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What’s Getting in Your Way

Yesterday I wrote the following in my journal:

“There is nothing getting in the way of what I have to

do today.”

I wrote the following after noticing another mental

picture running around in my brain – and it wasn’t one

I wanted.

Here’s the full story:

On Tuesday I flew to Manhattan for a check-up on my

eye. On board the plane I outlined several things I was

going to write while in New York – including two new

chapters for a book.

When I got to my hotel and turned on my computer, an

assembly line of messages came my way – all of them

URGENT – screaming for my immediate attention.

And all of them could have waited or been ignored. I

know this for a fact after spending a month resting

to let my eye heal. Yet now that I am able to move

and get things done – I allowed myself to get sucked

into other peoples’ funnel clouds.

Two days later, when I boarded the plane to go home,

I had not written a single chapter.

Naturally I had a great excuse. I heard myself saying

it silently to myself. It goes like this:

“I would have gotten my writing done but things kept

getting in my way.”

Aha – you little devil. I caught you.

Would I take this excuse seriously from a coaching client.

Would I listen to the person who says, “I would have been

there but I had to … ”

99% of the time, no.

Yes, sometimes there are valid reasons. A new baby being

born. Death in the family. Emergency surgery. But almost

everything else is pure hogwash.

If you want to be there, you’ll be there and if you’re not there –

it’s because you formed mental images ahead of time that

led you to “an excuse” that you feel justifies your decision.

And the same goes with those two chapters. If I really wanted

to have them done, they’d be done. I would have told all the others:

“Listen, you don’t spring things on me last minute, with

no prior warning – and expect me to make it MY crisis.

Show a little respect for my time.”

I didn’t do that – but today I have another chance and I know

this won’t happen again. By Monday those two new chapters

will be done.

How do I know. I know because I’ve taken the time to consciously

analyze the situation, what I did wrong – and what I’ll do right next


I’ve also found the mental picture that was making

it “okay” to slack on what is most important to me.

What I have described is an example of finding out where you

have resistance to your own success – and making a decision

to remove it.

At every level of accomplishment there will be layers of resistance

you’ll want to remove. But the resistance isn’t on the outside. The

resistance is on the inside.

Yes, it will appear on the outside in the form of six million urgent

things to be done – but they only appear urgent because you’re

allowing them to occupy space in your mind.

If you change your mental picture from one of “things getting in the

way” to one of “nothing is in my way” – you’ll be astounded at how

quickly your excuses die a sudden death. You’ll be amazed to feel

what Zero Resistance Living truly is.

The reason I know what to do when I see a negative image is simple.

I own Zero Resistance Living – and I use it daily. If you want this same

power to change your results rapidly, then make sure you get a copy

of it NOW – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html

The alternative: Continue picturing what you’ve always pictured – and

keep getting the same results.


Matthew Furey

P.S. I recognize that some of you want to attend my October seminar on

Zero Resistance Internet Marketing – but you’re afraid of taking a risk.

So here’s what I’m going to do for the next 48 hours only.

I’m going to let you come check me out for the first night of my seminar

for only $1.00. And if you’re not convinced after hearing me speak for

three hours – that I’m the real deal and what I teach is worth everything

I’m charging, then you’re free to leave – and if you want, I’ll even pay your

coach airfare home. So you have absolutely nothing to lose. All risk is on ME.

I have removed all resistance. There is nothing standing in your way – nothing

keeping you from saying “YES.”

Enroll now at http://www.knockoutmarketing.com/1buck.html

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