Had a reader who asked, ‘What do you mean when
you say you zig-zag your way to success.’
Good question – and one covered back in 1960 with the
initial publication of Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell
Maltz. By the way, the book has sold 30,000.000 copies
since being released, and is still available on amazon.com.
The best version is the modernized one, co-authored with
Dan Kennedy, entitled, The New Psycho-Cybernetics.
Anyway, what Dr. Maltz discovered is that no one ever
becomes successful without making mistakes. Yet, mistakes
aren’t failure. They are simply feedback that lets you know
you’re off course and that you need to change course to
hit the destination.
Dr. Maltz often referred to missile and torpedo technology.
The missile has a built in mechanism that directs it to the
target – just like YOU do when you have a goal. At the same
time, most of the time the missile is zigging and zagging its
way to the target. Most of the time it is self-correcting.
Human beings are the same in the sense that we have a
built-in servo-mechanism which guides us to the target
that we have in mind. Thing is, this servo-mechanism
doesn’t care whether your predominant thought is
toward success or failure. It simply guides you to the
target you have in mind most of the time.
If you want your servo-mechanism to zig-zag you toward
success, the key thing you’ve got to do is fill your mind
with images of success. Picture the person you want to
be. Think of the success you want to have. And within
a short period of time, you’ll be led to the people, places
and knowledge that will make you successful.
Reminds me of the people I trained in my old gym back
in California. Over and over again, after someone enrolled,
he or she told me that they ‘drove past my gym every day
and never saw it until the day they DECIDED that they were
going to look for and find a personal trainer.’
True story.
Well, my friend, that’s all for today. In the meantime, if you
want to rocket launch yourself to a whole new level of
success, then get Dr. Maltz advanced training program that
contains all the Insider Secrets of success. You can get that
program NOW by going to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html
P.S. A hearty thank you to all of you who have already enrolled in my
October seminar. At the current pace it should sell out well before the
event – possibly by end of May or early June. The fee for the event will
be going up considerably in a few days – so be sure to get on this horse
and ride – go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com and latch onto your