We often think of success as winning the big game,
getting the promotion, making a ton of money, and
so on.
Yet, success is much more than winning.
Success is about rising above mistakes, failures, hardships,
heart aches, setbacks and pain.
Success is about pursuing what truly matters to you when
others think you’re a fool.
Success is about staying the course and coming out on top
AFTER others have doubted you, told you that you cannot
make it, that you’ll never succeed.
Success is about raising the volume of the Inner Voice that
believes in you and knows you can win – and lowering the
volume on the “no can do” voice that only knows failure.
Success is about creating a bright vision that places your heart
in flames of fire. Success is about feeling, deep down in your gut
that you are on the right course – even if it is difficult. It is
about sticking with your objective even when times are tough.
Success is about moving away from a zone of comfort and into
a zone where time doesn’t exist.
Success is more about the journey of becoming than the fulfillment
of a goal. Success is understanding that after you accomplish a goal,
your brain looks for another and if you don’t give it one, peace of mind
ceases to exist.
Success is about figuring out a way to win by rising above circumstances.
Today, you are a success when you decide to be BIGGER than your problems,
heartaches and mistakes; when you figure out a way to bring your BIG SELF
into the picture and have him guide you where you want to go.
Do this and you are a success long before you win the prize.
P.S. Last week I spent six days coaching people – in private as well as in
a group format – and what a thrill it is to see so many people with goals
and aspirations – getting off their duffs and doing whatever it takes to
win. Yet, once again, long before the victory takes place, these men and
women are winners because they’re on the journey. They’re going for it.
Are you? Whether the answer is yes or no doesn’t matter because I can
put rocket fuel in your craft. I can help launch you to places and “parts
unknown.” Being part of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group will help
you in a big, BIG way. I absolutely guarantee it. Let me be your mentor.