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The Force Behind Your Habits

This morning I woke up at five-thirty, looked over my

goals – then took out a book to read.

At six o’clock I looked out the window to witness a

familiar site. No, it wasn’t the sun dawning on a new

day. It was the 40+ years young lady practicing tai chi

in the park 25 floors below me.

She’s there every morning at six – and she trains without

ceasing until eight. When she begins – she is all by herself,

but she is not lonely – nor is she alone. She trains with an internal

guide – an observer who watches, critiques and analyzes her

every move – driving her to become MORE than she is right


This woman’s mind is activated toward the positive. And her

daily practice is an example of the power of cosmic habit

force – a term made popular years ago by Napoleon Hill.

Each and every one of us is a creature of cosmic habit force.

We’re either using it in a positive way – or we’re not. Getting

up early to exercise is doing something positive that can benefit

every area of our lives. On the other hand, getting out of bed and

reaching for a smoke and a bottle of booze – that’s an example of

cosmic habit force taken to the negative extreme that we call


Being compelled by a positive habit force is good. Being and addict

is not.

The key thing to remember is that both good and bad habits begin

with a single repetition. And in most cases, neither habit is truly

enjoyed at first.

The first day this lady got up early to practice tai chi – she probably

did so with moans and groans. But now she does so with joy and it

radiates from her with every movement she makes. She makes a

daily choice to continue on this path, and it serves her well. At this

point in her life, it would be difficult to not get up and practice. She

has the habit – and the force of the habit has her.

Whenever you see a successful person – take note of his or her

habits. He didn’t begin with positive habits. They were learned.

They were repeated over and over until the habit took hold and

little if any thought about ‘should I or shouldn’t I?’ takes place.

No matter what you want to accomplish in life, you can do so when

you know the thoughts behind others who have succeeded before

you – as well as the daily habits these people followed. And the

good news is that if you think the same way and do the same sort

of things, you’ll reap similar rewards.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz noted that it takes 21 days for a new habit to begin

to take hold. The same goes for the creation of a more powerful

self-image. If you spend time each day rearranging the furniture

in your own mind – putting yourself on the winner’s track – within a

few weeks you won’t want to go back to your previous thinking and

behavior. You will become accustomed to the NEW YOU – the person

with more empowering thoughts, beliefs and habits.

Think of a new, positive habit you’d like to form. See yourself engaged

in that habit – then follow through with action. Do this every day without

fail for 21 days and you’ll have changed your life.

It doesn’t take much to change – but it does require a decision to be

more than you are right now.

What is it you’d like to do? Picture it – then do it. Today.


Matt Furey

P.S. Launch your positive habits into the stratosphere by strengthening

your self-image via the most powerful mental imagery exercises on the

planet. Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html to

discover more.

P.P.S. At my October seminar, The Science of Super-Human Marketing,

I’m going to show you how to take an idea, build it your own mind and

via positive cosmic habit force, turn it into a fortune. Learn how

by going to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

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