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Archive for February, 2007

No Such Thing as Self-Sabotage

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

Last Sunday morning I was having breakfast in the hotel

with some attendees of my most recent fitness seminar.

As I was drinking some orange juice I overheard Randy,

the guy sitting next to me, mention the term “self-sabotage”

when talking about himself.

I stopped drinking my juice and paused.

But not for long. It was time to obliterate some wrongful notions

about the mind.

“There is no such thing as self-sabotage,” I said.

“Huh?” said Randy, not believing what he was hearing,

but wanting to listen to more.

“A lot of people teach ridiculous things about the human

mind. They’ll tell you that you have an Inner Saboteur

inside your subconscious mind, and he’s doing everything

he can to destroy you and your life. It’s absolute nonsense.”

Randy and the others at the table sat forward in their chairs.

It became apparent to me at that moment that everyone had

gotten hammered with the concept of the Inner Saboteur – and

it was now time for me to do an exorcism; not of the Inner

Saboteur, though. An exorcism of wrong thinking. An unwinding

of the mind. A little de-hypnosis.

“Look,” I said. “Here’s the scientifically proven fact about

what I’m telling you. Inside your brain you have a servo-

mechanism. It is either activated toward success or it is

activated toward failure. This servo-mechanism literally

becomes, based upon the mental pictures and movies

you play in your mind, success-oriented or failure-oriented.”

“You activate this mechanism for success by using your memory,

which is located in your brain, to recall previous successes. Or you

activate it toward failure by recalling previous failures. You also activate

it toward success by thinking about a goal you want to accomplish

in the future. Or you activate it toward failure by choosing NOT to have

goals, by choosing to take whatever life sends you, or to think about

the things you don’t want with a lot of emotion.”

“So you’re saying there isn’t a saboteur in my mind?” someone else


“Correct. Not only that, there’s no entity whatsoever in your mind that

is trying to make you fail. You have a memory and you have an

imagination. Those are the tools you use to create the life you want.

When you feel like you’ve got some little demon inside of you

trying to ruin your life, understand you have just recalled a negative

memory from your past – or you are imagining something negative

in the future. And if you remember and imagine with a lot of emotion,

you set the wheels in motion to create more of what you supposedly

don’t want.”

What I have just described about this conversation is simple, clear cut

and easy to understand and deal with. But the concept of an Inner

Saboteur? Well, first of all you have to go on a search to find him.

But where is he? He’s somewhere in your subconscious mind, you’re

told. So you clean and search and “work” on yourself, trying to either

roust this saboteur out of your mind – or to weaken him.

Meanwhile, “WHO and WHAT are you giving all your attention to?

The very thing you say you don’t want.


So drop the picture of an inner saboteur into the dust bin of antiquated

thinking. Put the notion through a paper shredder. Unwind your mind to

the day you learned something so riduclous, and delete it from your

internal camera.

Focus instead on PUSHING the success button in your brain. Focus on activating

this button in your brain for the positive.

If you do this you’ve feel like a hundred monkeys have been lifted from your

back. You will have taken charge of your mind and made yourself the rightful


As the rightful owner of your mind, it’s a good idea to learn how to continually

push the success buttons. In Zero Resistance Living you’ll be given 84 fun,

unique and easy-to-learn ways to take charge of your life – simply by using

your memory and your imagination.

Take the journey of self-discovery. Touch down in the Theatre of Your Mind,

where everything you really want can be created.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html and order NOW.


Matt Furey

Lose Your Back Pain

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

Almost everyone you see suffers or has suffered

from chronic back pain. If you’ve ever wondered

why – I’ve found a website that does MORE than handle

your curiosity.

It gives you simple, easy-to-follow programs specifically

designed to eliminate your back pain. I am truly impressed

with what is offered here and wholeheartedly recommend


Lose your back pain – starting today.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/lose_back_pain.html and

see what I mean.


Matt Furey

What Have You Got to Lose

Friday, February 9th, 2007

I’m betting you know someone who could stand to lose

his spare tire, love handles and gut.

Might as well be blunt about it – right.

Afterall, as Paul Bragg once wrote:

‘Take care of the abdomen and the rest of your body will take

care of itself… I had to travel thousands of miles, coming to the

South Sea Islands, to learn this important principle of physical

culture. It was not to be found in my own country, as most

Americans have weak, flabby bellies.’

If this speaks to you in any way, TO-DAY is the time for you

to do something positive about it. To-day is the day for you

to make a change for the better.

Don’t let another day go by where you look in the mirror and

feel hopeless and helpless. You CAN do something about your

waistline – and you can do it NOW.

So get off the dime and GO, MAN GO.

This is not a wake up call – this is the alarm going off.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html and get

started on the very best abdominal fitness program ever



Matt Furey

P.S. No situps or crunches required because you want to be able

to train your abs anytime, anywhere – even when at a stop light,

while waiting in line in a store or bank – and so on. Get the picture.

You need something you could even be doing right NOW – as you’re

reading this. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html and

start pronto.

What Do You Picture When You Get Up Each Day

Friday, February 9th, 2007

The thoughts you think before lopping off to sleep

at night – as well as the thoughts you think first thing

in the morning, are mega powerful.

Yet, the average person is totally unconscious about

what he thinks about during these important moments.

What you picture in your mind’s eye when you arise each

morning sets the tone for how you will feel – and what

results you will get – for the rest of the day.

What you picture before you go to bed at night has

a major influence upon what you will dream about

– and how you will feel when you wake up in the


You can go to bed with the final thought, ‘I’m really

tired.’ And guess what. You’ll wake up eight or so

hours later still feeling tired. The mental movie of

fatigue played all night long programming you to

wake up almost as tired as when you went to bed.

But if you change your thought before bed to, ‘Mingtian,

wo yao gandao fei chang hao – that’s Mandarin Chinese

for, ‘Tomorrow I will feel great’ – and if you picture yourself

arising in the morning filled with energy and pizzazz – then

I assure you it will happen.

I’ve taught this technique to thousands of people – and when

they try it – they’re simply blown away at how powerful and

TRUE it is. Yet, it’s really a simple concept.

Now let’s think about how the above applies to other areas

of your life. For example, let’s say you want to wake up more

prosperous than when you went to bed. Don’t go to bed broke

and wake up broke. That’s not the mental movie you want to

play. Go to bed with the image of waking up richer, wealthier

and more prosperous. Then begin each day with prosperous

thoughts. Carry prosperous thoughts with you during the day –

and before you know it, you’re bumping into one opportunity

after another – all designed to make you move to another

level of prosperity.

Want to drop some excess poundage – then begin the day with

words, pictures and feelings of getting, leaner, lighter and

brighter. Go to bed with this idea, too.

Live your day with powerful movies playing in your imagination

and before long your imagination will become reality.

As P.T. Barnum once said, ‘Imagination is the elixir of life.’ When

you use your creative imagination to build a brighter future – you

feel the effervescent energy of an elixir bubbling up all around

you. You come to understand that everything in the Universe vibrates –

including YOU.

Put negative movies into your mind and you lower your vibration. No

bubbling energy can be felt.

Play the positive movies in your mind and you instantly stand up

straighter, breathe more fully, get a gleam in your eye and power

in your step. You immediately begin to vibrate with MORE life.

To change your results you must change how you feel – and how

you feel is based on how you picture things in your mind. If you

don’t feel a strong, pulsing vibration inside your mind and body

right now, it is because you’re looking at low-level mental pictures

and movies.

Upgrade, my friend. Play only the best. Think only of the best and

the best will pursue you while you move toward it.

There are many tools and techniques you can use to improve the

type of pictures and movies you play in your mind. But the very

best are the 84 life-changing strategies taught in the Zero Resistance

Living course. You can go ahead and order it now and begin to change

your images – go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html

Start applying these simple ideas and watch them change your life

in a profound way.


Matt Furey

57-year old hooks up with high school sweetheart

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

No, it’s not what you think.

Last weekend, a 57-year old man who attended my ‘Secret of

Secrets’ Fitness seminar thanked me for helping him get more

than acquainted with his high-school sweetheart from 30 years


“She gave me the old no hanky-panky line,” he said. “I assured

here everything would be platonic. Then I asked her if she’d like

a massage. She said yes – so I began massaging her head and

face, just like you teach in your Chuang Shang de Gong Fu


“Next thing you know we’re howling at the moon. I had all the

strength and stamina of a young man because what you teach

in your course really, really works.”

I thanked him and nodded.

This isn’t the first, second or last time I’ll hear a story like this. Those

who have the information know this is a regular experience.

And so, if you’re looking to Master the Fine Art of Chinese love making –

then go to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com

You won’t regret learning how to please your lover – and she’ll love you

for it, too.

Matt Furey


None of the information in this email is to be taken as medical advise. Always

consult a physician before beginning any exercise or health program.

Breathe Deep – Live Long

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Whenever you see someone oozing health and

vitality, you’re seeing someone who understands

the power of deep breathing.

In China, traditional practitioners of tai chi, gong fu

and chi kung will tell you that any exercise program

that doesn’t incorporate the breath is ‘incomplete.’

The Chinese Long-Life System begins with deep

breathing. Not only that – it incorporates exercises

designed to open the meridians of the body, thereby

increasing the flow of ‘chi’ in the body.

Disease and illness come when the ‘chi’ is stagnate.

Keep your chi flowing by doing a series of simple

exercises that put everything in flow: the breath,

the blood and the chi.

Order the Chinese Long-Life System today by going to



Matt Furey


None of the information in this email is to be taken as medical advise. Always

consult a physician before beginning any exercise or health program.

How Many Ways Can You See Yourself

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Think about this for a moment. How many ways can you come up with

to ‘see yourself.’ Let’s try for 108.

Can you make yourself bigger, taller, smaller, lighter. Can you make

yourself heavier, softer, harder or more relaxed.

Can you make yourself smile, frown, laugh, cry.

Can you see yourself as a success in business; in relationships;

in school; as a speaker, writer, teacher, coach or mentor.

Can you see yourself traveling the world, living here and abroad.

Can you see yourself as young, vibrant and healthy, regardless of

your age.

The better you are at seeing yourself in different ways, the easier

it will be to ‘zero in’ on the way you really want to be.

Just remember to be willing to do whatever it takes to make things

happen in your life. Get the vision – then make it a reality.

The course that shows you how to do this in magnificent fashion is

Dr. Maltz’ Zero Resistance Living. I encourage you to give it a whirl

by going to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html


Matt Furey

P.S. Vince Palko, a member of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group

http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html recently

wrote to comment on the latest CD he received in his monthly program.

Here’s what he said:

‘Boy Matt,

This CD is awesome. Can’t wait to listen to it over and over while I work.

Like I do with your other ones. AS I illustrate and paint in photoshop, my

mind is distracted enough to let the message sink in even further. – Vince’

Find out WHY Vince is raving by becoming a member today.

Conquer Your Fears

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Whenever you see someone who is NOT moving

forward in life, someone who is not trying to improve

his circumstances – it is almost always fear that is

holding him back.

Fear of what?

Fear of failure – yes. Fear of success – sure. Fear of injury –

uh huh. Yes, these fears are common to many.

But fear of criticism is one of the biggest – yet it is also

the least acknowledged.

Many people fear the looks and reactions they will receive

from others when they begin to make changes in how they

do things. It’s far easier to sit on the couch or before a computer

getting fatter and fatter than it is to go for a walk or begin

doing pushups and squats.

People generally don’t make fun of how fat you are when you’re

plopped on a sofa or before a monitor. They might laugh behind

your back, but rarely to your face. But once you walk outdoors

with sweats on, you THINK everyone is looking at you – and you’re

afraid they’re going to laugh out loud.

But the truth is this: Most people are so busy doing what they’re

doing that they don’t even see you. And the others, if they’re

laughing, they’re doing so silently.

Regardless of how others react to YOU – here’s the most important

concept you must understand: What other people think about you

is NONE of your business. If someone thinks you’re fat, it’s not

your business. If someone thinks the way you’re training is strange –

none of your business.

If you don’t care what others think – what the others think is of no

concern to you. So it won’t matter whether you have fear of criticism

or not. You simply acknowledge when you catch yourself being

concerned about someone else’s opinion of you. And when you note

how you’re breathing shallow and adding stress to your upper neck and

shoulders with the thought of pleasing others – you drop the notion and

say to yourself, ‘To hell with them. This is MY life. I’m going to get fit.

I’m going to get healthy – and if someone else has a problem with that,

THEY have the problem, not ME.’

What I have just covered isn’t some lofty platitude I am proposing but

don’t use myself. Each and every day I receive criticism from someone.

Some don’t like the fact that I advocate eating healthy meat. Some don’t

like the way I look. Others don’t like the way I write. Others don’t want me

to write about anything other than health and fitness – and so on.

‘Good idea – for someone else,’ I think. ‘But not for me.’

I don’t limit myself because of someone else’s opinion. Neither should YOU.

If you want to attain better health, if you want an improved physique or figure,

if you want to go for a walk, start running hills or doing the Royal Court – this

is YOUR goal. Don’t ever let anyone distract you from your vision. You are the

one who decides. No one else.

Remain strong. Stay the course. Stay determined.

Make your burning desire for self-improvement stronger than the fault-finding

of others. When your desire burns brighter than the sting of criticism, nothing

can or will stop you.


Matt Furey

P.S. Some people object to me offering a product in every email I send out. To

hell with ’em. When you’ve got the best programs on the planet for turning couch

potatoes and computer geeks into super-human fitness machines, you don’t

sit around in silence. You rave about it. And that’s why I want you to be part of

the Furey Faithful, that extraordinary group of DOERS who kick butt

and take names wherever they go in whatever they do. Make sure you’re

one of US – go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Click the link shown above. Don’t delay. Do it to-day.

Twist the Fat off Your Waist

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

Now that the New Year’s parties are over, you’ve

probably had a look in the mirror – and chances are

excellent you don’t like what you see.

If what you see makes you feel bad, sad, depressed

or downright p*ss’d off – then that is a good thing

provided you transform those negative emotions

into positive ones and get to work on what you really


Waste no time fighting what you don’t want. Just focus

on what you want. Period. Then do something each day

to get the results you want.

Now, you may be prone to wonder – how do I go about

transforming those negative emotions about my body?

Good question. The quick answer is via deep breathing

exercises. The other part of the answer is forgiveness

of self and acceptance of self, as is, so that you can move

beyond where you are now.

Through deep breathing alone you can eliminate many

negative emotions. It’s hard to hold them in when you

keep letting go of your breath. Did you know that we

keep our negative emotions locked within by engaging

in shallow breathing? Tis true.

So open the flood gates (your lungs) and let the negatives


Inhale deeply. Imagine bringing in good, powerful and positive

enegy. Now hold onto it while you dump out the dirty water.

Yes, this metaphor works – and it works fast.

Not only that, but once you begin to mix the deep breathing with

the muscle flexions and contractions as taught in Combat Abs –

http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html – you’re going to

note what many top yoga instructors will tell you, and that is that

you can ‘twist and squeeze the fat right off your waistline.’

If you simply exercise your abdominals, you cannot twist and

squeeze the fat off. But when you mix your abdominal exercises

with the power of deep breathing – you affect the metabolism

in a deep way, and this leads to fat loss.

Tis nothing new in Asian culture to speak of this – but in Meiguo (that’s

Chinese for America), we got too many ‘know it alls’ who’d like to think

they get straight A’s in research (they don’t) – but where the rubber meets

the road, i.e. in DOING something – these same people get an F-minus.

Many Furey Faithful have blown off multiple inches using the Farmer

Burns Stomach Flattener as taught in Combat Abs – btw, you can get

the Farmer Burns 1914 course, too – http://www.mattfurey.com/farmerburns.html

in fact, one student knocked 20 inches off his waist doing the exercises.

I think that tells you somethink – don’t you?

So make sure you get the New Year rolling with a daily dose of the Magnificent

Seven from Combat Abs. It’ll make all the difference in the world to you.

Incidentally, you can get the Combat Abs book as a gift, along with six

other Furey best-sellers, by getting smart and becoming one with the

Matt Furey Inner Circlehttp://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Being a member of the Furey Inner Circle is the schmart way to get the most

out of yourself this year. With my monthly newsletter and CD – as well as

our member’s only discussion board – you’ll be continually motivated to

kick butt and take names at a higher and higher level. I’m betting that

come December 31, 2007, when you look back upon this entire year –

you’re going to need a telescope to see how far you’ve come.

Take the challenge. You’ll be glad you did.


Matt Furey


Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

You’ve probably heard somebody say, in a condemning

sort of way, ‘Take you and your BAD self and get out of


Funny, isn’t it – how the person refers to the other in duplicate.

You … and your BAD self.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, on the other hand, liked to talk about YOU …

and your BIG SELF.

In contrast to the ‘bad’ self – your BIG SELF is interested in

helping the normal you become something more than the little

self thinks he is.

And your mission is to find your BIG SELF, make friends with

him or her, gain your self-respect, find your dignity as a human

being – focus on what you want and make it happen. You came

into this world to succeed – and you can only succeed when you

understand that knowing the mechanics of something are not

enough. You must also know the mechanics of your own mind.

The other night I was talking to a lady who is NOW – enormously

successful in business. But two years ago, when I first met her,

she didn’t have a single client.

She knew the mechanics of her profession like the back of her

hand. I would even argue that she knew her ‘stuff’ better than

anyone I have ever met. So why no business. So why no clients.

Answer is simple: She didn’t understand the mechanics of her own

mind. She was letting the ‘little image’ of herself control her life.

Once she began focusing on her BIG SELF in the theatre of her own

mind – the world opened up to her and gave her abundance beyond


The key to success, regardless of endeavor, is knowing both the

physical mechanics of your craft as well as the mental mechanics

of what it takes to become a success.

And finding your BIG SELF is the key.

You’ve got to be able to go into the Theatre of your own mind and see

yourself as much bigger than you are – as capable of rising above your

present circumstances. You’ve got to be able to picture your BIG SELF

as ten feet tall; as gigantic.

And when you can do that it – your ‘bad self’ sort of shrivels up and dies

from lack of attention.

Inside of you there lies an Automatic Servo-Mechanism that steers you toward

whatever you think about most of the time. If you think about your bad self

most of the time, this servo mechanism attracts more of what you don’t want and

becomes an Automatic FAILURE Mechanism.

But … if you think about your successes, if you replay them in your mind’s eye,

you find your BIG SELF and this automatic servo-mechanism becomes an

Automatic SUCCESS Mechanism.

Now tell me, which would YOU rather have on your side.

Practice the Theatre of the Mind exercises seen in Zero Resistance Living –

http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html and put your Success

Mechanism on auto-pilot.


Matt Furey

P.S. The Moby Dick meditation I created for members of the Psycho-Cybernetics

Success Group is getting rave reviews. One member went so far as to say this

one CD is worth the price of an entire course. Want to find out why? Then become

part of the group – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

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