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Why Car Accidents Happen

Last weekend, after taking one of my Zen walks

along the beach, I dropped into a restaurant that

serves gyros. This particular place serves them

better than most – in part because they’re 90%

lamb and 10% beef.

As I entered the restaurant, a Russian lady greeted

me, took my order (double-meat – no bread) and

prepared my meal.

Her name is Anya. She’s 21 with sparkling eyes – and

a round, plumpish figure. She tells me she’s a vegetarian.

I tell her she’s eating too much bread. We hit it off


“Sir, may I sit with you while you eat?” she asks.

“Sure, have a seat,” I reply.

“Sir, I must ask you. You always have time to go

where you want and do what you want. What do you

do for work?”

“I don’t work,” I say.

“Sir, if you don’t work, then how do you drive the HUMMER

I always see you in?”

“Oh, well, I earned the money for it doing what I love to do –

and in my book, that ain’t work.”

“Sir, what can I do to make more money. I come here two

years now and I like it, but I don’t want to spend my life

making pizza. I want to use my talents but I cannot find anyone

who will believe in me.”

“You don’t need anyone to believe in you. First, you believe in

yourself. When you believe in yourself, and I mean REALLY

believe in yourself, you will attract others who will believe in


“But sir, last month my boss here fired me. For one week I had

no job. I didn’t know what to do. I had no money.”

“I understand,” I said.

“And what’s worse, I got in a car accident.”

“Have any idea why that might have happened?” I asked.

“Well, sir, I didn’t just get into ONE. I had TWO. In one

week. It was horrible.”


“What do you mean – BINGO, sir?”

“If you only had one car accident – maybe we

could say you had a bad day. But when you have two

in one week, or even in one year, I can assure you

there is more to the equation.”

“Sir, what do you mean?”

“Two car accidents in a week means your emotional

world is seriously out of balance. You’re either angry or

feeling guilty about something – or full of fear – and all

of that emotional baggage can play itself out in disastrous

ways. Not ALWAYS. But much of the time.”

“You know sir, when I got fired, I was very angry.”

“I’m sure you were.”

“So what should I do?”

“I will bring you a book next time I see you. It’s called

Psycho-Cybernetics. If you will read it and apply what

it teaches, you will know what to do.”

“What will it teach me?”

“It will teach you how to RISE above your problems. It

will teach you how to picture yourself at your best – and

how doing this will build your confidence and begin attracting

to you what you want. When bad things begin happening to

you – you easily attract more bad things. I think you’ve

experienced that, haven’t you?”


“The same goes for good. When good starts flowing into your

life, you attract more good.”

“So how do I get more good to flow to me?”

“You already have it – but you’re not focused on it. You’re focused

instead, on what you think is bad. I came in here today and all

you tell me about are your problems. Not enough money. Got

fired. Two car accidents in one week.”

“But these things really happened to me,” she said.

“I know. At the same time, a lot of OTHER very good things happened

to you.”

“Like what?”

“Like you got your job back. Here you’re still pouting about getting fired –

yet the truth is you got re-hired.”

“That’s true.”

“And what about the fact that you didn’t die in your accidents. You weren’t

hospitalized. You still have a roof over your head – and plenty of pizza to


This got a laugh.

“Think of all the times you’ve acted confidently, with courage. Think of all

the knowledge you have. Think of your friends. Think of how you live

near the beach and can go for a walk on the sand each day as the

ocean laps at your feet and a cool breeze massages your face. Think of

what you have to be grateful for.”

“So this book will teach me this?”

“That and a whole lot more. Key thing to remember is that YOU are bigger

than your problems. You rise above them by being BIGGER than them – not

by feeling small or acting small.”

I finished my meal and left.

Minutes later, as I was walking along the street, I recalled that I was in this

young woman’s shoes once, too. I got into accidents when I was angry, I

struggled with money; I thought only about the things in my life that I didn’t


Then, gradually, bit by bit, I began to activate the success mechanism within.

As I did this my life began to FEEL better. And as it felt better I had

better experiences. When I focused on and gave thanks for the good flowing my

way – more good things came my way.

Yes, there were and are negatives in the air, too – yet it’s not my job to focus

on them. My job, if there is one, is to focus on what I love and create more of it.

In the advanced course on Psycho-Cybernetics – you’ll find out much more on how

to make your life the masterpiece it was meant to be. Discover more by going to



Matt Furey

P.S. Still have some seats left in my October seminar, wherein I’ll show you the

fastest, smartest way to make a fortune without ever feeling like you have a JOB.

Make what you love to do your job – and it’ll never feel like one. Learn how by

going to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

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