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I haven’t been able to get this out of my mind – and

frankly, that’s because I don’t want to.

Two days ago I was in a magazine shop, grabbing a pile

of periodicals to leaf through. One that caught my attention

was TRUMP. As you can imagine, the name was in BIG,

BOLD print.

Yet, beneath the name was a slogan – “THINK BIG – LIVE


With a slogan like that, how could I refuse. Without even

looking at the contents of the magazine, I bought. It’s

still sitting in the front seat of my HUMMER. I still haven’t

opened the magazine to read it. And I’ve already gotten

FAR more in benefits than wait I paid for the issue.


Because of the slogan – “THINK BIG – LIVE LARGE.”

I wake up in the morning saying this to myelf. I repeat it

aloud to my daughter and son.

Naturally my son asked, “What does that mean?”

“It means that most people think too small. And they live too

small. They don’t believe in themselves enough. They don’t

even bother to make deliberate choices on what they want

out of life. They simply follow the followers.”

A bit later in our conversation I said, “There’s MAGIC in thinking

BIG. When you think big you have more energy. And I believe you

have more chance of success, not less. When you think small, you

don’t get much energy and there’s not as much magic. So THINK

BIG. Whatever you want to do in life, think of being the best. Think

of giving it all you’ve got.”

What a message to send my son off to school.


Tis a LOT of food for thought – don’t you think?

Today, whenever a problem, worry or concern arises, ask yourself if

you’re thinking BIG enough. Ask yourself if there is a different way to

approach the same idea; a way that would bring magic into the


Each and every day, think about continually expanding your self-image.

Think upon the things you want to do, be and have. And don’t let anyone

stand in your way when you pursue those ambitions. Not even YOU.

Matt Furey

P.S. Those who really want to expand their thinking and their reality are

members of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group. Enroll now and get

my Moby Dick (Think like a whale) Meditation as a gift. This one CD will

change the way you think about life and the choices you can make forever.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html and enroll


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