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You Don’t Just Do It

There are two types of fitness people:

1. Those who think the purpose of physical exercise is purely


2. Those who think the purpose of exercise encompasses the

total person – his mind, his muscles and his connection to a

Power greater than oneself.

I have never thought highly of those who think exercise is only

for the muscles, joints and organs; the type of person who grunts

and groans through a workout with no sense of calmness or


Exercise is far more than physical. It’s an opportunity to think

about your life and the direction you are heading. It’s an opportunity

to focus on your breath and the reality that if this one stream is

cut off, your physical body no longer serves a purpose.

Exercise is a metaphor for change, psychological as well as physical.

You change who you are on the inside first; you change the way you

see yourself – and these changes set up a new you on the outside.

If you go through a series of exercises with a wandering mind, even

though you’re moving your body, you won’t see much progress. The

gyms are filled with examples of this.

On the other hand, if you view exercise as a time to pay attention to

your body and the thoughts you are thinking while you train – if you

take the time to run mental movies of how you want to look and feel

as you train – then you will come to realize the awesome power of

doing something consciously.

We often hear the slogan, “Just do it.” Yet, those who make a decision

to just do it are not “JUST” doing it.

In order to just do it – you must make a shift in your attitude. You must

say to yourself, “Stop all the idiot self-talk. Stop criticizing yourself. Stop

worrying about what the others think. Picture what it is that YOU want and

then DO IT.”

Then, once you’ve begun to “just do it” – you keep the thought “just do it”

in mind. You picture yourself moving forward. You see yourself plowing

through or rising above all obstacles. You don’t allow yourself to think a

single wimpy “no can do” thought. You only think “can do” thoughts.

So “just do it” is not just doing it. It is making up your mind – setting up a

powerful intention, forming a powerful mental image in your mind – taking

a deep breath to absorb MORE life – then getting off your rumpus and


Those who do Combat Conditioninghttp://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

know they are getting a TOTAL workout in more ways than one. The program

doesn’t just get you fit, help reduce excess weight, increase strength, stamina

and flexibility. It also changes your personality. It makes you a more positive

person; someone who looks for the good in himself and others; someone who

extends his mind beyond the norm to pull in the power of the Universe.

Someone who makes a conscious decision to …

Kick butt and Take Names,

Matt Furey

author of the Int’l best-seller Combat Conditioning, and several other

powerhouse programs – http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

P.S. Below is an example of somene who launched a serious complaint

about my products:

Dear Matt,

I have a SERIOUS COMPLAINT about your products – they make me LOSE things.

Let me give you an example:

I’ve lost 4lbs in 1 MONTH & inches off my waist, which means I now have to

buy smaller clothes.

They also make me GAIN things, like muscle & flexibility. (& increased


I recently took up yoga & found a big similarity between some of the

excercises in CC & yoga positions. PLUS I was flexible enough to execute

some of the moves the FIRST TIME round, thanks to CC.

Using CC & yoga, plus a bit of pilates has helped me be in the best shape

I’ve ever been in.

If anyone has an actual complaint about your products, maybe they are too

dumb to do them.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

God Bless,



The one thing Rachel hit upon is not just strength and flexibility and lost inches,

but the confidence that goes with them. Once again, psychological well-being

is part of what you get with the exercises I teach. Make sure you jump on

board NOW – http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

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