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500 Million Americans to Lose Spare Tire

Isn’t it great we got that buffoon George W. Bush out of office?


Because now he’s been replaced by those with much higher I.Q.’s. and a much firmer grasp of the ‘American’ langrig.

Now we’ve got people running the show who think the word stimulus should include putting tax cheats in high positions, giving out condoms en masse, bailing out Hollyweird (as if $20 mill per film ain’t enough) and so on.

And then there are the 500 million Americans who will lose their jobs if Congress doesn’t act FAST. This according to Speaker of the Douse – Nancy Pelosi.

Thing is, even I, who am NOT an idiot – or a member of Congress (but as Mark Twain once said, ‘I repeat myself’) know that we are not even close to 500 million Americans – yet.

But – maybe the private jetting Speaker is already factoring in all the people we’ll have in this country, pronto, if we don’t have a 200+ million dollar condom program as part of the titulus – er, stimulus program.

I wonder how many Americans are still sleeping on the Titanic, thinking it’s not going to sink. And then, when they find out is IS sinking, they reach for their last meals instead of their lives.

Well, what can you do if you don’t like this reamulus, er, titulus package – not to mention all the other paraphernalia they have planned to shove up your backside.

For one, you can begin to tighten your sphincter and pull in your waistline. Yes, we have a fight on our hands and if you don’t have the energy, physical as well as mental to trudge on, you will be doomed.

Right now we have at least 50 million Americans who need to lose their spare tires. And that number is an understatement.

Part of the reason for the fatness of this country is due to people getting mentally soft. Mental weakness and flaccidity leads to physical softness.

No, you don’t need to be a hard body with 0.0% bodyfat. But if you want to survive in the days and years ahead, you better start taking control of your destiny by getting control of your physicality and your psychology.

Part of controlling your psychology involves “unwinding your mind” and reducing your waistline. It involves letting go of harmful thoughts and stress. It involves not being a poor slob who is easy to control because you can barely move up and down the stairs without getting out of breath.

Likewise, another part of controlling your mind involves being both calm and alert at all times. You do not survive dangerous times by thinking positive. You survive tough times by having a clear, centered mind that is alert to yet does not ignore danger.

My Dao Zou program gives you the mind of a sniper. Alert yet calm. Peaceful, centered, yet always on the lookout.

It’ll not only give you calmness and a sense of serenity as you’re maintaining a steady state of alertness – but it will also improve your memory, your focus, reduce your waist line and strengthen your body.

And right now you can nab this course for half-off. Simply type ‘2009’ into the coupon space when you place your order and all will be handled for you.

While you’re at it, you can also get my Combat Abs program at half-off, too, and reduce your waistline even faster than you thought possible. And you can do it without lying on the ground

to do boring sit-ups or crunches.

Well, my friend, that’s all for now. I need to tune in to see what Dan Quayle – er, N. Pelosi is going to say next.

Matt Furey

Zen Master of the Internet

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