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Staying Up Late

Didn’t get to bed until after 3 – as I’m working to get ready for my forthcoming seminar on Internet Marketing, which I’m happy to report is SOLD OUT.

One of the good things about owning my own Internet business is that I can go to bed when I want and get up when I so choose. This morning, for example, I got up at 11:17. And so, despite hitting the hay late in the day – I can make up for it. If I wasn’t able to sleep in, now that would be a disaster. Have no desire for sleepless nights, tossing and turning, getting up tired and going to bed tired.

One of the main reasons I’m telling you this is because there are several things we tend to do during the day, and while we’re doing them we are in what is called a “highly programmable” mental state.

This means that, when we’re in such a mental state, we must be vigilant about what we’re thinking, what we’re picturing in our mind’s eye, what we’re feeling and so on. Most people program their minds in the wrong manner – and they do so each and every day, without realizing it. Part of the reason why most people do this is because no one ever told them that what they’re doing is a mistake – and a HUGE one at that. No one ever told these people that this major error leads to the living a lousy life.

So leave it to Fure-cat to break the news to you.

Here’s what not to do: Before going to bed, regardless of the hour, you do NOT say things to yourself like, “I’m tired. I’m sooooo tired. It’s late. I haven’t had much sleep. When I get up tomorrow I’m going to be wiped out.”

Remember once again, just before falling asleep is a “highly programmable” state – so instead of thinking tired thoughts – which literally program you to wake up tired – you want to think different. Here’s an example of a different and more powerful approach:

Before bed think: “It’s time for me to go to bed. I’m feeling very relaxed right now. While I sleep I’m going to recharge. And I’m going to wake up a NEW MAN (or WOMAN – er, without a sex change, eh?). I’m going to have a ton of energy and I’m going to get everything done I’m planning on doing.”

If you think this way before bed, I can assure you that the very first time you implement this suggestion you will wake up feeling much better than you normally do.

I use a similar method when flying the friendly skies – and that’s part of the reason I experience ZERO JET LAG! I can fly to China, undergo a 13-hour time-change – get off the plane and immediately morph right into the new time zone. And I do this whether I got any sleep on the plane or not. (Oftentimes I only get an hour or two of sleep while flying overseas).

Taking charge of your mental pictures and the words you use may seem like a lot of work – yet, it’s far easier than you think if you have the right guidance. I prefer the teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz’ – author of the 30 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics. His advanced work is absolutely out of sight. It’s called Zero Resistance Living. I highly recommend it and use the technology every day of my life.

Right now you can get Zero Resistance Living for less than 400 smackers – but it’s so effective than I’m going to more than double the price very soon. So I’d jump on it while it’s still at a bargain basement low amount – unless of course you’re one of those people who won’t buy something unless it’s at a high price point (and yes, those people DO exist, I know a lot of them).

Kick ass-take names!

Matt Furey


P.S. Did you know that this whole blogging thing is nothing new. I started doing it back in 1997, long before it was called blogging. I went to email in the year 2000, and that has served me well. At present I’m doing a combination. Why? Stay tuned.

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