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Archive for September, 2006

Foods that Kill

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006

Yesterday I got a love letter from someone

who took major umbrage about me saying that

eating meat is good for you.

Because I think this, I’m basically, in his

world view, out to destroy the planet – as

if that can be done. The dinosaurs couldn’t

even accomplish that feat and they were a

lot bigger than human beings.

The man stated in his letter, “Some of the

best long distance athletes in history have

been vegetarians. So have many of the

smartest people in history.”

There’s more – which I’ll save for a future

email. For now, let me say that I have

nothing against vegetarians. I was one

myself from 1987 thru 1994. Then I saw

the lights … on the grill. And I’ve never

looked back.

So “some” great long distance runners

have been vegetarians. So what?

Most great long distance runners were not.

Tis like saying Bill Walton and Robert Parrish

were vegetarians who played in the NBA.

Well, yes they did – but what about the rest

of the NBA? Neither of these great players

was as good as Michael Jordan.

Many of the world’s greatest thinkers were


Again, SO WHAT?

The grand majority of great thinkers were NOT. Additionally,

we always have Adolph Hitler, to remind us that eating tofu

and broccoli does not a peaceful man maketh. Remember that.

There are peaceful, good natured vegetarians. Same

goes for meat eaters – like the late great Buckminster

Fuller. And there are violent ones on both sides of

the pasture as well.

But the real killers of the human spirit and flesh are

not meats. The killers are technological foods; foods

that were manufactured; foods that have to be cooked

to be edible. Packaged foods, laced with sugars, partially

hydrogenated oils, and so on – they are the killers.

Meat – believe it or don’t – can be eaten raw without

getting sick. I don’t do so myself, but know a number

of people who do – and there are books written on this

very subject.

Man, when subjected to a diet of meat, fruits and veggies –

minus the starches, the tofu and a plethora of other unhealthy

techno foods – is stronger, physically and mentally. His mind is

sharper. His reflexes faster. And his primal instinct for survival


The key is knowing what meats to eat – and when. The key is

knowing what NOT to eat. And so on.

Get angry with me all you want. But listen, I’m NOT out to change

anyone’s mind. If you’re a vegetarian, I love ya all the same. I could

sit at a table and watch you eat your salad and never have a

negative word to say to you. On the contrary, how many vegetarians

can watch me wolf down a hunk of buffalo without getting enraged?

Most can. Then there are those who, as my friend says, “Get violent.”

Always remember that when you combine the exercises I teach in

Combat Conditioning with all the updates I give to members of the

Matt Furey Inner Circle, that there is a good chance that miracles

may begin to happen in your life. By miracles I mean “stubborn fat”

leaving; cholesterol levels going down; possibly even all medication

for diabetes taking a hike. It has already happened for other members

of the MFIC.

Give it a whirl yourself and you’ll know what I mean. Enroll to-day by

going to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

You can also test-drive the program for a month by going to



Matt Furey

Why Artists Starve

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006

Was Vincent Van Gogh ‘too beautiful for this world.’

I don’t think so.

He was someone who was functional when he painted –

but at no other time. He had no idea how to

sell his work. He had no idea how to get along with

people. His mind was filled with little more than negative

images, not only of himself, but of the world at large.

Salvador Dail, on the other hand, sold his paintings all

over the world WHILE he was living. He connected with

people while he was alive. He was engaging and alive in

virtually everything he did. When he spoke, people listened.

Dali was a good friend of Dr. Maxwell Maltz. He was also

a fan of Psycho-Cybernetics. So much so that he created

a painting for Dr. Maltz and gave it to him as a gift. This

same painting appears on the cover of The New Psycho-

Cybernetics – the revised edition featuring Dr. Maltz and

Dan Kennedy – available at amazon.com.

What did Dali understand that Van Gogh didn’t – not to

mention all the other starving artists out there.

First, Dali understood that starvation is not glamorous.

He understood that there is no such thing as being ‘too

beautiful for this world.’ You either get what you want

out of life or you don’t.

Second, Dali understood that there were two orientations

toward life: One moves toward the sun – one toward

darkness. He understood that you can sail on a sea of

calm waters with a helmsman on board your vessel – or

you can choose a directionless life, floundering on a raging

sea of frustration and failure – with no helmsman in the


Third, Dali understood that you can view yourself as

valuable and what you do as valuable. Or you can

view yourself as unimportant.

Fourth, Dali realized that you can see yourself as larger than

life – or you can see yourself as no larger than a small potato.

Last, Dali understood that it wasn’t talent that caused success. He

realized it had far more to do with something called ‘self-image.’

He understood that talent is everywhere – but most with talent have

negative images of the possibilities that life offers – if you’ll open

yourself to them.

Dali became larger than life, WHILE on this earth – and afterward.

Dail’s success began on the inside; he pictured more than what he

painted on a canvas. Dali’s mind was filled with images of success –

so he moved toward those images and received them.

Van Gogh’s mind was filled with the negative – and he got what he

thought about. It was only when his negative mind was removed

from the equation that his paintings sold. If he were still alive, he’d

still be starving because that’s how he thought of himself.

Van Gogh got from life what he pictured – but didn’t paint.

So did Dali.

In your own life you have a choice to make: To be like Dali – or

Van Gogh. One was a prosperous artist – the other starved. Both

had immense talent – but talent doesn’t make for a successful life.

The key to greatness lies in the way that you think; the way you think

about your life and what you want from it.

Keep your mental pictures off the things you don’t want – and make

sure you never add Van Gogh like negative emotion to the things you

don’t want. Otherwise you’re inviting failure – even tragedy.

Picture the good things you want with happy, outlandish, outrageous,

Dali-like emotion – then stand back and observe these things becoming

part of your reality.


Matt Furey

P.S. Follow the same type of thinking used by the great Salvador Dali. Sail through

life on calm waters with a helmsman in control of your life. You can discover how

when you go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html

P.P.S. Want to create a prosperous life from your talents. Then check out my October

seminar – http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

No One Ever Really Dies

Monday, September 11th, 2006

Last night I received an email from a man

I coach. On Friday he received the unexpected

news that his brother had died. He wrote to ask

me if I had some words of wisdom I could console

him with.

In my reply I told him what I passed on to a friend

a couple years ago; a friend who lost his father to

cancer. A few months after his father’s passing, he

was still crushed. When he called I didn’t say much,

just listened.

When the conversation ended, I had a thought pop

into my head from behind – as if coming from his

father. It seemed so real I treated it as such. Not

wanting my friend to think I had gone completely

mad, I tried to fight the urge to call him back and

tell him the message I had received.

I was unable to fight the impulse – it was over-


I dialed. No answer.

I left a message: “Your father gave me a message he

wants me to pass along to you.”


An hour later I received a call from my friend. “What’s

up, my brotha?” he began.

“Kicking ass, as usual,” I replied.

“You said you had a message from my father,” he said

in a trusting tone.

“Yes, uh, I do,” I replied, with a slight hesitation.

“Okay ….”

“Your father wants you to know that it is okay for you to

talk to him. He wants you to talk to him,” I blurted, letting

the emotion out as fast as I could.

Long pause. Could feel the emotion through the airwaves.

Intense. Deep.

“Thank you,” he finally said as his voice cracked.

“I don’t think I have to tell you that this is NOT something

I would bring up lightly,” I said. “I don’t talk like this all the

time,” I said.

“Dude, if this came from you I know it’s the real deal.”

We talked about a minute longer and, as I was out of the

country for a spell soon afterward, we kept missing each

other for a number of months.

Then a phone call came through one afternoon as I was

driving home from a walk along the beach. I saw who it

was and answered. My friend’s voice beamed with joy and


“Just wanted to tell you that I’ve been talking to my dad,”

he said. “And I can’t thank you enough for passing the

message on. I tell this story at every lecture and speech

I give and the positive effect it has on the audience in

truly powerful. What you told me changed my life.”

Last night. There I was, being put into a similar situation.

And the answer for my student was the same. “Your brother

wants you to talk to him. He wants you to know it’s okay for

you to talk to him.”

I figure, today, on the 5th anniversary of 9-11 – this may be

a good message for all of us, as a country, to remember.

I’m not talking about holding seances or anything like that.

I’m simply talking about remembering those who have died

in a different light. No one ever really dies. Their memories –

and our memories of them – live on. Their energy can never

be destroyed. It can only pass from one form to another.

Although we never want to forget the horrors of what happened

on 9-11 – we also do not want to forget the beauty of how those

who’ve gone before us have lived. There’s gold in the memories

of our dearly departed. Let us never forget them.


Matt Furey

Confidence of Croc Hunter

Sunday, September 10th, 2006

Over the last couple days, whilst working on some

projects with lap top on lap, I’ve had the tee-vee

tuned to Animal Planet – where I’ve been watching

the footage on the life of Steve Irwin, aka The

Crocodile Hunter.

I had the chance to meet Steve a couple years back

but declined as I didn’t want to travel from Sydney,

Australia to where he was. Being that he met with

tragedy last week – I’ll never meet him personally –

but through his shows, I definitely connect with the


Steve Irwin epitomized what life is like when you

live with great passion and great confidence. He

embraced more fearless acts per day, took more

dangerous risks and endured more than most

people will if they had 100 lifetimes.

When I think of super confidence – I think of


You might think his life ended early – but I don’t

think so. Anyone who lives life the way Steve did

never really dies. His memories and his passion

are of such a high-caliber fuel that he cannot be

extinguished or forgotten. He lives on the same

as the greatest ball players, statesmen, political

leaders and so on.

Recently, I was sent a course called Confidence

Conditioning, by Dr. Tom Hanson – a former sports

psychology coach for the N.Y. Yankees. It is a fantastic

program that I wholeheartedly endorse because it provides

truly practical ways to go from fear to total confidence in

five seconds or less – http://www.mattfurey.com/confidence.html

When I listen to Dr. Tom talk about confidence, I don’t just

think of Derek Jeter and the other sports heroes he knew and

interviewd – including the home run king, Hank Aaron.

No, I also think of Steve Irwin. He is cut from the same mold.

Extreme confidence in any situation – on command.

Wouldn’t you like to have that?

Just once I’d like to grab a poisonous snake by the tail without a

shred of fear. Just once I’d like to dive on a 15 foot crocodile and

help hold it down so that it can be rescued.

Just once I’d like to do a lot of things – and I’m betting you do, too.

Well, Dr. Tom Hanson’s Confidence Conditioning shows you how to

make confidence a regular, ordinary, natural part of your life. He

shows you to the point that what is normal and natural for you will

appear super-natural to others.

Get Confidence Conditioning today and be more like Steve Irwin, the

Crocodile Hunter. We need more people like him. More people who

truly show us how to live.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/confidence.html and order NOW.


Matt Furey

I Eat Vegetarians for Lunch

Saturday, September 9th, 2006

Yes, it’s true. I eat vegetarians for lunch. I even

eat them for dinner. And occasionally for a snack

in between.

Not in the cannibalistic sense of the term – more like

in the Nugentian way. As in Ted Nugent.

As Ted says in his book, “Kill It and Grill It” – “Vegetarians

are cool. All I eat are vegetarians – except for the occasional

mountain lion steak.”

Like Ted, I avoid the chickens – even those that are free range.

I prefer to eat the meat of animals and fowl that have a bit of

intelligence – and aren’t prone to eating their own feces.

Many years ago I heard Jack LaLanne state that chickens are

vile, filthy creatures who will eat their own excrement, amongst

many other things. And those are the free range chickens. If

you’re like most and you’re eating chickens that are cooped in

cages with no wing room, barely enough room to stay alive –

then you’re overloading your body with a dangerously ill critter.

Avoid eating chicken at all costs. Chickens are worthless and

weak. Instead of chicken flesh, focus on eating the meats that

make your mentally, physically and spiritually powerful.

Want to know what those animals are – the ones I’m eating

exclusively; the ones that provide superior physial fire power

and mental prowess – then make sure you don’t miss the next

installment of the revised Furey Fat Loss Program – coming in

the September issue of my newsletter and CD – available ONLY

to members of the Matt Furey Inner Circle.

I guarantee what I have to teach you about diet and nutrition

will blow the excess flab off your body in record time whilst

giving you a lease on life that once felt like a leash.

Earlier this morning I received a report from another friend who

has dropped five pounds the first week following my revisions

that the other MFIC members received. And he’s feeling mega

strong, too. Most people go on diets of deprivation – and naturally,

they get weaker, not stronger. Don’t let that happen to you.

Live life straight-up, with gusto and enthusiasm. Eat vegetarians

for lunch and dinner – like me – and you’ll be on the fast track to

a grand life.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html and

enroll in my annual program that comes with a boatload of

free incentives.

Or, if you only want to get your feet wet before diving all the

way in – go to http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html


Matt Furey

P.S. If you’re a human vegetarian and want to know if my

program will work for you without you consuming the flesh

of other non-human vegetarians – the answer is NO. Give up

the slave foods, my friend – and eat like royalty. Because you

were created to live like you matter, like you’re important – not

like you’re a conquered people who were forced to eat a diet of

corn, rice, potatoes and such. Meat is where it’s at, my friend.

But not just any kind of meat. Eat the right kind. I’ll teach you

how when you’re a member of the MFIC.

Why Hard Work Doesn’t Work

Friday, September 8th, 2006

One of the biggest belief systems that the world,

as one big global culture, has bought into is this: The

secret of success boils down to one thing – hard work.

Here on Planet Furey – we live in a different Universe.

We believe in hard work – so long as it is still play – and

so long as you work hard in a certain way; an intelligent,

smart way.

This idea of “hard work” alone does the people who believe

it about as much good as sucking cotton candy in order to

get stronger or build muscle.

You do not succeed by working hard. You succeed by

doing what you do in a way that works; in a way that

gets you the results you’re after.

For example, if your goal is financial independence in ten

years, you can get a manual labor job putting roofs on

houses. You can work outdoors in 100 degree heat with

100 percent humidity. And this will never lead to abundance –

unless you know how to use your mind while you work hard.

I discovered this secret as a high school wrestler; rediscovered

it as a college wrestler; rediscovered it once again while training

for the world kung fu championships in 1997 – and finally figured

it out for good sometime after claiming the gold medal and seeing

that in everything I did in which I succeeded, there were certain

vibrations of thought I had that were not present in the instances

in which I did not win.

When I began my first business in 1987, fresh out of college, I had

the magic, but didn’t know how I got it. Everything I did worked even

though I didn’t know what I was doing. Later on, when I lost the

vibrational thought pattern, things started to fall apart. I didn’t know


I’m sure you can relate to having a time in your life when everything

just seemed to flow; you were in the zone. You worked – but nothing

felt like work. You loved what you were doing. You were totally involved

in the creative process and the rest of the world didn’t matter. It was

just you and your love.

Then somehow, without knowing why or how, without recognizing the

cause and effect relationship, the magic reversed directions on you.

When this happened you started to look for reasons outside of yourself

that caused the turnaround. And no matter how valid any of the reasons

seemed – none are really true. As Kipling wrote, “There are six million

reasons for failure – but not a single excuse.”

Why is this true? It’s true because success is an internal switch that YOU

and YOU alone turn on. Same goes with failure.

Does this mean that all you need to do to succeed is “think positive?” No,

it doesn’t.

In fact, it isn’t positive thinking that people need. What they need is a

burning desire to succeed; a burning want or drive to make good on

their goals – regardless of circumstances. Regardless of how tough

things are on the outside.

But more than knowing you need to have a burning desire – you also

need to know when and how to turn it on and use it. The secret as

Bob Dylan once sang, “Is blowing in the wind.”

Want to crank up your desire? Then bring in the wind. Bring more

life into your body via deep breathing. And whilst you’re breathing

deeply, begin to imagine a new life. Think upon the things you really

really want. And think about them WHILE you work in whatever

occupation you are in right now.

Suppose you’re the roofer out in the hot, humid sun. Instead of thinking

about roofing being miserable, hot, difficult work – you think instead of

how roofing is your “cash cow” that you are currently using to spring board,

launch and catapult yourself into a new life. Throw your heart and soul into

roofing while thinking thoughts other than roofing. Bring excitement and

enthusiasm to the roof – and as you begin to practice this enthusiasm you

will find yourself coming into contact with the people, situations, knowledge

and information that will allow you to jump from a roof, metaphorically speaking,

while landing in a field of your most deeply desired dreams.

I assure you the above is true.

I also assure you that those who go to work without a vision for the future,

those who go to work dreading what they are doing – and those who work

with no real purpose other than to survive from month to month – will never

get anything but month-to-month survival.

Now, suppose you’re not even a roofer. Suppose you’re jobless. What to do


Same thing.

Get outside and do some work. Mow your lawn. Rake your leaves. Wash your

car. Go for a walk. And as you do each of these things, ponder upon a better

life. Tell yourself you’re going to have it. Picture having it. Feel yourself having

it. And all throughout the day, as you work, even if it is “jobless” working – you

continually remind yourself that you’re doing what you are doing so that you

will succeed.

This is called dedicated living. You dedicate what you are doing to a higher

cause; to a greater desire.

Dr. Maltz covers this in detail in Zero Resistance Living – which you can obtain

at http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html

I cover this concept in detail in every seminar I teach – including my October

seminar on the Science of Super-Human Marketing. At this forthcoming event,

which will be the grand ultimate of all seminars I have ever done – I am going

to show you how to work, what to work on, what makes for a better life – and

I’m going to reveal the thinking that goes into turning your life around – regardless

of where you are right now.

Come learn what I have to teach. It will change your life for the better. It will

turn your life around – if you’ll open yourself to the change and allow it to take

hold of you.

Go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com to enroll NOW. Only a few seats left.


Matt Furey

Live Longer Now – Live Longer How

Friday, September 8th, 2006

When I was a kid there was a great

commercial for Marathon candy bars.

“My name’s Quick Karl and I do everything


“Oh yeah, bet you can’t eat a Marathon bar


“Gimme that.”

Quick Karl quickly bites off a chunk of the

cavity producer and starts off fast. Gradually

though, his jaw is stuck. His teeth are trying

to wade through the stickiness in the bar. He

is forced to slow down.

This commercial aired about 30 years ago, I

believe. Not only do I still remember it – but I

think of it whenever I give people advice on

living longer.

What kind of exercise should you do if you want

to live a longer life? Should you be like Quick

Karl and try to do everything fast?

The answer is yes and no.

At times you’ll want to do things quickly. This will

rev up your internal engine and get your blood

boiling. At other times you want to completely

slow down, breathe deeply and move as quietly

as possible while maintaining perfect balance.

And sometimes you want to stop moving externally

and move your lungs via deep breathing.

Moreover, there are various pressure points on your

body that the Chinese believe should be massaged

each day to rejuvenate, recharge and YOUTH your


In fact, of more than 300 pressure points on your body,

there are just three that, when massaged each day, will

open up the meridians in your body, improve chi flow

and quite possibly lead to you living 100 years in great


Throughout all of China you will see men and women

doing exercises that comprise the Chinese Long-Life


One year ago I brought this system to the U.S. and it’s

been getting rave results. Be sure to check out the 90-

year old lady that I practice these exercises with when

I’m visiting my vacation home on China’s Hainan Island.

Go to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html

and see what I’m talking about.

I have no doubt this lady will reach 100 years. She’s way

ahead of most because she knows what pressure points

to massage, as well as what exercises to do fast and which

to do slowly.

Learn what I discovered from her and my good friend, Master

Zhang by going to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html


Matt Furey

Keeps You (and Her) Up All Night Long

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

This past January, at my annual health and fitness

seminar, a man from California, in his mid-40’s,

cornered me in the lobby and began raving about

the Chinese seks course I put out.

It’s called Chuang Shang de Gong Fu – which stands

for Kung Fu on the bed. But not punch, kick, slap,

elbows and knees kung fu.


Tis simply the Chinese way to saying, “study of” or

“practice of.” That’s the basic way to know what kung

fu or gong fu means.

You can have good painting gong fu, cooking gong fu,

and so on.

Anyway, the man says to me, “You know, that deep

breathing and flexing technique you and Master Zhang

teach in the course?”

“Yes, I know,” I said.

“Well, let me tell you – about a wife after doing it everyday,

my seks life changed. I was in the pits and that technique

alone turned me around.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, for example, here I am at this seminar, working out

with you and the others, and I didn’t get to bed until 3 a.m.

last night – and it wasn’t because I had insomnia, if you know

what I mean.”

I chuckled.

“My wife loves you for what you’ve done to revive me. I’m like

a 17-year old again.”

“Tis a good age, huh?” I said.

And with that his wife entered the lobby. She was all smiles. The

man told me, in front of his wife, how good they felt practicing their

bedroom kung fu – and she smiled from ear to ear. Not a hint of

embarrassment, either.

Very cool.

Want to get in on this technique and amplify your love-making skills

to the moon – then go to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com

Follow what we teach in this course and you’ll have your wife or

lady friend begging for more – all night long.


Matt Furey

Where Freedom Reigns

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

People who say they have no will power are

slaves. They’re slaves to every taste or vice

coming down the pike.

They cannot resist the temptation of fattening foods.

Cannot resist drugs, alcohol, tobacco or hours in front

of the idiot box.

Cannot resist the lure of gossip. Have nothing better to

do than sit around talking about their neighbors, or

celebrities, or someone who did you wrong 28 years


Cannot resist the urge to whine, nitpick, complain and


Yes, we have freedom to do all of the above – yet a

higher level of examination shows the truly free

person is he who is disciplined. And the greatest

discipline of all is SELF-discipline.

There are many people, past and present whom I admire –

yet all of them had one thing in common. All of them spent

time alone each day. It may have been an hour of meditation;

or an hour of exercise; or an hour writing in a journal; or an

hour creating something.


It was an hour. And it was an hour the great person believed he

must have to himself each and every day.

No one to bother – but oneself. No on to talk to – but oneself.

No one to answer to or question – but yourself.

These days we have to dumb this sort of advice down so people

will listen. No one believes he has an hour anymore – even though

he just wasted three to five hours before the tee-vee and another

one or two in gossip with others.

Not only that, but when the spirit and the flesh are both weak? When

the mind is feeble and the body is falling apart – an hour seems like

a death sentence.

So we begin with ONE minute.

Can I get you to walk for one minute?

Can I get you to breathe deeply for one minute?

To picture the life you want to live – for a minute?

“Yes. I can do that,” you say.

And so you begin. There’s an old saying, “Beginning is half-done.” When

you get the body moving for a minute, tis hard to stop after a minute.

You’ll discover this truth for yourself, if you will make a choice to begin;

if you’ll have self-discipline for sixty seconds.

Last night there was a full moon at midnight. I say “at midnight” so you

know that I was outdoors, at that very hour, putting in my time – walking,

breathing deeply, possibly even meditating. It’s an odd hour to train, you

might think. But it isn’t when you understand where freedom reigns. It

reigns inside a daily practice, regimen or routine that gives you life. It

reigns within the practice of a daily discipline.

My plane was late in getting back from Toronto yesterday. I needed a

rest when I got home as the night previous I was up late finishing the

latest installment of my newsletter with another Furey Fat Loss Program

update. I slept til 10:30, then, as if awakened from another realm, was

seemingly told, “Get your body outdoors and do your training. You haven’t done

it yet today.”

And so I got up, dressed and put in my time. It was the best training I’ve had

in a long time. I was free because I was disciplined.

If you want to conquer yourself, start with your body. If you feel you don’t have

will power, don’t have discipline and cannot get yourself to do what you believe

will help you – BEGIN at once to move.

Do not argue with the voice within. Just get up and GO. And while you’re moving

you’ll work out the details. You’ll emerge a stronger, more discipline human being

who just got a real taste of freedom.

In the September issue of the Matt Furey Inner Circle newsletter and CD – I’m going

to reveal another super-food that will accelerate the fat-burning machine you have

within. I’m also going to give you a workout, straight from a desert in China, that

you can do without a desert – and it is guaranteed to put you into huff n puff mode

at supersonic speed. Make sure you don’t miss these extraordinary exercises in


Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle to see the plethora of incentives

coming your way for being an annual member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle. Going

this route is like blocking off an hour at a time.

If you’d rather begin with a minute and simply test-drive the program, then go to


Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

Where Are All the Fat Canadians

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

I’ve been in Toronto the last few days and am currently in the

airport waiting to board a plane back to the states. Before

leaving for Toronto I had lunch with three other people in a

restaurant in Tampa.

The subject of diabetes came up. One of the people seated at

the table with me said that he thinks he might be pre-diabetic.

As he mentioned this I noted that he had English muffins and

hash browns on his plate. I didn’t comment about what he was

eating as he wasn’t paying for my advice. And I always believe

unsolicited advice is rarely well-received. I did, however, say

that if he is pre-diabetic it wouldn’t be surprising. I told him that

20 million Americans are currently diabetic, another tens of

millions more have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic. I then

stressed the key word in the foregoing sentence was “diagnosed.”

Millions and millions more have not been diagnosed as pre-diabetic

yet – not to mention full-blown diabetic.

I then looked around the restaurant and then began counting

the number of people that are most likely pre-diabetic if not

diabetic. At the time the restaurant had about 15 people sitting

in it. Nine of them were grossly overweight making them

candidates, in my book, for this affliction. Overweight, big

ponderous guts, and biggie-sized butts are tell-tale signs.

You don’t need to know that much more.

Fast forward to Toronto. I sat in many a restaurant while here.

As I looked around, it was difficult to find a fat person. It was

also equally difficult to find an unpleasant person. Aside from

the Canadian border patrol, the people of Canada are a helluva

lot happier and friendly than people living in America. If you go

to big city in the US it’s not common to have majority of the

people to smile, make eye contact with you and say “hello.”

My point is stress and your ability to deal with it plays a role in

the control of your weight. People who barely smile, laugh or

make eye contact are under stress. Consequently they’re more

prone to eating crappy foods – foods that not only make you

fatter but stress you out even more. Topping in off, if the

stressed-out person embarks on an exercise program he’s

most likely doing one that adds more negative stress to his

body. Such is not the ideal way to live.

Yesterday, Mark Daniels, a member of the Matt Furey Inner

Circle, put up a post on the online discussion forum stating that

by being a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle and exercise

advice he is completely off medication for diabetes. He also

said I’m not charging enough for people to be members because

the advice I have is life-changing in a huge way. So unless

you’re a Canadian who’s already happy and already fit (and

wants to make even more progress) get on the program of

champions. Follow the program that winners follow. Do what

healthy people do. Associate with like-minded people. Be part

of a team that plays the game of life to win., Join he Matt Furey

Inner Circle today.

There are two ways to do so:

1. Become an annual member by going here http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

2. Give it a test drive for 1 month by going here http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html


Matt Furey

P.S. I’m sure there are fat people in Canada but based on what

I’ve seen by visiting Vancouver as well as Toronto, two of the

largest cities in Canada, they don’t register on my radar. A fit,

seksy body always holds your attention better than a fat,

corpulent one. If you fall into the latter category don’t get mad

at me, get fit instead.

Go here http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Or here http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html

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