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The Goal Dan Gable Never Achieved

From my journal:

Dan Gable achieved his goals of becoming a state,

national, world and Olympic champion – as well as

an NCAA, world and Olympic coach.

But he never achieved the biggest goal he set for himself:


Bigger than winning Olympic Gold – was Gable’s desire

to KNOW he gave it everything he had in pursuit of his

goal – and that there was nothing more he could have

done to make it come true.

How many people are willing to give everything they’ve

got, physically and mentally, to make their goals become

reality. Are you.

Matthew Furey


Note: Here’s something I received yesterday from a lady

using my Dao Zou training program –


Hello Matthew!

I started your Dao Zou program yesterday.

I walked to a park that’s just across the street from my

home after I dropped my son off at school and unsurprisingly

there were a few elderly Asian people doing what I think was

some form of Tai Chi and others walking laps around the park.

I just picked a place in the middle of the field and got started.

Within a few minutes I realized that this was no ordinary walking.

It gave me almost instant perspective. It made things that seemed

so tall and big like the trees and the surrounding houses seem so

small relative to the great expanse of the sky. It also helped me to

see how limited I have allowed my thinking to be.

A half an hour later, I was a different person. “Sliding through life”

as you say.

I had a question for you: when doing breathing exercises and even

with the Dao Zou you give instructions to place the tip of the tongue

to the roof of the mouth. I was wondering if you could share or

elaborate more on what the purpose of that is.


MJF: Jenny, the short answer for placing tongue on palate is to connect

the governing and conception channels of the body. Doing so creates

an electrical charge that awakens your body/mind at a whole new

level. Keep me posted on your progress.

To order the Dao Zou program go to http://mattfurey.com/dao_zou.html

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