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What’s Bad for Your Back

For many people, lower back pain is quickly eliminated

with the KING of exercises.

I teach it in Combat Conditioning. It’s call the bridge. And

it’s the very thing, incidentally, that many ignorant health

professionals will advise you NOT to do. No small wonder when

they get paid for what they advise or do, eh. Yet there are plenty

of health care pros who advocate the bridge as I teach it.

Why. Because they’re smart enough and open-minded enough

to truly take a look at how incredible it truly is.

In many cases, people who have had back pain for a

decade or more, have eliminated the pain in a week or

two just by doing the bridge.

The bridge increases strength and flexibility in the entire

spine – everything from the tailbone to the top of your

head. It turns on the electrical switch inside your body

to energize you. And it improves the functioning of all

your internal organs – especially your digestion.

On top of that, the bridge strengthens your hips, legs,

buttocks, spinal erectors, abs, neck – and so on.

Tis why it is the KING.

Yes, it is NOT for some – there are people who are already

so beat up they cannot and should not do it.. But the grand

majority of the population CAN and should do the bridge.

Likewise, they should stop doing the very things that hurt

the back.

What are the things that harm the back and spine. Well, there

are many. But today I’ll give you five.

5 Things That Hurt Your Back

1. Doing deadlifts – worst exercise for the back ever invented.

Muy horible as they say in Espanol.

2. Heavy barbell squats – most injuries are NOT to the knees

from heavy squats. It’s the lower back that suffers.

3. Bad mattress – this is a huge problem for many. Where

you spend 8-10 hours per day is an important investments.

Don’t skimp in this area. Get a good mattress.

4. Too much sitting – Sitting on your rumpus for hours per

day is rough on your lower back. You must counter this

with exercise. Daily exercise.

5. Financial fears and insecurity – I’ll have to do a report on

this in el futoro – but your emotional world does effect your

physical – and if you’re continually living in terror of losing

monee – chances are you also experience lower back pain.

Look at the list above and if you have back pain – stop doing

all of the things that are harming you – and BEGIN doing

what will repair, rejuvenate and resurrect the power lying

within you.

Well, my friend, that’s all for now.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Be sure to find out how you can get my international best-seller,

Combat Conditioning, as well as several of my other life-changing

products, including CD’s on how to lose weight, for almost nuthin.

To find out more go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

P.S.S. This email – as well as all my others – are written stream-of-

consciousness, without correction. Naturally this will lead to typos

and misspellings at times – if not often. From time to time I receive

a long email from a spell-correction fanatic – otherwise known as

an editor – saying that he’ll be glad to ‘edit’ my emails in exchange

for a copy of my book. This leaves me thinking, if you have THAT

much time to write me an email, as well as to correct my typos,

HOW good of an editor can you be. Good editors shouldn’t have

time to lend their services for nuthin. Use your spare time to

find real paying clients. I ain’t a gonna be one of them – not now –

not never. In the same vein as Sir Winston Churchill – who once

received a speech he was to give to a graduating class, back

with grammatical corrections – he responded to the young college

buckeroo by saying, ‘Young man, you leave my speech uncorrected,

as is. This is the sort of criticism up with which I will not put.’

Well said, Sir Winston.

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