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Archive for April, 2006

Put Your Mind Into Your Muscles

Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

You wouldn’t think that someone would have to

tell you this. You’d think it’s one of those ‘common

sense’ bits of wisdom.

Well, as the saying goes, “Common sense is anything

but common.”

What I’m talking about is connecting your mind to your

muscles. I’m talking about ‘getting inside’ your muscles

as you train.

For example, take a look at someone you see walking

along the road. Or running if that suits you better.

In almost all instances, if you really look, you’ll see a

person exercising with a mind/body disconnect. They’re

moving their body alright – but they’re not really in their

body – at least not in any sort of enlivening or empowering


The same is true of your average work zombie. There’s a

reason for the saying that “Most people stop looking for work

as soon as they find a job.”

When you have a mind/body disconnect – your sense of

power is severely restricted. You’re going through the motions

but you’re not really involved. And when your mind is not

engaged in your activity – you won’t get the sort of results

you’d like.

This is why, when you stretch, you learn to flex your muscle –

then you learn to tell it to relax. You get inside the muscle and

tell it what to do. You are the commander of your ship. So make

sure you’re at the helm when the vessel is out to sea.

When you do your Hindu Pushups, get inside the muscles. Tell

them to stretch, tell them to get stronger, tell them to take the

shape you want them to have. See the way you want to look as

you train – and tell yourself – even FEEL yourself already becoming

that type of person.

Do this and I can assure you that your results will sky rocket.

Plenty of the Furey Faithful can vouch for this. They don’t just

workout – the get inside the cells of their body when they train.

I’d love to see you join them. Doing so will help to take you to the

top. Not only that, but there are 7 gifts waiting for those who enroll

NOW. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html and

claim them.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Well, it worked. The new website with the high powered server

allowed us to send you a video download link yesterday – and thousands

of people viewed it with zero difficulty. If you missed the video entitled,

“The 3 Most Important Minutes of Your Day” – be sure to go to

http://www.mattfureydownloads.com/video/maltz.html and see

it NOW.

Matt Furey

A Gift for You

Monday, April 10th, 2006

I’ve just put up a fantastic clip of Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 30 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics – for you to view.

You’re going to love this FREE Dr. Maltz Video – so be sure to go NOW to view it before it is taken off the server.

Last time we put a Dr. Maltz clip up we shut down two websites – so be sure to visit NOW to make sure you don’t miss anything.


Matt Furey

How to Make Everything Count

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

No matter what you do throughout each day, you have the ability to make all of it contribute to the improvement of your life.

When you eat, exercise, sleep or read – you can dedicate each of these actions by placing an intention upon them. Instead of merely doing the thing – you do the thing with the idea of producing an intended result.

Some years ago I heard it said – and this is profound – that you can program you mind to accept that ‘everything’ you do all day long is helping you earn more income.

Now – you might sit there and think – not possible. Yet, it can be if you place your imagination inside each of your actions.

The late Foster Hibbard had a piece of carpet with dollar symbols all over it. He took it with him everywhere he went.

What did he use the carpet for. You may be shocked to discover that he placed it beside his bed before going to sleep at night. Then, when he arose, the very act of placing his feet on the rug in the morning, helped condition his mind to accept greater wealth and prosperity – and that it was with him from the moment he placed his feet on the floor each morning.

I ask – what are your first thoughts when you put your feet on the floor each day?

And what are your thoughts throughout the day when you eat, drink, walk, work or talk?

You can turn any of the above into an act that ‘counts.’

In Dr. Maxwell Maltz’ advanced trainings, he teaches you how to dedicate everything. Whether it is taking out the garbage or taking a shower or clearing your calculator – all of these can be turned into mental nourishment for body, mind and soul.

It is all in what you INTEND to make them – and what you INTEND that they make YOU.


Matt Furey

P.S. Want to put some POWER into everything you do all do long – even your sleep – then get Zero Resistance Living – as it contains Dr. Maltz secrets for living the life of your dreams.

Teddy Roosevelt Didn’t Do Cardio

Friday, April 7th, 2006

I’m going to talk about Teddy Roosevelt in a bit – but first, let me talk a bit about a health care professional I met who knows too much when it comes to nutrition.

I say this because he doesn’t have a lick of fat on his body – yet, he doesn’t look like he has an ounce of muscle, either.

Being lean is a desired goal for many people. But in and of itself, being lean isn’t such a great idea.

Here’s why: A lot of very lean people think they’re healthier than others because they don’t have much body fat; yet these same weenies have very little LIFE FORCE. They have almost zero power. Their persnickety diet has zapped them of vitality. Instead of eating healthy – they obsess and worry about every morsel.

And all the worrry, obsessing, and angst is zapping these people of life force. Tis not good.

Lack of vitality and life force can be gauged from a simple handshake.

When a worry-wart shakes your hand pay attention to what you feel. No, I am not checking to see if he can or cannot crush your hand. That only tells you how strong he is. What I’m checking for is the level of vibrancy or electricity in the person’s hand.

Case in point is the health care guy I mentioned. When I shook his hand he gave a fairly firm handshake. But there was no electricity. In fact, his hands had a numb and chilly energy to them. That’s saying a lot when it’s 100 degrees out, don’t you think.

At another time the guy put his hand on my shoulder to make a point about nutrition. Once again, the hand was darn near lifeless. Might as well have put a skeleton’s hand on me. It didn’t feel much different.

So you might wonder, why is this. How can someone who eats nothing but the perfect diet and does a ton of cardio,running, cycling, etc. – be so devoid of vibrant power.

There are many reasons but the soundest one of all is as follows: The guy doesn’t do deep breathing exercises. When you breathe deeply and fully and do so from various stances and positions, you quickly change the vibration level of your mind and body.

Yesterday I had a group of men in for some coaching. I taught them some deep breathing exercises and we did them together for a few minutes. Afterward they felt energy running up and down their spines, tingling sensations in their hands and heat coming from the bottoms of their feet.

Two hours after we did the exercise they were still feeling the effects.

These men learned the meaning of the Farmer Burns saying, ‘Deep breathing alone has made many a weak man strong and many a sick man well.’

He was right.

You cannot ONLY eat your way to vibrant health. That’s like putting fuel in a tank and never starting the engine. Exercise is king – but it’s got to be the right kind of exercise – not just anything.

I have nothing against long-distance running. If that is a person’s goal I am all for him. But I will point out the truth, unless you’re balancing your running with powerful bodyweight exercises, like those taught in Combat Conditioning – as well as the Dynamic Stretching and Deep Breathing as taught in Combat Stretching – you’re doing more harm to your body than good.

All the pounding you put your body through when doing long-distance running is just plain ‘bad medicine’ for your body. You’re far better off doing sprints, hill sprints, rope skipping, swimming, tai chi, and so on.

Okay, I’m going to make an off-the-beat point. I’m stretching things a wee bit. But I sincerely believe we need to get back to having tough guys like Teddy Roosevelt in the White House. Roosevelt wrestled, boxed and did ju-jutsu. And along with those combat sports come the greatest physical fitness exercises in the world – bodyweight exercises.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. From couch potato to Superhero Fitness Machine – go to my Inner Circle and discover how it’s done.

21 Days to a New You

Friday, April 7th, 2006

How you see yourself on the INSIDE reflects what you’ll become on the OUTSIDE. What I’m talking about is your self-image.

You can never really rise above your self-image. Like the air conditioning mechanism in your home that controls the temperature of the room, your self-image dictates how far you stray from the image you have in mind. And, if by force of will, you manage to stray, rest assured your self-image will snap you back into line – just like a rubber band that has been expanded. Once expanded, later retracted.

Let’s say you want to improve your income, or reduce your weight, or find the ideal mate. You’ve heard the stories of the people who’ve supposedly ‘cracked the code’ only to crack the other way.

I’m talking about the man or woman who makes ten grand one month in sales, then the next month he does three grand, which is what he’s accustomed to. And no matter what he seems to try, he can’t hit that ten grand again.

Why? Self-image.

Or the woman who dropped 50 pounds – only to gain the 50 back, plus some.

Why? Self-image.

Or the person who desperately wants a better life; a better mate, a better car; a better home; a better job. Yet, he or she cannot seem to make themselves do what needs to be done to make good on their goals.

The positive affirmations don’t work. The written goals don’t work. The de-stressing meditations don’t work.

And why? Because the self-image is still the same.

Your self-image is the governing control mechanism in your mind – and if you want to GROW – you’ve got to spend time on the INSIDE first.

The good news is this: In 21 days you can change your self-image about anything you want. You can change it easily; you can change it effortlessly. And once the change has taken place on the inside,

look out world … because here YOU COME.

Imagine that you changed the furniture in your home. The next day when you walk indoors, you’ll feel different, perhaps even a bit uncomfortable. And this scenario will repeat for 21 days. After 21 days, you’ll feel that everything in your living room is as it should be.

Same thing goes with ANYTHING in your life.

Start today. Make a 21-day resolution to visualize the NEW YOU each and every day, without fail. After the first 21 days you will KNOW beyond a doubt that this works – so keep going.

Of course, if you want the advantage of being able to do this with expert precision, you’ll want to take a look at Dr. Maxwell Maltz’ Zero Resistance Living program.

Matt Furey

How Music Affects You

Friday, April 7th, 2006

Here’s a little something from Tania French – whom I’ve told you about before. I think you’ll find this entry of her’s intriguing. – Matt Furey

I’ll always remember my dad saying that he loved listening to birdsong early in the morning. The singing centered him in a way that I didn’t understand at the time.

Now I know why he felt so refreshed.

Birdsong is a high frequency sound – around 5,000 hertz. Any sound between 5,000 and 8,000 hertz has been found to recharge our brain’s batteries.

You know what else is amazing?

5,000 hertz is also the frequency that energizes plants. In fact plants showed a 700 percent increase

in efficiency of absorbing nutrients when exposed to high frequency classical music. This frequency

actually helps the little pores on the plant’s leaves called stomata to open up.

And who says nature doesn’t have a plan. That’s why you’ll find that in areas that don’t have a lot of

birds singing, there’s not a lot of plant growth either.

Lots of birds equals lots of plants. Few birdsongs means not a whole lot of greenery. Now I know why we moved from Los Angeles to Asheville, North Carolina – we wanted birds and trees in our life.

There’s tons more to report these amazing high frequency sounds. Meantime, listen for yourself to

the music that focuses your mind in no time.

Go read about The Secret Power of Words and Music 5 CD package.

Warm Regards,

Tania Gabrielle French

Make Friends With the ‘Stranger Within’

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

Time and again we hear success teachers say that in order for you to have something, you must see it in your mind’s eye first. And although this is helpful advice, it isn’t the whole shebang.


Because your ’emotional state’ is a far bigger indicator of whether you’re on the right path or not.

Take money, for example. Ask someone if he can see himself doubling, tripling or 10x’ing the amount of money

he earns. Maybe he can see doubling it. Maybe he can see tripling it. Maybe even 10x’ing it.

But even if he can see the improvement, ask what his FEELING is about having it. Very often you will find that even if the person can visualize having it – he cannot FEEL himself having it.

Or, even more common, he may see himself with it, then immediately feel pangs of guilt, fear or anxiety about having it.

When you find someone who simultaneously envisions what he wants … AND has a strong, powerful and positive feeling about having it, you’re looking at a person who is destined for success.

On the other hand, if you’re looking at someone who sees what he wants – but his feeling about having it is one of discomfort, he won’t get what he wants.

Seeing what you want is great. Speaking about what you want is helpful. But until the FEELING of having the goal matches the desire you picture and talk about, you’ll always fall short.

Match the vision with the feeling – and you’ll know what having Zero Resistance is all about.

Dr. Maltz often referred to the ‘Stranger Within’ as this guiding feeling that tells us whether we’re on target or not. If the ‘Stranger Within’ feels good when you visualize a goal, you know you can have it. If, however, the stranger feels uncomfortable, that’s a different story.

The good news is that YOU are the person in charge of the ‘Stranger Within.’ You are the one who can change his emotional state to positive. It starts with a change in attitude – but the attitude is not enough. You must also change the way you see the ‘face behind your face.’

Is the face behind your face smiling and happy – or filled with frustration and despair. Look in the mirror and see for yourself. Look not just at your outer face, but your inner one.

Regardless of whether or not your inner face is happy or sad, you can make a choice to improve it. If you’re sad, flip your

internal switch to happy by thinking of the best moments of your life. And if you’re already happy – make yourself even

happier. Afterall, there’s no limit on the emotion. You can have as much as you want.


Matt Furey

P.S. In Zero Resistance Living you’ll learn all the tricks to feeling great all the time. And these mental tricks lead to success in all areas of your life. Improved health, better finances, dream homes,wonderful relationships, increased mental acuity, and so on. All these things can be yours when you harness the ‘Stranger Within’ and make him your friend. Start creating a NEW YOU today by getting Zero Resistance Living – Dr. Maltz most profound and life-changing program.

Simple Law of Doing Business

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

Here’s a business lesson I read in a magazine back in 1988, that I’ve never forgotten and have always done my best to model. It goes like this: If you take your vehicle in for repair in the morning and the mechanic tells you it’ll be done by 5 PM – then calls at 3 PM to tell you he’s already finished, you’ll be ecstatic and think the world of the mechanic.

On the other hand, if the mechanic says it’ll be done by noon – then doesn’t bother to call in the late afternoon to tell you it’s not done yet – and has no intention of finishing it that day, or the next, or the next – then you’re pissed off and don’t think too much of the promise you were given – or the person who made the promise.

It’s a simple law of doing business. Under-promise – over-deliver.

Matt Furey

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