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Archive for May, 2006

The Power of Letting Go

Monday, May 15th, 2006

A few years ago when I was having

dinner with a friend (who happens to be an

accupuncturist), I mentioned, in passing,

that for the previous 18 months I had this

nagging, on-and-off-again pain in the left

side of my chest.

The diagnosis I received from an M.D. was

simple: Matt, the pain is musculoskeletal. You

probably injured it while working out or doing

some other task.

Maybe so, but I could not put my finger on

what would have caused it. I got massages

for it, put herbs and linaments on it – and

so on. There was some relief from this practice,

but the pain would show up a day or two later.

Finally I got hooked up to a slew of electrodes

to have my heart examined. When the procedure

finished one word summarized the findings: PERFECT.

Okay, so what’s the pain all about?

Back to dinner with the accupuncturist. After

hearing me describe the pain, he asked,

‘When did the pain begin?’

‘About 18 months ago,’ I replied.

‘Okay, and was there anything

significant, emotionally speaking,

that took place around that time?’

At first I wanted to say no. That’s

normal. We don’t always want to

admit when we’ve been hurt.

But after a few minutes I gradually

began to unwind and tell him a story

about a situation that occurred with

a family member who was working with

me on a project that went sour.

After a few minutes of listening to the

tale, the accupuncturist looked at me

and said, ‘You may not realize it, but

that event affected you. You’re carrying

some resentment about it. Why not just

release the whole experience and let it


As I sat at the table I dropped my knife

and fork, paused to feel the sensation in my

chest and when I experienced it, I thought of

the negative event and said, ‘Okay, I release this.

I’m letting it go.’

When I said this it literally felt like I was dropping

something from my body. Instantly I started to

feel better.

But over the next couple days the pain would come

back at various times. And each time it returned

I felt the sensation again and said, ‘I release this. I

let this go.’

Within three days the pain was gone for good, and it

hasn’t returned. It’s now been over three years since

I had that pain.

I do not claim to be a master of forgiveness, but I

will say that everytime that I have ‘let go’ of past

hurts or wrong doings, I have emerged all the better

for it.

This is something Dr. Maltz understood when

he wrote Psycho-Cybernetics. In strengthening

the self-image he advised:

1.) Forgive others

2.) Forgive yourself

He did not simply advocate visualizing.

And this is one of the reasons that Dr.Maltz,

himself a world-renowned plastic surgeon, said,

‘Forgivenss is a scalpel that removes emotional


When you let go of emotional scars, aches and pains

in the body leave with them. And when the negative

energy leaves, it’s replaced by energy at a higher

level – energy that can help you transform your

present situation into one with purpose, passion and



Matt Furey

P.S. If you want to achieve all your dreams and goals

this year – and every year thereafter, be sure to

take a look at Zero Resistance Living,

the Ultimate course in Psycho-Cybernetics,

at http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html

Nuclear Weapons in Walmart

Monday, May 15th, 2006

Today I am going to sound an alarm that I hope is

heard throughout the world.

I’ve written many times about the benefits of hill sprints – as well

as sprints in general. I’ve written about rope skipping and


But … what if you’re 75-150 to 250 pounds overweight. Or what

if you’re the typical sedentary American who sits before the

boob tube and/or the computer all day long.

This is the reality for more and more Americans. Go into

Walmart sometime and you’ll know what I mean. Big fat,

puffy, super-sized lardassian Americans – eating themselves

into the grave.

Physically lazy, inactive, tee-vee addicted, ipod crazed, cell-

phone zapped Americans.

Our fat bodies are the laughing stock of the world and

we’ve got to do something about it.

Everyone worries about the Iranians and their nukes. But what

about the nuclear weapons we see slugging along on two gout

infected feet?

I tell you – a lot of people are so doggone fat they look like they’re

the ones that are going to explode – not the weapons everyone is so

afraid of.

What to do?

Well, for starters, get off your arse and MOVE.

Start with some long-distance walking and the calisthenics and

breathing exercises in Combat Conditioning and Combat Abs.

Now, bear in mind something: When I talk walking, I’m talking

about a minimum of 30 minutes a day, outdoors – not on a


I’m talking about walking at a moderate pace. I’m talking about

walking in a way that your heart rate is not elevated into the

so-called ‘cardio zone.’

In short, just get out there and walk. Walk in the morning.

Walk in the evening.

If you’re a total couch or computer slug you may have to start

with a minute just to get started. But eventually you must do

30 minutes in the a.m. and 30 minutes in the evening.

And once this gets easy, you go to an hour in the early

morning and an hour at night.

Again, this sort of walking is not brisk. It is not fast. It

is at a moderate pace.

Why? Because you have a lot of lard to burn off and hard,

hard cardio will only stimulate more hunger because instead

of burning off flab, you’re burning off glycogen. The higher

intensity training doesn’t hit the problem.

I trained a lady back in Santa Cruz, CA, in the late 1980’s

and early 1990’s. Her name was Judy. Truth is, she came to train with

me for the

higher-intensity stuff AFTER dropping 150 pounds.

I asked her how she did it. Her answer is what I have just

given. She walked her ass off, morning and night. And she

spent time everyday visualizing how she wanted to look. She

created a NEW self-image. An image of a woman who was fit

and healthy and comfortable in her body.

After she dropped the pounds from walking, she came in

for some vigorous training.

Now, lest you think ’tis a woman’s routine’ I just gave you,

think again.

After hearing this lady’s story, I had a client come to me, his name

was Sean, and he

weighed 400 pounds. He was a very big man.

I started him on deep breathing exercises, some light

calisthenics and walking.

When I left California in 1999, he was down to 140 pounds.

I encourage walking and do it myself. But I don’t do it or

encourage it so much for the ‘cardio.’ I encourage it

because of the time you get alone to move and picture

how you want to look and feel.

Walking clears the mental cobwebs. It opens your mind

and gives your body a form of exercise that is natural,

powerful and invigorating.

I have many different walking routines. Some are

vigorous. Others are strenuous. But my personal

favorite still remains just plain old walking at a

moderate pace combined with deep breathing and


Regardless of your fitness level – I’m betting you’ll

feel the recharging power of a good walk.

Go do it. Then get on the Royal Court from Combat

Conditioning and the Magnificent Seven from Combat

Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. If you want to know how to combine your exercise

with the self-image visualizations I referred to above, then

go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html

Feng Shui for Your Mind

Friday, May 12th, 2006

One of the things I did long ago to transform my business and

my career was feng shui my home and office.

If you’re not familiar with the term “feng shui” – it comes from the

Chinese and is generally translated as “wind-water.” Doesn’t tell

you much with that translation now, does it?

In simpler terms, feng shui means “the art of placement.” It is

knowing where to place things in your environment with the

intention (a key element) of having these changes bring

you good fortune, good luck, good health, etc.

In feng shui the two most important pieces of furniture in your

home are your bed and your desk. Because you spend

the majority of your time in these two places – where and how

they are positioned is very important. Not only that, but what

you have around yourself in these areas is also important.

This means, first off, if you’re an absolute slob with a cluttered


and a cluttered office (something I must guard against) – you won’t

be as

focused and action-oriented as the person who keeps things in an

orderly fashion.

First laws of the Universe are order and organization. When you have

order and organization – you experience a feeling of harmony and

well-being. I like to reverse the order and call it H-O-O. Harmony comes

from having Order and Organization.

There is much that I and my wife could teach you on this – and even more

that a friend of mine can teach (he knows Tibetan, Chinese and ancient

Celtic practices of placement). But the true key to understand is

that all

the changes you make physically DO have an effect on yourself and

others –

and in a BIG way. At the same time, though, for the feng shui changes to

really, really work – you have to begin to imagine different.

For example, when you place an auspicious symbol on your desk, you tell

yourself, “I’m placing this symbol here in order to bring me more


When you clean your messy office, you tell yourself you are doing so in

order to bring harmony into your business affairs and to attract greater


When you hang a symbol on the wall you tell yourself, “This is to


my self-image, to give me greater courage and confidence.”

Putting your intention and desire into these changes is Psycho-

Cybernetics 101.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz often spoke about dedicating everything he did

throughout the day

to the improvement of his self-image. If taking out the garbage, this


a mental metaphor for throwing out the garbage in your own mind.

When cleaning your desk, this is a metaphor for cleaning the thoughts

in your

mind – directing them toward something positive that you want to create.

Now, let’s say that your home or office is a garbage heap. Well, what

can I

say? Not only is this bad for your mind – it’s bad for your health, too.

The good news is that when you begin to clean up the clutter – your

mind will

harmonize. And if you clean up with the intention of improving your

life – and

you think about improving your life the entire time you’re cleaning,

then look

out world – here YOU come.

When you’re finished getting organized, make sure you take a trip

into your

very own private movie theatre – the one in your own mind. Once inside,

clean, organize and polish your self-image. Make it shine brightly.

Give it

some sparkle.

Do this and I assure you that your life will change.

For even more guidance on clearing the cobwebs in your mind and


yourself to greatness – go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/



Matt Furey

P.S. October seminar already over half-way sold out. The fee will be

going up

very soon – so if you want in at the bargain-basement fee, enroll NOW by

sprinting to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

The Miracle of Bridging

Friday, May 12th, 2006

Last night, before hitting the rack, I went through a simple

exercise routine consisting of a back bridge and the front


I do this routine before bed for a couple reasons that I have

never written about before. Here they are:

Why Bridge Before Bed

1. It puts you into a euphoric state – nice to feel that before bed,

don’t you think

2. It energizes you – just not the type of energy that interferes with

sleep – more like the kind of energy where you KNOW your brain is


3. It increases electrical charge and vibration throughout your


4. It makes you aware of energy at a more subtle level – this comes

in handy whether you’re a competitive athlete or someone who deals

with people for a living.

5. It increases seksual energy. Now, no one is interested in THAT topic,


6. It helps burn off belly fat as well as the turkey fat on your neck. If you

don’t want a bunch of loose skin hanging from your neck as you age, then

be sure to bridge.

7. It increases feeling of groundedness.

Now, the above represent only seven reasons why the bridge is so great.

I’ve written about many others previously, such as elimination of back pain,

and so on. Yet, the key is in the doing of the bridge. Anyone can read about


Reminds me of a saying I learned long ago, before people started calling me

the Zen Master.

It goes like this: ‘The study of Zen is not Zen.’

So many people today are simply ‘readers.’ They read but don’t do. Or they

go on discussion boards and rave about their knowledge. That’s fine – but make

sure you DO first.

Afterall, ‘the study of exercise is not exercise.’

Make sure you take time to bridge today.

And if you haven’t done the bridging exercises in Combat Conditioning yet –

then go to http://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html – then get the

program and start creating that miraculous feeling throughout your mind/body.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. The response to my October seminar – the ‘Science of Super-Human Marketing”

seminar has been awesome. Especially over the weekend. We are now more than half-

way to sold out. I don’t plan on keeping this life-transforming event open at the current

amount for long – so be sure to enroll NOW. Get on your racehorse pronto and sprint on

over to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com to enroll NOW.

Are You Willing to Receive?

Thursday, May 11th, 2006

Be Willing to Receive

The Universe gives you what you need when you’re

ready to receive it. It’s also willing to give you MORE

than you ask for – so long as you’re open and willing

to receive.

Last weekend, a Taiwanese waitress at a restaurant I frequent

guided me to a table she had picked out for me. As I took a seat

she said, “Happy Birthday.”

“Thanks,” I replied, while shifting my silverware and opening a

napkin to place on my lap.

A moment later I looked to the left and sitting on the

table was a magnificent pearl white bottle with two cranes

pecking on each side. The top was sealed with wax.

I looked at it, looked at the waitress, then said, “Is this

for me.”

“My husband made it 20 years ago,” she replied. “He

filled it with expensive wine and sealed it shut so no air

can ever get in.”

I knew the lady’s husband had died some years ago. And

as I looked at the bottle I wanted to say, “Maam, you cannot

give me this. This is a gift from your husband. It is too much

for you to give it to me. I don’t deserve this.”

But I kept my mouth shut and admired the gift.

I said thank you to her at least seven times as she stood

and told me about the design and how special it was

to her.

I got out of my chair and gave her a hug.

“This is for all the kindness you show me,” she said. “You come

here and you always tip me way beyond the norm. Sometimes I

don’t feel right about it. I feel bad. I feel like you give me too

much and I don’t deserve it,” she said.

At that point I explained to her, in Chinese, how the hole you

give through is the hole you receive through. I explained to

her that when people aren’t receiving, it is a reflection of their

level of giving.

“Everyday I give to people,” I said. “And everyday I receive.

You have to do both to have a feeling of completeness.”

She nodded.

Later that day when I returned home, I showed the bottle to my

wife. She instantly recognized the value. Together we placed it

on the highest shelf in our home – overlooking the Great Room.

“This gift comes from my heart,” the waitress said.

“No,” I replied. “This gift IS your heart.”


Matt Furey

P.S. If you want to learn how to receive – and do so abundantly, then be

sure to grab a seat at my October seminar – The Science of Super-Human

Marketing – http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

P.P.S. Dr. Maxwell Maltz course on Zero Resistance Living is the key that

unlocks the door to your heart, to your true self and to the abundance

that lies before you. Seize the day – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html

Why I Won’t Eat Crabs

Thursday, May 11th, 2006

This is a story about crabs. Not the groteque skin-crawling

sort either. I’m talking about crabs you can actually trap

and eat.

Legend has it that when you place a whole bunch of crabs in

a bucket, invariably at least one crab will get the idea that

he should climb up the sides of the bucket and escape to


Funny thing is, as soon as the courageous crab nears the

top of the bucket, all the other crabs conspire to pull it back

in. Hence, crabs never get out buckets.

This metaphor perfectly illustrates HUMAN behavior as well.

One of the things we like to do is categorize and slot. We like

to organize and ‘pidgeon hole.’ And once we’ve done this, we

can relax and pretend that all is well with our world.

But then along comes someone with NEW ideas and/or


Uh-oh. Alarms goes off. Bells sound.

‘What is this person trying to do. Who does he think he is.’

‘What’s up with her – trying to get herself fit. What are you doing –

trying to lose weight or something. Why are you doing all those

exercises – think you’re going to win the Mr. Olympia or


‘Oh … NOW you’re doing bodyweight exercises. Whatsa matter,

weights too tough for you.’

And so on.

The guilt dispensing and shame mongering doesn’t end with

health and fitness either. It hits every facet of life.

The not-so-good news is that there will always be ‘crabs’ trying

to pull you back into the bucket. The GREAT news is that you’re NOT

a crab.

One of the things that I teach people is how to react to criticism.

Whenever a guilt dispenser comes along – either ignore him or

‘give thanks.’ Not kidding either. If someone sends you a nasty

letter – pump both fists above your head, look skyward and

celebrate. Doing so not only makes you FEEL good, but it

acknowledges that you’ve successfully climbed out of the bucket.

Believe me, after celebrating like this a few times, you won’t

even need to do so when the shame monger shows up. You’ll

instantly start feeling good because every cell in your body has

been programmed to respond to attacks with gratitude.

Tis an interesting thing, ya know. (Oh, by the way, did you know

that yesterday a man wrote me to say that my use of the word

’tis’ instead of ‘it’s’ is … feminine. Yippee, Hurrah, and Yahoo

for those ‘feminine’ words. Life would be boring if all I had at my

disposal were masculine words, ya know.)

Bottom line is this: The keys to success in life begin in your mind

first. And once you’ve succeeded in one area – you can and should

branch out and succeed in others.

That’s what I’ve done my whole life – and it’s what I teach in my

Magnetic Millionaire course – http://www.mattfurey.com/magnetic_millionaire.html

Some have criticized me for teaching others something more than fitness – but

I’m not going to let THEIR limiting beliefs about ME influence my career.

Well, my friend, ’tis’ all for today – (that feminine word again).

Kick butt – take names!

Matt Furey

P.S. Yesterday I announced the special sale I’m having on my Magnetic Millionaire

program. We’re down to 51 sets of the system left at the reduced amount. JUMP

on this now, my friend. The program is worth 10x what I’m charging – and that is

an understatement. So go to http://www.mattfurey.com/magnetic_millionaire.html

and make sure you gobble the extraordinary offer I’m making.

5 Things I Love About My Son

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

Three years ago I gave a brief talk about my son, Frank,

at one of seminars. Now, keep in mind that this was a 3-day

seminar and I had already spoken for over a dozen hours on

marketing, having a prosperity consciousness, self-image – and

so on.

But on the final day of the seminar, about an hour before we were

to begin, my mind flashed upon something that I thought I should

present, off-the-cuff – even though it wasn’t part of the curriculum

for the event.

On a piece of hotel stationary, which I still have before me on my

desk, I wrote the following:

5 Things I Love About My Son

1. I love my son because he’s happy most of the time.

2. I love my son because he loves to learn more than

he already knows – and he is coachable.

3. I love my son because he shows his true feelings and


4. I love my son because he see what he wants and isn’t

afraid to ask for what he wants.

5. Most importantly, I love my son because he is a reminder

to me of the little person residing inside all of us – a reminder

of the person who came into the world to succeed, not to fail.

The talk I gave about my son lasted about 40 minutes. When I

finished we took a short break. I had no idea how it was going

to register with the audience. It was a very emotional topic for

me – and truly from the heart.

Here’s what happened: One attendee after another came up to

me and said, “That talk you just gave was worth the entire amount

I paid to attend.”

I was stunned. For two days I had been teaching from the manuals

we gave out. And they loved what I had taught. But the one thing

that I did “off the cuff” in a stream-of-consciousness manner, was

the segment they liked most.

This taught me an important lesson. It taught me that although people

care about what you know on your topic – they care a lot more about

WHO you are as a person. And what I told about my son in those 40

minutes revealed a side of me they had never seen, and didn’t expect.

From that seminar forward, every time I have spoken before an audience,

I have made sure that I deliver a chunk of WHO I am as a person. Not a

sliver or a slice either. I give them the whole pie.

Today, take a moment to go into the Theatre of Your Mind. Recall who you

were as a young child. Imagine and understand that this child is still within

you – and it is up to YOU to let him or her out.

Let the child inside of you be happy; let him explore the world and learn;

let him show his emotions and feelings; let him ask for what he wants from

life; and let him recognize that he holds a connection with YOU – your BIG



Matt Furey

P.S. There is no finer way to find and become the things you love than the

study of Dr. Maxwell Maltz’ Zero Resistance Living program. Get it NOW and

change your life – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html

P.P.S. My “Science of Super-Human Marketing” seminar is filling fast. The fee

will be going up soon. Enroll NOW at http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

Zig-Zag Your Way to Success

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

Had a reader who asked, ‘What do you mean when

you say you zig-zag your way to success.’

Good question – and one covered back in 1960 with the

initial publication of Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell

Maltz. By the way, the book has sold 30,000.000 copies

since being released, and is still available on amazon.com.

The best version is the modernized one, co-authored with

Dan Kennedy, entitled, The New Psycho-Cybernetics.

Anyway, what Dr. Maltz discovered is that no one ever

becomes successful without making mistakes. Yet, mistakes

aren’t failure. They are simply feedback that lets you know

you’re off course and that you need to change course to

hit the destination.

Dr. Maltz often referred to missile and torpedo technology.

The missile has a built in mechanism that directs it to the

target – just like YOU do when you have a goal. At the same

time, most of the time the missile is zigging and zagging its

way to the target. Most of the time it is self-correcting.

Human beings are the same in the sense that we have a

built-in servo-mechanism which guides us to the target

that we have in mind. Thing is, this servo-mechanism

doesn’t care whether your predominant thought is

toward success or failure. It simply guides you to the

target you have in mind most of the time.

If you want your servo-mechanism to zig-zag you toward

success, the key thing you’ve got to do is fill your mind

with images of success. Picture the person you want to

be. Think of the success you want to have. And within

a short period of time, you’ll be led to the people, places

and knowledge that will make you successful.

Reminds me of the people I trained in my old gym back

in California. Over and over again, after someone enrolled,

he or she told me that they ‘drove past my gym every day

and never saw it until the day they DECIDED that they were

going to look for and find a personal trainer.’

True story.

Well, my friend, that’s all for today. In the meantime, if you

want to rocket launch yourself to a whole new level of

success, then get Dr. Maltz advanced training program that

contains all the Insider Secrets of success. You can get that

program NOW by going to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html


Matt Furey

P.S. A hearty thank you to all of you who have already enrolled in my

October seminar. At the current pace it should sell out well before the

event – possibly by end of May or early June. The fee for the event will

be going up considerably in a few days – so be sure to get on this horse

and ride – go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com and latch onto your


They Must Be Smoking Crack

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

As you know, I released the Chinese Long-Life System several months ago …

and the testimonials have poured in. There are many reasons for this –

foremost of which is that the program flat-out works. And it works whether

you think it will or not.

Yes, the Chinese Long-Life System isn’t about your belief system.

It isn’t even about how much effort you exert. It has nothing to do

with whether or not your mother liked your sister better.

It’s all about massaging three mega-powerful and incredibly influential

life-changing pressure points, then doing a few easy calisthenics, then

slapping along meridian lines.

You don’t need to hypnotize yourself for the program to work. You don’t

need to think positive. You don’t need to believe a word I’m saying. All

you need to do is take a few minutes each day to follow along with

Master Zhang and voila – eureka and yao-zai, yao-zai, yao-zai … the

program does what is is supposed to do.

Yesterday we received several comments from those forward-thinking,

industrious and creatively alive folks known affectionately as the Furey

Faithful. Here’s what they had to say:


Did you say that some people are criticizing you for the cost of the Chinese

Long-Life System – http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long-life.html

Hopefully, they are getting on you because they are too cheap.

I have never seen anything like this compiled in such a format.

The people complaining about the price must be on crack.

I have been doing qi gong for many years, as well as other

martial arts and mixed martial arts. Let me tell you something.

A good friend of mine trains with one of the greatest tai chi/qi gong

masters on the planet, and he has showed me a few things. He told

me to never, never show the exercises to anyone as they have been

passed down from a very protective and secretive lineage. I have

never broken his trust, but after seeing your DVDs, shucks, many

of them are already there, or at least very close versions of them.

Your product is a steal.

Those getting it, and doing it should consider themselves lucky. Most

people learning those exercises have been selected by the teacher.

All of your products are worth their weight in gold. You are probably a

millllion-aire, and you know what; you should be. God bless you brother,

and keep putting the good stuff out there.


M.F. I have to agree with you on the price Scott. The information on the

DVDs is a steal at the current special, and will be going up again soon. In

fact, I let it slide for an extra week, but effective today, I’m only letting

another 100 sets go at this amount. Thanks for your support.


Just got the Chinese System – http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html

and I’ve been massaging the 3 pressure points the last couple of days. It’s incredible!

The energy increase and clarity of mind I get from them is overwhelming…is that normal.

Does it take long to get used to the effects.



M.F. So I guess it works, huh. Yes, the results are normal. I can’t really say how long

it takes to get used to a clear mind and having so much energy. It sure beats going

through life with a body that is asleep at the wheel.

Well, my friend, that’s all for now. Be sure to get in while the getting is good. Only

100 sets left and then the amount for this extraordinary Chinese Long Life System

is going up considerably.

Kick butt…take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Here’s another good letter – this one about my Combat Conditioning product:


Just wanted to thank you for your excellent book and DVDs on Combat Conditioning

http://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_videos.html. I read Barry Eisler’s excellent

RAIN series, and when I asked about bodyweight exercises, he referred me to your


I am 47 years old, and in May weighed in at 220 with cholesterol count of 242.

The doctor immediately recommended Lipitor, but I said no; give me 3 months.

I started your program, plus biking, and eating healthy.

3 months to the day, my cholesterol dropped 60 points, bad cholesterol 70. The

numbers impressed the hell out of the doctor.

I also surprised myself by doing 12 pull ups and 25 chin ups. Before I could barely

do 2-3. I feel stronger than ever. While my numbers are not as impressive as some,

for a 47 year old guy who simply follows your program 6 days a week for 20-30

minutes a day, I am extremely pleased with the results.

Keep up the good work,


M.F. Great work Joe, and your numbers are more impressive than you may think.

For those who haven’t read Barry Eisler’s books, you are missing a real treat.

The Rain series will stand with anything written by Michael Connelly, Robert Crais,

or Dennis Lehane, three other fine writers.

What Do You Think?

Monday, May 1st, 2006

I’ve often poked and made fun of those who exercise with

gadgets coming out of their ears. The people who can’t go

for a walk or a run, or do any form of exercise without their

ipod, nano, walkman … or cell phone.

Crazy as it seems when you step back and think about it,

people today cannot even use a public bathroom without

cell phone in hand. Amazing. Alexander Graham Bell has

got to be shaking his head from his tomb.

Beyond the ear gadgets you’ll find gyms that don’t just

have tee-vee’s above every treadmill. That’s not good

enough. NOW you have screens attached to the treadmills,

cycles, stair steppers and other machines – so you can

watch the boob-tube or play a DVD or mp3.

But it doesn’t stop there. On these machinese there are fans –

just in case you might sweat – as well as holes for your drink –

a place for your cell phone and ipod – and so on.

The only thing missing from the entire operation is a place for

“YOUR OWN THOUGHTS;” a place for you to focus and concentrate


Reminds me of the Henry Ford quote, “Thinking is the hardest

work on earth, that’s why so few people engage in it.”

Now, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that thinking is the hardest

work on earth – but it is the most productive use of your time.

Not only that, but when you’re exercising, especially if you do

it solo – you’ve truly been given a prime opportunity to do some

powerful thinking.

Sometimes you CAN think when you have a gadget in your ears

because you’re listening to something educational or motivational.

But the truth is that most people who have gadgets in their ears

or a screen before them while they train – are not thinking. They’re

listening to head banger music or watching the “schnews.”

That’s right. The “schnews.” You know, those 24-hour per day channels

that have one positive story out of a million – and have a knack for

dramatizing an event for months.

Meanwhile, as you’re watching the “schnews” this thing called “Your LIFE”

is passing you by. Not to worry, it’ll be over in a flicker anyway – so you

might as well tune out by supposedly tuning in.

People often wonder if I sleep – or how I get so much done.

I look at my list and think, “Got what done. So much to do – so little time.”

[In the above sentence, by the way, short and sweet as it is, I have given you

one of the keys to greatness. You might want to re-read it and see if you caught

it the first time.]

Now, I fully realize that those who cannot live without their gadgets while they

exercise don’t like what I have to say. But I honestly believe, from experience,

and from the experiences of some pretty heavy hitters I’ve talked to, that exercise

time is one of the best times you will ever have for thinking about your life,

picturing what you want to create for yourself, forming plans to make things happen

– and strengthening not just your muscles, but your commitment to fulfilling what truly

matters to you.

Whether you’re running hill sprints, doing Hindu Squats or pushups – or going for a

swim – you can double your life force by using imagination power while you train.

I have discovered that the Imagination Channel is far better than the nightly, daily,

morning, mid morning, noontime and mid-day schnews. Tune in yourself and see

if this is true for you, too.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

Author of the Int’l best-seller, Combat Conditioning – available by going to


P.S. One more thing, my October seminar is going to be a sellout. People

are enrolling at a faster pace than ever before. If you’re interested, not

just in fitness but greater prosperity, then this IS the event to go to. Find

more on it at http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

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