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The First MasterMind Alliance

“The Mastermind may be defined as: ‘Coordination of

knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between

two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.’ ”

Napoleon Hill – from original and unabridged Think and Grow Rich

I often tell my students that the first MasterMind alliance begins in the

home. It is between husband and wife. If you don’t have harmonious

cooperation from your spouse, it will be much more difficult for you

to become successful.

When it comes to the subject of business and finances, my wife and

I share the same values and beliefs. Hence, we never fight about

muney. And when we did – back in the distant past – we never

had any.

It wasn’t until BOTH of us aligned ourselves harmoniously on the

subject that our financial lives changed.

It is very helpful to be mentored by someone who has already

achieved success in his chosen field. But it is NOT necessary

that everyone who learns from the teacher be at the same

level of success.

When put into a group of like-minded people who share a

common aim, people will rise to higher levels of success than

ever before – provided they work together in harmony.

Power plays, bigshot-itis, attitudes of “I’m better than YOU”

are not examples of working in harmony with others.

Not only that, but success is not to be measured only in terms

of one’s finances. Those who measure success by muney alone

are sad.

Last week, in my seminar and coaching programs, I repeatedly

stated that “happiness” is the number one goal in life. And if all

your thoughts and aims are directed toward happiness, this will

lead to far more success than you can currently imagine.

Yet, most people have it backwards. They think the thing they

are pursuing is going to bring them happiness. It cannot.

The person who accumulates a fortune but has no happiness

is a spiritual and psychological pauper. This is why it is

important to be mentored by those who are happy – not just

those who have accumulated fortunes.

This year has been an interesting one. It’s been a year in which

I’ve watched people whose primary objective has nothing to do

with happiness or peace of mind – fall out of my life.

In each and every case, I have looked at the people who have

departed, and I see faces racked with pain. I see people who

desperately want the thing they’re chasing to bring them joy

– but it can’t.

Happiness doesn’t come from the outside-in – it comes from

the inside-out.

This past Monday, in the Psycho-Cybernetics coaching group,

I saw dozens of men and women drop decades of emotional

anguish. I saw smiles and laughter restored to those who suffered

wounds long ago. I saw people come to understand that you don’t

even need a reason for happiness. You have it because you desire it –

no other reason is necessary.

I also saw two people enter the room and leave with no visible

change. Perhaps a seed was planted internally and it needs time

to grow. I cannot say for sure.

Some people resist the very thing that is designed to give them

all they’ve ever wanted.

In my opening remarks I said:

“If your primary goal in life is only about muney, then you will be

repelled by what I have to say – and who I am. If your goal is

happiness, you’ll stick around because you’re getting what you

want. And strangely enough, the happier you are – the easier it

will be for you to attract muney.”

Matthew Furey


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