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Why You Must Relax Before Visualizing

In order to get the absolute most out of the

time you spend in the Playhouse of Your Mind,

it is imperative that you learn to relax, physically

and mentally.

Why is this.

Because a mind that is filled with stress cannot

easily absorb a new idea.

The good news is that regardless of how much

stress you currently feel, you can learn to relax

very quickly. Regardless of how much of yesterday

you are carrying into today, you can get yourself

to emotionally deflate within seconds.

One of the fastest ways is to pay attention to your

breathing. Watch yourself breathe. Inhale deeply.

Pay attention to the air filling your lungs. Exhale

deeply. Feel the old energy leaving your body.

After a few deep breaths you’ll wonder where all

the mental stress went and once you get your

muscles to simply ‘let go’ you’re ready to work

on improving your self-image. You’re ready to

begin building the NEW YOU – the person you

instinctively know you can be – the person you

really really want to be.

It is great idea to visualize for a few minutes just

before lopping off to sleep. But be careful. Avoid

the temptation to lie down for your ‘Theatre of the

Mind’ session. Sit up in bed or sit on the side of your

bed with your feet on the floor. This will help you

avoid falling asleep before you get to the highlights.

If you visualize before sleep your subconcious mind

will work on your goals while you’re in dream state.

And that’s a wonderful thing to know.

If you tend to doubt the effect that what you think about

before sleep has on your next day, then consider this.

Most people go to bed with a final thought of ‘I’m tired.’

Hence, they wake up tired.

The very first day you say to yourself, ‘Tomorrow I’m

going to wake up feeling totally energized and refreshed.’ –

you will discover that you no longer wake up feeling tired.

Try it if you don’t believe me. I dare you.

Last of all, for guidance in building a powerful, dynamic and

magnetic self-image, be sure to get your hands on Dr. Maltz’

Zero Resistance Living course. It will change your life and quickly, too.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html and order



Matt Furey

P.S. I’ll be speaking on a wealth cruise in late February of next year with

Todd Dotson, Kendra Todd, Mark Victor Hansen and Loral Langmeier. You

can get more info on that at http://www.wealthcruise.com – be sure to

enter the code MFWC07 to get all the inside scoop.

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