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Archive for October, 2006

Give Yourself a Clean Slate

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

This morning I was getting a bite to eat at a restaurant.

The waitress came by my table and muttered something

in a tone I couldn’t quite hear. As she’s waited on me many

times before, I said, “Huh?”

“New day, same old shit,” she said. Then she pushed her index

finger in a downward manner, as if pressing a rewind button.

She even said, “Everyday is like a recording.”

I smiled and said, “Naaaah.”

This brightened her day a bit – even though I really wasn’t responding

in a way that agreed or disagreed.

Truth is I DO agree with her. SHE is reliving each day as if it’s the same.

Yet, when I go to the same restaurant and am waited on by her, each

instance is totally new to me. Even if I order the same food, it’s still

new. I don’t bring the same old Matt to the table each day. I bring a

NEW Matt, someone with fresh aspirations, inspiration and ideas.

One of the biggest reasons why people have trouble

succeeding is simple: They won’t let go of their past.

Instead, they recall, relive and dwell on all the negatives.

Negatives like:

Previous failures

Negative opinions of others

Their own fears and self-doubts

All of these negatives are like old chalk left on a blackboard.

It can be removed by simply taking out an eraser and

wiping the slate clean. But this is only going to happen when

you are willing to do so.

In order to rise above the old chalk, though, you must do

MORE than wipe the slate clean. You must also give

yourself NEW instructions.

These new instructions are no different than the other words

you would read on a blackboard or computer screen –

with ONE major distinction. These words are positive.

They are pure and powerful. And they’re designed to

take you where you want to go in life. They’re are not

designed to keep you stuck in the past.

There is a time and place to recall the past – but it’s the

positive past that needs to be recalled most of the time;

the past that, when focused upon, causes you to create

MORE success experiences.

Each night, before I go to bed, I make sure I wipe my slate clean of

mistakes, failures and setbacks. I wipe the slate clean even if I think

it doesn’t need it – because I know that forgetting to do so makes for

a slate filled with notes that someone else placed on the board. Don’t

let anyone put notes on your board, yourself included, unless they are

leading to the fulfillment of your goal.

As a member of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group, each month I

send you a Success Scroll that contains powerful, positive and success

generating instructions for your mind to follow. I also include a Success

Questions card that you can carry with you during the day.

You’re going to want to make sure you get these each month, along with

the newsletter and Amazing Meditations CD.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html and get on

board with us.


Matt Furey

P.S. My October seminar IS sold out. However, we do have a couple openings

left for “standing room only” passes. Go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

to send an inquiry.

Great Book Recommendation

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

If you are looking to turn your present income into serious wealth, what

I have to say today will interest you.

It doesn’t matter what your situation is right now …

You could be struggling to make ends meet and wondering if you’ll ever

have the freedom and the wealth you deserve … or you might already

be making a good living but suffer from that lingering guilt of having too

little time for your family …

Perhaps you have a successful business and you’re looking to take it to

the next level … or maybe you already have enough money to retire on,

but you want to multiply those holdings for the benefit of your children

and grandchildren.

Wherever you’re starting from, there’s one thing I am certain of …

If you want to enjoy the degree of fulfillment in life that you deeply

and truly desire, you have to start making changes NOW. I don’t

have to remind you that a wise man once said “An object at rest

tends to stay at rest.”

That’s why I want to tell you about a remarkable new book titled

“Seven Years to Seven Figures,” authored by my colleague,

Michael Masterson.

A self-made multi-millionaire, Michael is an inspiring example of what

happens when you turn inertia into motion and wishes into action.

Beginning as a blue-collar worker in a small middle-class town in

New York State, Michael has built dozens of successful businesses

from the ground up in the U.S., Europe, South Africa, Australia,

and South America. His net worth as a result of these ventures now

runs into the double-digit millions.

Along the way, he has developed into what can only be described

as an entrepreneurial mastermind … and one who has helped

many of his closest confidantes become multimillionaires themselves.

But perhaps the most remarkable part of the story is that he transformed

each of those people from debt to wealth in less than seven years! All they

did was follow Masterson’s simple plan, step by step – the plan he developed

over a lifetime by focusing on one thing: generating extreme wealth.

And that’s what his new book “Seven Years to Seven Figures” is all about.

This book will provide you with the specifics to dramatically increase your

salary faster than you can imagine … start your own string of high-profit-

margin income streams … build (and grow) an existing nest egg quickly

and safely … double and redouble your business … and compound your

investments over and over again to compile a lasting legacy of wealth.

Here’s just a small sampling of what’s revealed in “Seven Years to Seven Figures”

* Achieving a Radical Financial Transformation – How to Go From Bankruptcy

to Millionaire in Six Years

* How to Boost Your Income From $26,000 to $134,000 in Two Years

* The Baby Boomer Challenge: Why 50- and 60-Year-Olds Must Follow

the Seven Years to Seven Figures Plan

* Lessons From Life: What Michael’s Learned About Building Wealth Quickly

So if you’re tired of wealth-building programs that either don’t work or

require you to scrimp and save for 15 to 20 years, I encourage you to

make the best $20 purchase you’ll make all year … and order this book

right away.

And even if you’re not ready to buy right now (though I can’t imagine

what you’re waiting for), I still encourage you to click on the link below,

where you’ll find a very interesting report outlining Michael Masterson’s

full plan.



Matt Furey

Life is But a Drama

Monday, October 9th, 2006

About five years ago I was training with a lawyer

friend. He was struggling with his ‘business’ – I wasn’t.

Not surprisingly, we had totally different orientations

toward work, business, making money and so on.

He saw work as something he HAD to do in order to

provide for his family. He also felt restricted in what

he could and could not do because of “the family.”

I, on the other hand, also have a family – yet have

never felt restricted in what I could or couldn’t do –

even when times were tough.

That reason why has a lot to do with how I view ALL of life.

I view life as a drama that is unfolding upon a giant stage.

I stand back and observe myself and others. I note how people are

reacting to situations that aren’t even real – how they take

everything so seriously.

Several months ago I went to the movie theatre. Hadn’t been

there since Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith came out. On this

occasion, though, instead of watching the movie, I watched

people. I watched how they laughed, how they cried, how they

got angry … even enraged.

Yet, nothing on the screen was REAL LIFE.

It was all smoke n mirrors, lights and shadows.

Yet, you wouldn’t have known this by the way the people in

the theatre were reacting. They were caught in the drama,

attached to it instead of being observers and conscious players

in it.

Same as how my friend was with his business.

When you’re caught in the drama – life is serious business. And alll

the joy, love and fascination for life is zapped. Everything is effort,

struggle, resistance, pain and agony.

If, however, instead of being caught in the drama – you SEE life

AS drama and you consciously choose the role you’re going to play –

and if you consciously choose to play your role with great passion

and enthusiasm … well then, no matter how rough your current

circumstance are – you can figure out a way to rise above them.

How? By changing how you see yourself in this game of life. See

yourself as attached to it, and your options are limited. See

yourself as an observer of life, as an actor upon a stage who

is playing a role to the best of his ability – then your options are

unlimited. You can even switch roles anytime you want because

you’re not only the actor, you’re also the director and producer.

Making a shift to “observer of the drama” is an easy one to make

when you’re loaded with the right tools; the very tools that help

me succeed.

You can find them at http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

Go get ’em and let the seriousness of life slide off you like water off

a duck’s back.

Live with Gusto,

Matt Furey

Shaolin Secrets Revealed

Sunday, October 8th, 2006

I don’t often go berserk when I receive something

that is supposedly from China.

I go to China a few times each year and pretty much

consider it my 2nd home. I’ve been to the Great Wall.

And I’ve been to many other incredible places, including

the world renowned Shaolin Temple – have even gotten

private audiences with some of the monks and their

top students.

While at the Shaolin Temple I bought a great many

books and VCDs – as well as other collectibles.

So I wasn’t expecting much when I received a hard

bound copy of what purported to be recently translated

secrets from the ancient archives of the Shaolin Temple. But

once I opened the volume and heard the crackle of the

binding, twas like opening the flood gates of LOST

knowledge. The knowledge in this volume made all the

VCDs and books I bought on site in China pale in


I bought all the commercial stuff. What was sent to me as

a gift was the REAL DEAL.

With every turn of every page I was mesmerized with

the abundance of knowledge contained within. I’m

betting you will be, too.

That’s why I suggest you find out more about these REAL –

non-commerical – secrets of the Shaolin Temple.

Go to http://www.shaolinsecrets.com and

see what I’m so excited about.


Matt Furey

How To Get Into a State of Flow

Sunday, October 8th, 2006

Located within your mind is a success mechanism .. and the

size of it depends upon how much you feed it. Feed it success

instructions and it grows so big you naturally begin to attract

what you positively desire.

Also located within your mind is a failure mechanism. Once

again, the size of this mechanism depends upon you and how

many failure messages you feed it – or that you allow others

to feed it (with your consent, of course).

Dr. Maxwell Maltz referred to all of the above as your Servo-

Mechanism. This is essentially a way to say that your mind

doesn’t care whether you give it ‘success’ instructions or

failure instructions. Whatever you feed it the most is what

you are drawn to .. as well as what is drawn to you – and it’s

all based upon the physics of how you vibrate.

You think therefore you vibrate.

Whatever is in harmony with how you vibrate is what you pay

attention to and attract. Simple as that.

Now, when a person figures out that his vibration is off, he

can go to work on changing it by changing what he thinks


The problem is that most people are unconscious of what

they are thinking about most of the time. Or, when they

are, they’re so used to ‘the familiar’ that it is often scary

to think the opposite, even though the opposite is far

better for you. The person starts to picture what he really

wants … and guess what – the image terrifies him.

Omygod, I might actually get what I want. Oh my. Then what

will I do? Strange but true.

Thoughts of being fit and healthy are far better than thoughts

about ill-health, overweight and disease. Mental images of

prosperity and abundance are better than pictures of poverty

and lack. And so on. So why the trouble with the switch?

And how do you go about making a shift to the positive sort of

life you want to live? Well, quite simply – you stop fighting the

negative image.

There’s a Zen koan, ‘How do you escape from hot and cold?’

Good question, isn’t it?

Everywhere you go there is hot and cold.

Everywhere you go there is positive and negative, rich and poor.

So how do you escape them? Or can you?

Truth is, you CAN, but only if you do like Einstein and realize that

you cannot solve a problem on the same level that it was created.

You have to take your SELF to a new level – then, instead of focusing

on the problem – you focus on what you want and how to create what

you want.

Okay, so how do you take your SELF to a new level? The answer is

so simple you may think I’m joking. I assure you I am not.

You go to another level via deep breathing – or what I like to call my

Zen Master Deep Breathing Exercises – which I teach to members of

the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group.

After a few days of breathing the way I teach, followed by picturing

what you want to create – you will get into a state of cybernetic flow.

Everything will seem to go your way. You’ll naturally begin doing more

and more of the things that will help you get healthier, wealthier and


By breathing properly you’ll remove the resistance you have to the

good life. Then, by picturing what you want in a certain way, and

mixing it with breath, you’ll come to understand why we human

beings are co-creators of our Universe.

Become part of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group today and

you’ll discover that deep within your mind is the switch to your

continued success – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html


Matt Furey

P.S. My October seminar is sold out. If you’d like to be considered for a

standing room only pass – go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

P.P.S. My Stay-at-Home Internet Millyunair program is whomping major

buttocks all over the whirld. Be sure to get it NOW by going to


The Dumbest Question

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

Ever have the experience of sitting quietly in your

chair, enthralled with a good book in hand. You are

in your own little world and don’t mind being left


Then someone approaches and sits in a chair near

yours. “Whatcha readin’?” the person asks.

Whenever this happens you’re either glad to have

someone to share your book with – or you’re really

annoyed. A good friend of mine back in California

used to respond to this question as follows: “If I

wanted you to know what I’m reading I’d tell you.”

I guess he feels the question is a dumb one.

As for myself, when I’m reading something really

good, really inspiring, I want to call a friend and

tell him about it. Then we can talk about the ideas

in the book and come up with further ideas about

HOW the information can be used to create the

results we want.

Yesterday I received a package from Amazon.com

with a couple books I ordered. But what excited me

most wasn’t the books – it was the the marketing

materials enclosed with the books. I looked at these

bookmarks, held them to the light, studied them in

detail and said, “Now that’s brilliant. That’s a good

idea. How can I apply this in my business?”

That’s how I think most of the time.

I also look at what isn’t so good and learn from it as

well. When I see lousy communication skills, whether

by mail, email or phone – I make a mental note. The

dumbness is filed in my “What not to do” box.

When I’m reading a book that POPS with passion and

emotion, I take note. When I’m reading something that

is merely regurgitated information, I note how it lacks

real power.

When you read something that really hits you in the gut

in a motivating, inspiring way – the words themselves only

carry a part of the juice. Of greater importance is WHO

wrote the words and the vibration he had when he wrote

them. If the writer was in a highly charged state when he

wrote his words, you can feel the energy jumping off the

paper, commanding your attention, forcing you to keep

reading. In reading this writers words you are being


On the other hand, when you read the words of a writer

who is only a ‘word mechanic” – you can feel this, too.

No matter how well the words are strung together and no

matter what the college professors think of his grammar,

it’s not GREAT writing because the vibration in the writing

is weak. There’s a disingenuous quality to it.

The same idea applies to speakers, salespeople, artists,

musicians, magicians, athletes, martial artists – or anyone

involved in direct public communication with others.

If you pay attention to the vibration you get from others, you’ll

find most people are mechanics looking for approval. But the truly

skillful people are those who have surpassed the mechanical


To surpass “mechanics” you’ve got to be true to yourself. And to

be true to yourself you have to be free of the all-too-common fear

of criticism.

Most people are crippled by fear of criticism. They fear others laughing

at them when they fail; or laughing when they are merely trying to

improve. Or criticizing you for succeeding. Amazing, it is, how many

people dumb themselves down in order to “fit in” with the crowd.

When you hear statements like, “I don’t want to be rich. I don’t want to

be too fit. I don’t want to be too smart.” – you’re hearing the words of

someone who is conforming to the conformists. Don’t want to upset

anyone or make them jealous by rising above the masses. Uggh.

Better thinking goes like this: If no one is jealous of me I’m not giving

life all I’ve got. Or, “better to be envied than pitied.”

Give life all you’ve got. Develop your talents as best you can. Then stand

back and observe who keeps you company. By becoming all you can

you’ll eliminate those who are good for you from those who aren’t.


Matt Furey

P.S. A hearty thanks to all of you who’ve already enrolled in the Psycho-

Cybernetics Success Group. It is really taking off and I am truly pleased.

Your first package is coming soon – and you will be blown away, especially

by the “Power of Imagination” interview with Lee Milteer that you receive

as a bonus. It’s something you’ll listen to again and again for inspiration

and focus, as it shows how I’ve used my creative imagination to succeed

in everything from wrestling to martial arts to relationships to business and

financial success. If you haven’t enrolled in this program yet – jump on it

NOW by going to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

P.P.S. My October seminar is SOLD OUT. For information on a standing

room only pass go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

Your Bed and Your Desk

Friday, October 6th, 2006

One of the things I did long ago to transform my business and

my career was feng shui my home and office.

If you’re not familiar with the term ‘feng shui’ – it comes from the

Chinese and is generally translated as ‘wind-water.’ Doesn’t tell

you much with that translation now, does it?

In simpler terms, feng shui means ‘the art of placement.’ It is

knowing where to place things in your environment with the

intention (a key element) of having these changes bring

you good fortune, good luck, good health, etc.

In feng shui the two most important pieces of furniture in your

home are your bed and your desk. Because you spend

the majority of your time in these two places – where and how

they are positioned are very important. Not only that, but what

you have around yourself in these areas is also important.

This means, first off, if you’re an absolute slob with a cluttered bedroom

and a cluttered office (something I must guard against) – you won’t be as

focused and action-oriented as the person who keeps things in an

orderly fashion.

First laws of the Universe are order and organization. When you have

order and organization – you experience a feeling of harmony and

well-being. I like to reverse the order and call it H-O-O. Harmony comes

from having Order and Organization.

There is much that I and my wife could teach you on this – and even more

that a friend of mine can teach (he knows Tibetan, Chinese and ancient

Celtic practices of placement). But the true key to understand is that all

the changes you make physically DO have an effect on yourself and others –

and in a BIG way. At the same time, in order for the changes to take place

you must begin to IMAGINE different.

For example, when you place an auspicious symbol on your desk, you tell

yourself, ‘I’m placing this symbol here in order to bring me more customers.’

When you clean your messy office, you tell yourself you are doing so in

order to bring harmony into your business affairs and to attract greater


When you hang a symbol on the wall you tell yourself that this is to strengthen

my self-image, to give me greater courage and confidence – and so on.

Putting your intention and desire into the changes is Psycho-Cybernetics 101.

Dr. Maltz often spoke about dedicating everything he did throughout the day

to the improvement of his self-image. If taking out the garbage, this was also

a mental metaphor for throwing out the garbage in your own mind.

When cleaning your desk, this is a metaphor for cleaning the thoughts in your

mind – directing them toward something positive that you want to create.

Now, let’s say that your home or office is a garbage heap. Well, what can I

say. Not only is this bad for your mind – it’s bad for your health, too.

The good news is that when you begin to clean up the clutter – your mind will

harmonize. And if you clean up with the intention of improving your life – and

you think about improving your life the entire time you’re cleaning, then loook

out world – here YOU come.

When you’re finished getting organized, make sure you take a trip into your

very own private movie theatre – the one in your own mind. Once inside,

clean, organize and polish your self-image. Make it shine brightly. Give it

some sparkle.

Do this and I assure you that your life will change.

For even more guidance on clearing the cobwebs in your mind

and catapulting yourself to greatness – go to



Matt Furey

P.S. MY October seminar is SOLD OUT. If you’d like to inquire about

“standing room only” placement, go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

Don’t Cook Your Organs

Friday, October 6th, 2006

Ever notice that people who run all the time age

FASTER than those who don’t.

If you look at many marathon runners in their

mid-30’s, you’ll already see the “prune” look beginning

to etch itself onto their faces. Why is this?

There are a couple reasons:

1. Many distance athletes believe, erroneously, that because

they workout, they don’t need to take any sort of supplement

that safeguards them against free radical damage. Show an

endurance athlete a supplement loaded with antioxidants proven

to reduce the risk of illness, including cancer and heart disease,

and don’t be surprised if you hear, “I don’t need that stuff. I work


Uh – duh. When you workout, your body cranks out MORE free

radicals, not less.

Yes, you need to exercise to get the results you want – but to sweat

and NOT supplement is a mistake. When you take super potent

antioxidants like Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil – you can get some

at http://www.drdavesbest.com – as well as berries like elderberry,

chokeberry, black currant and bilberry – you are insuring yourself

against disease.

In China, the longest lived people eat abundantly from fruits,

vegetables, meats, herbs – and green tea. Green tea is a mega

potent antioxidant as well.

2. The other reason for the “prune” look – not to mention the

ready-for-the-scrap-heap feeling inside the bodies of many

distance runners is because, as the Chinese Taoists have taught,

the exerciser is “cooking” his internal organs from over-exertion.

Cooking your organs?


It’s a scientific fact that some people are “warmer” than others.

Their hands and feet are warmer. They sweat easier. They need

fewer clothes, and so on.

The above is not a bad thing.

However, when you over-exercise and have no method of cooling

your body off, you do internal damage and it shows on your face.

High stress in the home and workplace also contribute to over-

heating, too – so don’t think you’re off the hook if you don’t work


Key thing is you need to have a way to cool off internally. Supplementing

with antioxidants helps – but the way you exercise helps a lot, too. If you

exercise in such a way that your body doesn’t overheat – a way in which

you’re opening all the meredians in your body, a way in which you’re

increasing the flow of chi within rather than obstructing it – well, then, you

will know what it’s like to be 80, 90 and up and still be able to move with

ease. You’ll know what it’s like to still be mentally alert, filled with vim,

vigor and enthusiasm.

This is what you are taught in the Chinese Long-Life System, available at


The other day I was at the beach – training a couple friends. After one round

of a specific exercise that looked like “nothing much” – the guy turned to me

and said, “WOW. I can feel the energy moving from my shoulders to my

hands. I can feel something clicking internally.”

Indeed. That’s the difference.

For great health you don’t just focus on the muscles. The muscles matter not

if even ONE organ in your body runs amuck. See how strong your legs

are when a kidney fails. Or how powerful your chest if your heart has

an attack. Or how far you can throw a football if your spleen is ruptured.

The Chinese approach to a long-life involves working from the inside out.

That’s why it is uniquel powerful. That’s why it works.

Get the program today by going to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html


Matt Furey

P.S. Attention: Members of the Matt Furey Inner Circle – go to the member website

for your discount on this program. – http://www.mattfureyinnercircle.com

When Effort Defeats Itself

Thursday, October 5th, 2006

When we’re working to strengthen our bodies or

improve upon a specific skill, we’re often told to

put more effort into it. And by effort, we generally

think of two things:

a. Physical effort or oomph

b. Will power

We understand what greater physical effort is. But

“will power?” That’s a different story. Especially in

today’s day and age when we’re told NOT to exert

our will – or to use will power.

We’re even advised, and rightly so, in a battle of

will power vs. imagination, your imagination will

always win.

So what gives? Is there a time and place for the

will, or for will power?

There is. But the time and place for it is only to get

you launched. You use your will to give instructions

to your imagination. You use your will to tell your

imagination how much energy to put into something.

After that, the will doesn’t have much use.

Trouble is, most people think the key to success is

using will power all the time. It’s not. Your will is to

be used from time to time – not ALL the time.

Those who teach will power are generally

fatigued and drained. They use their will so much

they have little energy for anything else. Not only

that but the energy they have is of a lower grade

than the person who knows how to breathe real

life and real power into his imagination.

When you see a master in a sport or martial art,

you aren’t watching someone who has mastered

his will. Instead you’re watching someone who

used his will to master the use of his creative


You do not break bricks through the force of your

will. You break them through the power of your

imagination mixed with the life force in and around

your body.

Same goes with making money, improving your

career, and so on.

You can always tell who is “trying to hard.” You can

feel the stiffness of another’s speaking or writing from

across the room. Those who over-use their will are

mechanical, even robotic. Those who have mastered the

use of mental imagery are able to flow through the same

job with an energy and exuberance few understand

or know.

A perfect example is the young child who just learned

to walk. Within a short period of time the little guy is

running the adults in the home wild. The child is not

using his will. He’s creatively alive. The adult, on the

other hand, is using his will to keep up with the child,

and he is fatigued in short order.

The child is using, without being taught, a “zero-resistance”

approach to life. The adult is “resisting” an obligation and need

to follow the child.

Big difference in orientation toward life.

It highlights the idea of being childlike. Fuel your desires and goals with an

initial shot of will – then let the imagery take care of itself and stop forcing

things. In mental work, effort defeats itself. Learn to ‘work’ without working

at all. That is true mastery.


Matt Furey

P.S. To really learn how to do what I’m talking about in this email,

become a member of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group. I

have not even scratched the surface of what you’ll learn by getting

involved – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

Global Schwarming

Thursday, October 5th, 2006

Last night I was surfing. No, not the

Internet. I was surfing the idiot box.

Started with a minute of the O’Reilly

Factor. Watched Bill plug his book, as

he always does – then started to move

around and see what else is on this thing

that I pay a fortune for each month.

A few channels later I find a number of

televangelists. At least seven channels of

’em. WOW.

Then I found a fitness channel. Had a number

of different personal trainers showing Joe and

Jane America how to get fit, how to eat right,

and so on.

The personal trainers weren’t the big muscular

‘roid heads that are typically paraded on the tube.

And they had one thing right. They had the moms

and pops doing nothing but bodyweight

exercises. Pushups, situps, karate movements

and more. Even hitting a heavy bag.

None of the bodyweight exercises were as good

as what I teach in my Combat Conditioning and

Combat Abs programs – but at least they were on

the right track.

If we could get the whole country to do 108 Hindu Pushups

a day, 108 Hindu Squats and 108 Hindu abdominal exercises per

day, everyday, my goodness the tonnage would begin flying off

peoples’ bodies so fast it would cause an earthquake.

On top of that, if we could get more people to toss out all the starches –

or at least cut back to half of what they’re eating – why, it may cause

Global Schwarming. Imagine, all those rice, corn and wheat fields

being used for something productive. Imagine all the water being

used to irrigate those crops being used to nourish people who don’t

have the cleanest source of H20 to bathe in or drink from.

In addition to doing bodyweight calisthenics and dropping the grains,

if we could get people to give up diet and sugar sodas ….

But aaaah, let’s start with some pushups. Let’s start with what we CAN

control, our own bodies and what we feed them.

If you’re ready to make a change for the better and help cause Global

Schwarming – that’s when so much fat flies off our bodies that people

schwarm to the idea of natural living – then the best way to get started

can be found at http://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Get Combat Conditioning and much more for nuthin by

becoming a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle – go

to http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html to enroll.

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