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Archive for June, 2006

Exercise Your Eyes and Ears

Monday, June 19th, 2006

Think about the idea I am proposing for a moment.

Most of us go through an entire lifetime without ever

consciously doing an exercise to improve our eyesight

or our hearing.

As for myself, I know that I never considered such a

concept – until I began spending more and more time

here in China. Over here I’ve learned more about the

human body than anywhere else – and I continue to be


Now, the benefits of exercising your eyes and ears go

way beyond improving your eyesight or hearing. The

benefits reach right into your brain, improving mental

clarity and acuity. The benfits also extend to reducing

stress, anxiety, feelings of overwhelm, and so on.

Think of it. Almost everyday many people enter a world

of stress beyond what their mind and body can effectively

handle. Sure, they can handle it – but not without negative


I’m talking about tension throughout the body. Necks and

shoulders frozen with stress. Lower back pain. Weight gain,

diabetes, migraines and more.

Sure, by popping a few pills you may feel you’ve got the

situation managed – but you don’t. You only have the

situation under control when you have taken the problem

by the horns, wrestled it to the ground and beaten the

tar out of it.

Seriously, you’ve got to envision what you want for yourself –

and you’ve got to decide upon BEING just that.

Get up in the morning, do some deep breathing exercises. Do

the Chinese Long-Life exercises – you can read all about them

at http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html

Crank out some Hndu squats and pushups. Stretch your back

and neck with some bridging. Breathe deeply and take charge

of your life. Tell yourself that nobody on this planet is going to

rattle your cage today. No matter what happens, you’ve got

something inside you that triggers feelings of happiness, peace

of mind, and well-being.

While you exercise, see the world as a place where you are

making things happen; a place where you envision what you

want and begin creating it.

Open your eyes and ears, not just through exercise – but to

a grand vision of how life can be for you if you drop all the

baggage and concentrate specifically on WHAT YOU WANT.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

Int’l best-selling author of Combat Conditioning, Combat Abs

and a plethora of other powerhouse programs that turn lilly-

livered wimps into bonafide studs; couch potatoes into super

human fitness machines; fraidy cats into Fure-cats – go to

http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html and get something

for yourself.

Letter from an Old Friend

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

It’s raining horses, sheep and pigs here on Hainan Island –

but wouldn’t you know, I just had an email forwarded to me

from an old friend from my hometown of Carroll, Iowa – and

it has taken me way back. It has taken my mind off the weather

and put it back to my formative years.

The old friend’s name is Mike – and boy was he ever a mighty

fighter. He’s not anyone you’d want to duke it out with – and

both of us fondly recall having to smack a greaser or two now

and then.

Mike was six years ahead of me – and I learned much his

experience in fitness, particularly in regard to weights. I used

them to become a champion wrestler; Mike trained with them

for boxing, strength, health, etc.

I clearly recall strapping on the weight belt to do heavy bench

presses, heavy squats, deadlifts – and everything else. I also

recall choking down some pretty awful protein powders – boy

those were worse than sawdust.

I learned much from Mike – not just about training, but about the

imporance of goals, commitment, a good work ethic, a “never-give-up”

attitude, and so on.

In 1980 Mike joined the Air Force and that was the last communication

we had, until today.

Why the renewed contact? Well, it’s partly because Mike just ordered my

Combat Conditioning program – and not because we’re buds, either.

Here’s a quick paragraph from his email that should serve as fair

warning for anyone who thinks I’m B.S.ng when it comes to the

dangers of weights:


I enjoyed your web site. Your article about lower back and shoulder

problems fits me to a T. It makes perfect sense to me to leave those

damn weights alone – especially at my age, and I wish I would have left

them alone years ago. I have several herniated disks (L-3,4,5, S1, and S2)

to show for it.

Your old friend from Carroll,


Think of it, my friend. Several herniated disks from using the weights. Not

a pretty picture, is it. And this doesn’t even get to the destroyed shoulders,

knees and so on from using heavy weights.

Let’s be smart and train in a way that you’re not crippling your body for

life. Forget the weights. Forget the LSD cardio. Follow the program that

turns couch potatoes into super-human fitness machines.

Matt Furey

Int’l best-selling author who stirs up controversy each and every

day with a simple stroke of his pen. You’ll love his books. They’ll

make you laugh; they’ll make you angry; they’ll make you FIT.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html and start your

fitness spree right now.

Son of a Dog

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

Yesterday my son, Frank, celebrated his sixth birthday.

We took him to his (and my) favorite restaurant here on

Hainan Island. It’s called Xin Jiang Ren – and it’s famous for

serving truckloads of lamb on metal skewers – as well as

having a show each night where Xin Jiang men and women

sing, dance and perform in the traditional manner for their

province (more on the role I played last night in a minute).

Like his mother, Frank can now eat hot peppers like a champ –

even here in China where they make American “hot” lame by

comparison. Hot peppers are good for the blood, the heart,

the digestion – and so on – provided you don’t overdo them.

One of the refreshments cherished on this hot, humid tropical

paradise is yezi shui (coconut milk). It was great watching Frank

bite off a piece of hot lamb, begin chomping, then reach for his

glass of coconut milk. He must have had three glasses in record

time because last night the “la jiao” – was super hot.

At the end of the performance the women wander the crowd looking

for partners to dance with, which leads to a ceremony where a man

is selected, offers a rose to the beautiful maiden, who rejects him. This

is followed by the man duck walking after her and begging for her love

– which is usually followed by her acceptance.

Nice for the movies or for a play, but not generally how it works in

real life – but wouldn’t you know, just like last year, they wanted ME

to be one of the guys who danced with the girls. Last year I refused.

I refused this year as well. But this time I was weakened because I

had drunk a couple glasses of Great Wall dry red wine – so when I

said I had knee pain, and back pain, and a headache, and whatever

other excuse I could muster, they didn’t care. I was to take the stage

with the beauts – it was fate.

So I consented. And despite my somewhat elevated state of consciousness,

I woke up the crowd when I duck waddled along with the Xin Jiang men,

then hopped around from foot to foot and basically imitated all their loose

and flexible body movements.

My goodness, that son of a running dog can move, I heard someone say –

in my imagination.

As destiny would have it, I was chosen to be the man for the vixen and

to show my adoration I had to pick up a rose with my teeth then duck

walk the stage begging for her. I followed along – much to my wife’s

delight (at this point). True to form I was rejected – but encouraged to

keep trying.

After straddling the stage a second time the men began to advise me

on what romantic things I could say. The MC asked, “Your wife is Chinese,


I replied “yes.”

He then asked, “Who is more beautiful, your wife or this fair lady?’

“Wo bu shuo,” I replied – “I won’t say.”

This brought huge laughter from the crowd. The MC asked me to say

something romantic a second time. At that point I called Frank to the

stage and told him to do it for me, that I couldn’t say such a thing to

this lady before my wife – even as part of a play.

Frank grabbed the rose from me – and instead of getting down on his

hands and knees, he tossed the rose on the ground and stomped on

it. At this point the MC realized he better get us off the stage as fast

as possible.

The lady took the rose and sat on my knee, then we gave a big smile for

the camera – which by that time – wouldn’t you know it – was out of pictures.

My brother-in-law had already taken 800 during the evening. A bit much –

but he’s fascinated with his new toy, which I bought for him so he can take

a ton of photos of me for new products and such.

When I got back to the table, Zhannie, told me how happy she was that I

wouldn’t say anything – and she was equally proud of Frank for throwing the

rose on the ground and stomping on it … because the MC was asking both of us

to say something neither of us should say in public.

The whole event, to my wife, was about “face.”

Yes, it’s okay to have a great time, but remember where to draw the line –

and KNOW that there is a line – especially in public.

In the future I may show you some photos from the grand birthday party.

In the meantime, remember that being able to squat and waddle like a

duck is part of my Combat Conditioning program. This exercise will

strengthen your legs, lower back and knees in a major way.

But you’d be well advised to begin with Hindu Squats first. Once these

are no problem – you can add the duck walks into the mix.

More to come …

In the meantime, don’t forget to …

Kick ass – take names,

Matt Furey

How Many Workouts Per Week?

Friday, June 9th, 2006

‘As for Hindu Pushups, Hindu Squats and bridging, you can

do them daily OR you can do them 3x per week. Vary

the intensity level of each workout. It’s not smart to strive

for a world record each day.’

Matt Furey e-newsletter – May 2004

Now, I realize some of you want me to give you the ABSOLUTES

on everything.

I realize that when I say, ‘take your pick, you can train 3x per week

with Combat Conditioning

or you can do it everyday’ – some people will get pissed and think I’m not answering their question.

But I am. Understand, first and foremost, YOU are making the decision,

not me. You are the one who decides what you will do with your life,

not me. You are the one who either accepts or rejects what I have to


Second, I can tell you to train everyday, and you may say, ‘Nah, I’d

rather do it three times a week.’ And if I said train three times per

week, some might say, ‘But I heard two times a week is better. That’s

what Bubba says.’

And if I say train one day a week, you’ll say, ‘But I know a program

where they recommend only training once a month.’

Laugh all you want. But it’s true.

And so, my solution to it all is to give you options. Train everyday or

Train 3x a week. Take your pick.

I do not advise going below three times per week.

I mean, if you had a dog would you recommend that he only

‘move’ 2x a week? Or less?

I don’t think so.

But with some people, ya never know. Maybe someone right now,

who previously figured out that your dog needs breath mints

and a day at the spa – will come up with some machine that will

exercise your dog so he won’t have to. Maybe there already is

such a machine.

Actually, there is. I just found it here in China. But that’s another

matter entirely.

As an aside, last December, when I was over here for a few weeks, I

took delight in how many of the dogs had on winter clothing. I wanted

to laugh – but then I checked the temperature. Twas a cold evening

and if I were a dog (or as the Chinese would say during Mao’s time –

a ‘running dog’), I’d probably want a jacket, too.


And now, for the ultimate ‘monkey wrench.’ If you want, you can

train 2x per DAY.

In fact, you could even get off your ‘arse’ 3x a day and – DO SOME-

THING. Especially when you throw in a quick workout with Combat Abs

Did you know that during my high school and collegiate career,

I trained 3x a day, everyday? That was nine straight years of 3x per

day training (first year in college was a red-shirt year).

In the olden days, fitness pioneers such as Paul Bragg, Charles Atlas,

Earle Liederman, etc. – recommended you do something twice a day.

Get up in the morning, do some deep breathing exercises. Or some

isometrics. Or some calisthenics. Or swimming, running, walking up

hills. Something.

Then at night, before retiring, DO something again.

The workouts need not be long. 15 minutes is really all you need.

But guess what those 15 minutes give you? They give you TWO

hours of increased productivity. TWO HOURS.

Don’t know about you, but with the slate I have each day, I will

do 15 minutes worth of exercise to get back 2 hours. It’s a no-

brainer – even for a ‘jock’ like me.

Now, just think if it were ‘money’ we were talking about.

Would you spend 15 dollars if you knew you’d get 120 dollars

in return? I know I would.

****** And now, for the final monkey wrench *******

When people are just starting out, quite often 15 minutes is too

much time to spend training. So I recommend 1 minute workouts

Half minute of Hindu Squats.

Half minute of pushups.

Or one minute of walking in place.

Not to mention, the Farmer Burns Stomach Flattener – the squeezing

portion of each rep is only 2 to 5 seconds.

The key thing is BEGINNING. If you get started with one minute workouts,

you’ll build a success pattern and before you know it – you’ll WANT to be

training for 15 minutes a day.

Well, friend, that’s it for now.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Why not take a ride on over to Furey Central today. It’s quite

nice inside and there are always plenty of great adventures there

that will light a major spark in your imagination – http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

Conquer Depression, Fear, Worry, Etcetera

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

One out of six women and one out of eight men will suffer

from depression sometime during their voyage here on


Some people will tell you it can be controlled without

medication. Others will tell you it cannot.

All I know is that exercise can and does help – and many

students have written to tell me that the exercises

in Combat Conditioning were the only form of exercise

to do the trick.

Let’s take a look at what one reader of this daily newsletter

had to say:

Dear Matt,

I just wanted to write and tell you that your program is really

making a difference. Just to let you know I went though the

last two years of hell in a divorce and suffering from extreme


I went from 198lbs to 282 lbs.To give you an ideaI have

gotten your Combat Conditioning and Furey Fat Loss program

during the last year. And I am really progressing.

I am down from 282 to 238. I am building muscle, but the most

important thing I wanted to share with you is that your program

is also a kick-butt solution for a man diagnosed with depression.

My physician explained that the reason a lot of men suffer from

depression – lack of motivation – focus, etc is that their dopamine

and serotonin levels are out of whack. Well I decided that I was sick

and tired of being sick, tired … and depressed.

I found out that exercises like the Hindu Squats, jumping rope, sprints,

and many other of the exercises in your program are great for battling


The first thing I am doing in the morning isgetting my body warmed up

using the breathing exercises in Combat Abs.

At first I could only muster the motivation for 5 minutes.

Well now I am up to twenty minutes in the morning before I do my Hindu

squats. What is great is that it sets me up for the entire day.

For the first time in my life, I understand how to fight and overturn the

effects of depression. In the beginning it was very difficult, but like you

said ‘Even if you can just do one minute, it will make all the difference.’

Yeah, I still have another 35 lbs to work off, but at least I am regaining my

focus and energy. I am involved in a groupof people who are fighting

back from depression.They are all noticing the changes not only physically,

but mentally as well.

I can’t thank you enough for the work you do. I am sharing your techniques

and what I have learned about fighting back from depression with as many

people I know. Thank you for helping me get my life back ‘one minute at a time.’

Signed– Half-way there with only half way to go.

Robert Kay

West Jordan, Utah

M.F. Robert, this is tremendous. You are on a great and noble path and your

results are and will be an inspiration to many. I am thrilled to hear of your

success and the successes of those around you. Please tell them that

Matt Furey says hello.’

Also, just so you know, although all the exercises in Combat Conditioning and

Combat Abs can help, the exact exercises that I am told help the most with

elimination of depression are as follows: Bridging – front and back, headstands,

handstands and the tablemaker. Not only that, any exercise you do instead of

spending time worrying or feeling fearful is a step toward conquering those

negative emotions as well.

Well, my friend, that’s all for now.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Nothing in this email message is intended as medical advice for anyone

suffering from depression. Although many people have successfully battled

depression with my exercise programs, results can and do vary. There is no

guarantee that exercise will work for you – but there is an increased probability.

Always consult a physician before making any lifestyle changes, including but

not limited to the beginning of an exercise program

Transform Your Life

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

Since arriving at our vacation home on China’s Hainan Island

a week ago – I’ve been undergoing a few changes that may be

for the better.

For example, on most evenings I am in bed by 7 or 8 PM. Now that is

very odd for this Fure-cat. Even stranger, I find myself being

awakened at 3 a.m. When I arise I look at the clock, tell myself

it is too early to be up, then grab my notepad, a book, my laptop,

and various other working tools – and I start my day.

Let me be clear – this is NEW. Typically I am late to bed and I’ll arise

when I damn well please. It may be early, it may be late – se depende.

But now, for whatever reason, I almost feel like I am being pulled into

a new state of being, involuntarily – which is also not me because I believe everything we do is by choice. And YES, I am choosing to do what I do – but

it doesn’t feel like I’m choosing it. Odd indeed.

What I can tell you thus far is this change appears to be making me more

focused and more productive. I will keep you posted.

A confession: Despite the fact that many people view me as mega productive,

as a real get-things-done type of guy – I live with a tremendous and often

times overwhelming desire to accomplish more – and there is no turning it

off. The only thing I can do is somehow try to live up to the potential I

believe I have – and honestly, thus far I don’t believe I’ve done too doggone

good a job.

Yes, I’m proud of my accomplishments. I’m proud to know that hundreds of

thousands of people from all over the world follow my fitness programs and

hang on my every word. I’m also proud to have played a positive role in

the lives of so many who are now creating splendiferous lives for themselves.

Yet, at the same time, I feel I am called to do MORE – and I must never

rest on previous laurels, become complacent, think I have everything

down – and so on.

Coming to China a couple times each year is – in and of itself, somewhat

of a transformational experience. I am surrounded by a completely

different culture, with completely different thoughts, ideas and ways

of expressing oneself. At times I am utterly frustrated – yet most of

the time I am having a wonderful time.

Today, when I was working out in the park amidst a gathering of

many other men and women who were also exercising, I fell into

a gymnastic bridge from the standing position. I then proceeded to

knock off several reverse pushups – then I stood back up without a

hitch. To see a young female gymnast do this would be one thing,

but to see this big, bulky bald-headed monster looking white boy do

this – well, that is something else.

Upon arising several people cheered, gave me the thumbs up – then

an older lady asked, ‘Ni duoshao sui?’ – How old are you.

‘Wo mei you sui.’ – I don’t have an age.

‘Ni duo da?’ someone else repeated, asking the same question a

different way.

‘Wo meiyou duo da,’ I repeated. I have no age.

Everyone was laughing. Some thought I didn’t understand the question.

Others could tell I did and were surprised at the clever answer.

Then a lady came to me to translate, to speak slower and more clearly.

I gave her the same answer, letting her know I understood their meaning

very well.

Not to be deterred another old lady asked my age. To her I said, ‘I don’t

have an age. I don’t even exist. I’m not even here right now.’

This line won the day and virtually everyone in the park was smiling and

laughing at the gui lou – foreign devil.

20 minutes later I was asked once again and I said the following which I

think most people worldwide can learn from:

‘If you think too much about your age – you limit yourself in what you

can do, be or have. Never think age. Simply think, ‘Do I want it?’ If you

think in terms of your wants and forget about your age, you can make

your life far better than it is.’

Tis true. Many “kids” in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60′ and so on are running

around today saying they’re too old. No – they’re not – but their thinking is.

Delete that crappy thinking from your mind, my friend.

Live life straight up, with gusto. Exceed yourself. Never rest on your

laurels. Most importantly, never retire from life. Get up early and DO

something with yourself. Make yourself proud. Then forget about being

satisfied and get involved to do more – and more – and more.

That’s what makes life grand. That’s what’ll make YOU great.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

author of the Int’l best-sellers Combat Conditioning, Combat Abs

and a number of other life-transforming programs that you can

discover by going to http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

5 Reasons Why Bodyweight Exercises Work Like Magic

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

When someone is resistant to a new idea, one of the things

he will do to stall, procrastinate and delay is ask the question


I know this tactic very well .. and so does my wife.

We went through the ‘why’ stage when we were

learning each other’s language.

When I was learning Chinese, instead of simply

absorbing the material like a child would, I wanted

to know ‘why.’

Why does the person’s name have to come first, followed

by the time, followed by the verb, and so on.

‘Wo mingtian chi fan tai duo.’ Translated literally, I yesterday

eat too much.

I’d much rather say it my way, ‘Wo chi fan tai duo mingtian.’

I ate too much yesterday.

Zhannie went through the same, only in reverse. ‘Why do I

have to put an ‘s’ on the end of some nouns but not on others?

Why not just put the number before the noun so we know how

many of something? Isn’t saying five car the same as saying

five car(s)?’

When you think about it, we don’t need the doggone ‘s’ at the end

to understand. But we insist on it in English. Why? Who the hell

cares. Just the way it BE (yes, twas an intentional Furey mistake).

We accept it and move on.

Whenever something is NEW, many people literally demand to know

‘why, why, why.’ Yet, deep down, they really don’t want to change.

Here are some examples sent to me by email: Why are bodyweight

exercises better than weights? Why does excess fat on your waistline

disappear with Combat Abs? Why does back pain go away with bridging?

Why does your metabolism crank up the heat so much more when

you train this way instead of with weights or aerobics?

Why are pushups safer shoulders than the bench press? Aren’t they

really the same thing?

And so on.

Often, trying to explain ‘why’ is futile because the person asking

‘why’ doesn’t really want to know the answer. He simply wants to

argue and hold onto a current belief.

And so, the only real way for someone to be convinced of the validity of

Combat Conditioninghttp://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

or Combat Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html – is to get

the programs, use them and discover the truth for yourself.

Even though that is the real truth, I’d like to give you a few reasons why

the exercises work so well and so fast anyway – so here goes:

5 Reasons Why Bodyweight Exercises Work Like Magic

1. When you do Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushups, or variations of them,

you are working major muscle groups. Most people who train with weights

do isolation exercises. The person who works major muscle groups beats the

isolation exercise dodo 16 ways from Sunday.

2. Because bodyweight exercises are ‘natural’ movements that require deeper

self-concentration, neurological connections are stronger than they are when

your focus is on something other than yourself, i.e. ‘weights.’

3. Bodyweight exercises allow you to train your body from virtually any angle

or position. The same cannot be said of weights, especially all those ridiculous


4. Bodyweight exercises simultaneously increase strength, endurance and

flexibility. Hindu Pushups and bridging are a textbook perfect example of this.

5. Bodyweight exercises attack the muscle at a deeper level than weights, thereby

giving you greater ‘functional strength.’ The person who does a set of pullups, for

example, works the muscles of the back and arms far more than the person doing

a lat pulldown on a machine.

There are more reasons ‘why’ – but again, none of these reasons mean a doggone

thing if a person is resistant to the idea.

It is not my job to pound through the mental and emotional debris that stops someone from making the decision to go ahead. All I can do is present my

point of view and move on.

On second thought, tis probably a good idea to end today’s message with a

hearty ‘thank you’ to all the Furey Faithful, who now occupy some 139

countries – we just added ‘Ghana’ to the list – and have been kicking butt and taking names with my superior programs.

You are the BEST!!

Matt Furey

Author of Int’l best-sellers Combat Conditioning, Combat Abs and a slew of

other kick-butt products – go to http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

to see more

Walk and Flex Abs at the Same Time

Monday, June 5th, 2006

Yesterday I received a question from a Lieutenant

Colonel in the Army. This one is so good it got moved

to the top of the heap. Here goes:


I have your Combat Conditioning DVDs, Gama fitness, Combat

Abs, and now your Farmer Burns course and Combat Cardio – http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

Let me just say as a member of the ArmedForces I believe your

teachings are fantastic. I’ve contacted the Army Fitness School

and told them to go to your website.

Anyways, here’s my issue and question. I was in a fairly serious

motorcycle accident over here in Korea about a year ago. I took

some damage to my left leg, and although the bones have healed

and the stitches are long gone I still have some pain in my calve.

It is by no means debilitating, but it does hurt quite a bit when I run.

As a consequence I’ve cut back on my running and now walk every

night while only running 2-3 times a week (I also plan on using your

rope skipping, rowing, cycling programs from the tele-seminar).

In Combat Cardio – http://www.mattfurey.com/cardio_seminar.html

you mentioned incorporating the Qi Gong breathing into your own walking

and the website had a picture of you doing it.

Can you offer some tips on incorporating the breathing into your walking.

I know it seems obvious; breathe deep (down to your feet) and exhale,

but do you breathe in for a specific count or number of steps and exhale

the same.

Do you shorten your walking stride to accomodate the breathing (I have

in my ‘experimental’ walks). Any tips would be useful and me being the

pragmatist I am. I’m thinking this would be useful for soldiers conducting

road marches. Just a thought. Please provide any info you can and keep

up the great work.

LTC Van R. Sikorsky


M.F. Lieutenant Colonel, first thanks so much for the kind words – but more

importantly, thanks for your service to our country. Glad to hear you are

mending well after the accident. To strengthen you calves, you might consider

the wall chair position, albeit with heels elevated. This will make your calves

quiver and quake like the San Andreas fault. You can also reverse it and lift

your toes so the front of your lower leg gets worked hard.

In regard to Qi Gong walking (also Chi Kung walking) – there are many varieties.

Today I will give you one of many favorites.

I normally don’t divulge something this good in my emails – it’s the sort of thing

I reserve for students in the Matt Furey Inner Circlehttp://www.mattfureyinnercircle.com

but today I’ll make an exception for YOU!

While walking with normal strides, inhale from your feet up to your head.

Pull the energy up your body to energize. After doing this hold your breath

and pull your abs back toward your spine. Hold for a 2 count … or whatever

you’re comfortabledoing. Continue on with your normal stride while walking

this way. Exhale when you cannot hold any longer. Catch your breath and


Believe me now and listen to me later, it won’t take long for you to be swimming

in energy. This technique is very powerful indeed.

I cover much more in my Inner Circle n/l and CD, sent each month to Furey

Faithful. The workout covered this month is a mind-blower as well.

Best to you.

Matt Furey

P.S. I realize a lot of different Furey products were mentioned in today’s email.

The easiest way to research any or all is by taking a trip on the wild side – riding

on over to Furey Central – http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

Advice from Jerry Lewis

Monday, June 5th, 2006

A couple years back I watched an interview with Jerry Lewis –

conducted by Bill O’Reilly.

Absolutely fascinating.

The way I see it, in many ways he epitomizes the virtue of

being ‘immune to criticism.’ You cannot perform the way he

did if you’re continually worried about what everyone else

thinks of you. You’ve got to be the one who decides how

your act is going to be played.

Think for a moment. Imagine putting yourself into the role of

playing Jerry Lewis, even for an hour. Not an easy thing to do –

but Jerry can morph into and out of character so fast he makes

it look easy. That’s the sign of a real pro. When you make it look

hard – you’re an amateur.

During one segment of the interview, O’Reilly seemed to be looking

to Lewis for some counsel, which was strikingly odd. He talked

about how his show is always under attack because of the stance

he takes.

In reply Lewis said, ‘That’s because you’re good.’ Then he added some

words of wisdom that you should never forget – even if you personally

don’t care for O’Reilly.

‘When you climb up a flag pole, people are going to see your ass. And

they’ll want to knock you down, not because THEY want to be up there themselves – but because they don’t want YOU to be there.’

Isn’t that the truth? Jerry hit the rear right on the skin.

And so, as you begin to make progress in your life, understand in

advance (or right now) that there are going to be some people who

don’t want you to succeed. They’re going to be jealous and try to pull

you down. This is as it should be. It is GOOD. When it happens you know

you’re on your way.

The trick, once again, is being absolutely immune to all the negativity

‘the others’ try to shovel your way. And while you’re effortlessly blocking

them – guess what happens? You attract a whole new set of people into

your life who support the NEW you.

That’s the way the universe works, my friend. So look forward to meeting

those who are supportive of the new you springing forth – and never worry

about those who are fearful of your rise. Simply pass them by – making sure

they see nothing but your dust – the dust that comes from being on the trail

of success.


Matt Furey

President, Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc.


P.S. Be sure to send this email to a few friends so they can receive

these insights as well. Just send them to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com

and we’ll take care of the rest.

P.P.S. Don’t forget about my October seminar on Super-Human

Marketing – http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

U.S. Army Captain Gives Report

Monday, June 5th, 2006

I recently rummaged through a large stack of emails, letters, etc.

– and here’s one that caught me eye. It is a powerful testimony to the effectiveness of the routines I teach – and I believe you’ll find it to be

incredibly inspiring. Here goes:


I’ve been meaning to write you for some time, and please feel free to

use this as another testimonial on your website.

I started Combat Conditioning in May 2005 (today is January 12, 2006).

My first recorded max was 20 Hindu Pushups, 50 Hindu Squats, and I was

barely able to do the bridge (needing both hands on the ground) for 20

seconds or so. And doing that all took a few weeks of training and still

about killed me.

Well, 8 months later, I’ve come a long way. Last night a 3 minute bridge

with no hands (something I’ve been able to do for months now), followed

by 200 Hindu Pushups (in 15 minutes 10 seconds) and 701 Hindu Squats

(in 20 minutes 32 seconds).

By way of background, I’ve been athletic for the last 12 years or so, running

two marathons when I was 22 years old (I’m almost 34 now) and never did

much of any weight training as I never enjoyed it and never got any benefit

from it. I’ve always been very thin. When I started CC I was 6′ 1′ and 145lbs.

I’m now 166lbs and it’s not any fat that I’ve added.

When I visited family back in Thanksgiving, they were shocked to see how good

I looked.

One thing I love about Combat Conditioning is that I’m getting both a ‘body-building’ workout and ‘cardio’ workout at the same time. If you’d told me 6 months ago that I’d ever be able to do 200 Hindu Pushups, I wouldn’t have

thought it possible.

I can now also fall into a bridge (backbend), something I’d never been able

to do my entire life.

Bridging alone has virtually eliminated almost all back and neck pain that

I’ve had for years.

Trips to my chiropractor have gone from about once a week to around

once a month.

I do the Mag 7 from Combat Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html –

every morning when I wake up. This has greatly helped me as well.

The Farmer Burns Stomach Flattener and Vacuum exercises have really

helped with my digestion.

I followed your advice and bought a Chest-Expander from Lifeline USA,

Portable Power Jumper, and Power Pushup 2, all of which have greatly

assisted my training.

Combat Conditioninghttp://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

has really changed my life for the better. I am a fairly high-strung guy

and this helped relax me to some degree.

As an attorney (JAG) and officer in the U.S. Army, I have a very demanding

job and CC has helped me to stay focused and better relaxed at work-

something my colleagues and superiors probably appreciate as well.

I’ve followed your advice and quit drinking coffee cold turkey six months

and that alone has yielded great results. I’ve also benefited from my

membership in the Matt Furey Inner Circlehttp://mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

especially by listening to your monthly CDs, reading the newsletters, and

getting advice and support on the forum.

I can say without a doubt that everything you teach: 1) makes intuitive

sense to me and 2) bears true through the personal results that I am


While your products are not particularly cheap, I am getting much more

value than what I’ve paid for and I only wish I had found out about you

years ago and started these exercises then. Thanks for everything!

Mason S. Weiss

Captain, U.S. Army

Appellate Government Counsel


M.F. Oh Captain, My Captain. Thanks so much for sending this to me.

It is the perfect pick-me-up, not only for me, but the those who will

read this. You will continue to improve a lot more – and I look forward

to tracking more of your progress.

Well, my friend, that’s all for now.

Do as Captain Weiss had done ….

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

Author of Int’l best-sellers Combat Conditioning, Combat Abs and

a slew of other products too numeorous to mention here – go to

http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html for more information.

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