is time to do something, but I am scared.
Scared of failing, scared of loosing motivation. I am also scared of
dying early from my own laziness.
You are outspoken. Please take a moment and give me your input.
I would greatly appreciate the guidance and insight.
Tucson, Arizona
M.F. Dave, thanks so much for writing and for laying it on the line
in regard to your current thoughts and feelings. My answer to your
questions is simple: Who is asking? The person you have described,
the 42-year old fat man, as well as the man who is afraid of failing,
losing motivation and dying – all wrapped up in one – is NOT the
REAL YOU. There is a stranger within you that you need to make
friends with; a stranger who KNOWS you can succeed; a stranger
who loves you, cares for you and will do whatever it takes for you
to rise above these fears, phobias and current conditions.
I suggest you begin speaking from the part of you that is confident,
courageous and filled with the desire to make something of yourself.
In the past you have succeeded in many, many things. You need to
spend time recalling your past successes instead of dwelling on your
fears and failures. You need to picture what it is that you want – not
what you fear.
If you will do this, I am sure you will succeed. My fitness program may
not be right for you – but I’m betting it is. If you really want to succeed,
I suggest giving yourself every chance for success by enrolling in the
Matt Furey Inner Circle – http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html
I also suggest you become a member of my Psycho-Cybernetics Success
Group – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html
Here’s why: Earlier today I read the following from a man who is
both an MFIC member and P-C member. He wrote this on the Matt Furey
Inner Circle discussion board in reply to another man’s question. Please
read what this man had to say and be inspired:
Subject: You gotta start with the inner you
Message: David, First place to begin is with your self image. Until you change
the way you see yourself (your inner self…the real you), you won’t make a
permenant change. I speak this from experience. Where I suggest to start is
the psycho-cybernetics success group. I’ve been struggling with many obstacles
for the past 4-6 years. And for a quick over view, my life was on a dramatic
rollercoaster. A ride that consisted of drugs and alcohol.
I’ve worked out sparaically during these years as a way to rid myself of these
two major headaches. Didn’t work. I joined the success group in the beginning
of November. Not really sure why I joined up, but I did. At the time I was suffering
from a really terrible addiction. One that people say you never get over. One that
I swore to never try…crack.
Well when I started receiving the newsletters and Cd’s, I decided to attempt to try
and change my inner self. During this time, I was open to new ideas. Ideas of how
to improve my life. And by opening myself up to a positive change, the rollercoaster
life I was living came to a halt. The group is what shook me, and put me back on
my feet. Since then, I’ve became 10x the person whom I used to be. I’m not giving
the success group 100% credit for my change (I’ve been clean since November, the
only time during these past 4-6 years that I’ve accomplished this, and I am not looking
back), but I will say its helped me become who I’ve wanted to be.
You can do everything in the world to get fit, look good, loose weight, etc. But if
you don’t change the way you see yourself through your own eyes, you’ll never
be satisfied. And that leads to the rollercoaster ride over and over. You know,
before I was afraid to tell people I used to smoke crack. I was always in fear
that I’d fall like I have in the past. But not now, I’m proud that I’ve overcome
one of the largest obstacles in my life. And I am proud to tell about it.
Good luck David, you have just took the first step in surrounding yourself with
top notch people who are looking forward to helping you along the way.
I think Jared just showed you the path to take, Dave. The rest is up to you.
Kick butt – take names,
P.S. Don’t forget about my February ‘Secret of Secrets’ Fitness Seminar. It’s
filling up fast. At this event I’m going to introduce you to the REAL YOU – Your
BIG SELF. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html and
enroll NOW.