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Reverse the Flow NOW

Located within your brain is a mechanism that you feed instructions to everyday, whether you realize it or not. Feed this mechanism success instructions and it grows so big you naturally begin to attract what you desire.

On the other hand, feed this mechanism failure messages – or allow others to feed it (with your consent, of course), and you get what you don’t want.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz referred to this mechanism as your Servo-Mechanism. Essentially, your brain doesn’t care whether you give it “success” instructions or failure instructions. Whatever you feed it the most is what you are drawn to… as well as what is drawn to you – and it’s all based upon the physics of how you vibrate.

You think therefore you vibrate.

Whatever is in harmony with how you vibrate is what you pay attention to and attract.

Simple as that.

Now, when a person figures out that his vibration is off, he can go to work on changing it by changing what he thinks about.

The problem is that most people are unconscious of what they are thinking about most of the time. Or, when they are, they’re so used to ‘the familiar’ that it is often scary to think the opposite, even though the opposite is far better for you.

The person starts to picture what he really wants… and guess what – the image terrifies him.

Oh my, I might actually get what I want. Oh my. Then what will I do?

Strange but true.

Thoughts of being fit and healthy are far better than thoughts about ill-health, overweight and disease. Mental images of prosperity and abundance are better than pictures of poverty and lack. And so on.

So, how do you reverse the flow?

And how do you go about making a shift to the positive sort of life you want to live?

Well, for starters, you stop fighting the negative images.

There’s a Zen koan, “How do you escape from hot and cold?”

Good question, isn’t it?

Everywhere you go there is hot and cold.

Everywhere you go there is positive and negative, rich and poor.

So how do you escape them? Or can you?

Truth is, you CAN, but only if you do like Einstein and realize that you cannot solve a problem on the same level that it was created.

You take your SELF to a new level – then, instead of focusing on the problem – you focus on what you want and how to create what you want.

Okay, so how do you take your SELF to a new level? The answer is so simple you may think I’m joking. I assure you I am not.

You go to another level via deep breathing – or what I like to call my Zen Master Deep Breathing Exercises – which I’ll be teaching at my seminar on November 4-5, in Clearwater, Florida.

Essentially, you inhale the good and exhale the negative. Then, after doing this for a spell, you naturally begin to vibrate at a different level.

And, once at this level – you take a sneak peek and begin to preview all the coming attractions.

Key thing is that you do NOT take sneak peeks when you are NOT vibrating at a higher level. To do so keeps you stuck where you are.

After you reverse the energetic flow, which takes about 15 minutes (or less), you get into a state of cybernetic flow.

Everything seems to go your way. Luck becomes common place. You get healthier, wealthier and happier.

How do you get the ball rolling?

Well, you just begin, on your own and do it as best you can. Or, if you want to get the ball rolling a lot faster, you go meet someone who knows and receive “the transmission.”

At my seminar in November, I will not simply be teaching a course on how to succeed.

What I teach is much more profound than that.

I show you how to get your life into a magnificent state of flow, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s a far greater and much more valuable gift.


Matt Furey

P.S. Enroll in The Flow Seminar NOW as the fee increases with each passing day – and no, this is not a marketing ploy.
It’s a reality.

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