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The Unsung Hero of Exercise

Virtually anyone can do it. So it’s easily taken for granted. Even pooh-poohed by some in today’s gadgetized fitness world.

But if you do it everyday – especially after your evening meal – the Chinese believe you’ll extend your life – perhaps to 100 years or more.

What is this unsung hero of exercise?

It’s walking.

Yes, walking. Traveling by foot for 30-90 minutes per day while observing your breathing and clearing your mind of cobwebs.

Chances are excellent that in your earlier years, you walked everyday to and from school. You didn’t even think of it as exercise. It was nothing more than a practical form of transportation.

Today, many people in our country only walk when going to their refrigerator. I say ‘going to’ because some people are so lazy they don’t immediately grab something and return to their original catatonic state before the idiot box.

A few weeks ago a man told me that his 13-year old daughter, who weighs 175 pounds, is so lazy she opens the refrigerator and begins to eat while standing. She doesn’t even close the door while she eats.

I told him, “If she’s 175 pounds at 13, she’s going to be 275 pounds by 18 if you don’t help her change her ways.”

He agreed. But he’s never home and his wife “LOVES” her daughter so much she cannot say no to her over-eating.

Excuse me, sir, but that isn’t “love.” That’s neglect.

Best thing you can do for a modern day couch whale is take him or her for a long walk – every single day. Not a three-times-per-week routine. DAILY TRAINING.

We live in a like-father-like-son, like-mother-like-daughter world. If the parent doesn’t set a good example, don’t expect the kid to figure it out on his or her own.

Yesterday my 4-year old began her day with a walk on the beach with her grandmother, who is from China. When she returned I had her do Whirling Dervishes, Hindu squats, Hindu pushups, Tablemakers, leg lifts and reverse pushups.

21 repetitions of each exercise.

All the exercises straight out of Combat Conditioning which families would be wise to use together. Especially right now, when you receive five highly-prized free gifts with your order.

Now, to be fair, I also grabbed my son, who is 8, and had him do similar exercises – some from Combat Conditioning – some from Combat Abs. Then, as a family we walked to a restaurant for brunch. After brunch we walked to the beach – and kept walking for a good hour.

And this, my friend, is how it was originally done all over Asia – and is still done by many today.

Walking is part of your daily routine. It’s exercise – but it’s also something you “just do.” It’s an unsung hero.

You walk to and from your tai chi, yoga or body weight exercises class. You walk to eat and then you walk home. You walk to work – and return home the same way.

No, I’m not saying you should make a 20-mile commute on foot each day. Or a 10-mile walk to the gym.

What I am saying is that you’ll increase the odds of living longer if you find time each day to walk. Do Combat Conditioning, Combat Abs or any of my other best-selling programs – but don’t forget to walk.

Matt Furey

P.S. Make sure you claim your 5 Free Gifts by grabbing a copy of my international best-selling couch-breaker, Combat Conditioning.

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