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Archive for March, 2007

Cooked Organs – Prune Skin Faces

Friday, March 9th, 2007

Ever notice that people who run all the time age

FASTER than those who don’t.

If you look at many marathon runners in their

mid-30’s, you’ll already see the ‘prune’ look beginning

to etch itself onto their faces. Why is this?

There are a couple reasons:

1. Many distance athletes believe, erroneously, that because

they workout, they don’t need to take any sort of supplement

that safeguards them against free radical damage. Show an

endurance athlete a supplement loaded with antioxidants proven

to reduce the risk of illness, including cancer and heart disease,

and don’t be surprised if you hear, ‘I don’t need that stuff. I work


Uh – duh. When you workout, your body cranks out MORE free

radicals, not less.

Yes, you need to exercise to get the results you want – but to sweat

and NOT supplement is a mistake. When you take super potent

antioxidants like Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil – you can get some

at http://www.drdavesbest.com – as well as berries like elderberry,

chokeberry, black currant and bilberry – you are insuring yourself

against disease.

In China, the longest lived people eat abundantly from fruits,

vegetables, meats, herbs – and green tea. Green tea is a mega

potent antioxidant as well.

2. The other reason for the ‘prune’ look – not to mention the

ready-for-the-scrap-heap feeling inside the bodies of many

distance runners is because, as the Chinese Taoists have taught,

the exerciser is ‘cooking’ his internal organs from over-exertion.

Cooking your organs?


It’s a scientific fact that some people are ‘warmer’ than others.

Their hands and feet are warmer. They sweat easier. They need

fewer clothes, and so on.

The above is not a bad thing.

However, when you over-exercise and have no method of cooling

your body off, you do internal damage and it shows on your face.

High stress in the home and workplace also contribute to over-

heating, too – so don’t think you’re off the hook if you don’t work


Key thing is you need to have a way to cool off internally. Supplementing

with antioxidants helps – but the way you exercise helps a lot, too. If you

exercise in such a way that your body doesn’t overheat – a way in which

you’re opening all the meredians in your body, a way in which you’re

increasing the flow of chi within rather than obstructing it – well, then, you

will know what it’s like to be 80, 90 and up and still be able to move with

ease. You’ll know what it’s like to still be mentally alert, filled with vim,

vigor and enthusiasm.

This is what you are taught in the Chinese Long-Life System, available at


The other day I was at the beach – training a couple friends. After one round

of a specific exercise that looked like ‘nothing much’ – the guy turned to me

and said, ‘WOW. I can feel the energy moving from my shoulders to my

hands. I can feel something clicking internally.’

Indeed. That’s the difference.

For great health you don’t just focus on the muscles. The muscles matter not

if even ONE organ in your body runs amuck. See how strong your legs

are when a kidney fails. Or how powerful your chest if your heart has

an attack. Or how far you can throw a football if your spleen is ruptured.

The Chinese approach to a long-life involves working from the inside out.

That’s why it is uniquel powerful. That’s why it works.

Get the program today by going to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html


Matt Furey

Author of Int’l best-seller, Combat Conditioning and a plethora of power-packed

products – all of which change lives for the better – including yours. Go to

http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html to view them.

P.S. My big time announcement is coming soon. I thought it might be today,

but right now it looks like it’ll be within a few more days. It will be BIG.

Big Announcement Coming

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

Ya know, it’s been awhile since I announced a new product.

That’s a gonna change – and very very soon.

Pay close attention to your inbox. Either tomorrow or the next

day there will be a mad rush to see what the Fure-cat has

cooked for you.

It may just be the most significant contribution ever made to

the world of health and fitness – especially for those who want

to live a long, happy and healthy life.

Stay tuned.

Matt Furey

How to Get Dynamic Power

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

A few months ago I spent time with a medical doctor

whom many people think really knows his stuff when it

comes to nutrition.

Truth is, he probably knows too much. I say this

because he doesn’t have a lick of fat on his body –

yet, he doesn’t have any strength or power, either.

Being lean is a goal for many people. But in and of

itself, being lean is undesireable.

Here’s why: A lot of very lean people think they’re

healthier than others because they don’t have much

body fat; yet these same weenies have very little

LIFE FORCE. They have almost zero power.

Much of this can be gauged from a simple handshake.

When a weenie shakes your hand pay attention to

what you feel. No, I am not checking to see if he can

or cannot crush your hand. That only tells you how strong

his hands are. What I’m checking for is the level of vibrancy or

electricity in the person’s hand.

Case in point is the health care guy I mentioned. When I

shook his hand he gave a fairly firm handshake. But there

was no electricity. In fact, his hands sent out a numb, chilly,

lifeless energy. That’s saying a lot when it’s 100 degrees out,

don’t you think.

At another time the guy put his hand on my shoulder to

make a point about nutrition. Once again, the hand was

darn near lifeless. Might as well have put a skeleton’s hand

on me. It wouldn’t feel much different.

So you might wonder, why is this. How can someone who

eats nothing but the perfect diet and does a ton of cardio,

running, cycling, etc. – be so devoid of vibrancy.

There are many reasons but the soundest one of all is as

follows: The guy doesn’t do deep breathing exercises. When

you breathe deeply and fully and do so from various stances

and positions, you quickly change the vibration level of your

mind and body.

Yesterday I had a group of men in for some coaching. I taught

them some deep breathing exercises and we did them together

for a few minutes. Afterward they felt energy running up and down

their spines, tingling sensations in their hands and heat coming from

the bottoms of their feet.

Two hours after we did the exercise they were still feeling the effects.

These men were learning the meaning of the Farmer Burns saying, ‘Deep

breathing alone has made many a sick man well and many a weak man


He was right.

You cannot ONLY eat your way to vibrant health. That’s like putting fuel in

a tank and never starting the engine. Exercise is king – but it’s got to be

the right kind of exercise.

I have nothing against long-distance running. If that is a person’s goal

I am all for him. But I will point out the truth, it reduces overall lung

capacity and power.

You’re far better off doing hill sprints and the other dynamic exercises

in Combat Conditioninghttp://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

as well as the vaccuum and Farmer Burns Stomach Flattener – as taught in

Combat Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html

When you do Hindu Squats, Hindu Pushups and bridging, and the other exercises

I teach, your focus in on the breath.

The breath leads everything. Sure, you focus on proper form, getting

a good stretch, working the muscles, and so on … but the primary focus in on

breathing. Your breath is your power and your connection to the winds of the


Feel the wind entering your lungs then moving throughout your entire body.

That’s the key to building life force. That’s the key to vibrancy.

All for now.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

Author of the Int’l best-seller, Combat Conditioning and a plethora of power house

products which you can peruse at http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

Your Age Doesn’t Matter

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

In China, many people retire at age 50. Yet, unlike those

who retire in the U.S. – most Chinese people don’t sit around bored

to death. Many older Chinese are actively engaged in doing something to

improve their lives.

One of those activities is daily exercise. In fact, in many ways the younger

people get their exercise from walking and bicycling to and from work. Once

retired, howevewr, the REAL training begins.

Yes, many people in China begin studying tai chi, chi kung and other methods of

exercise, like the Chinese Long-Life System, well into their 50’s. They don’t sit

around and say, ‘I’m too old. I can’t do that anymore. I started too late in life.’

No – they start long after most people in our culture have given up.

This proves that your age is NOT the issue. The issue is your willingness to get off

your arse and DO SOMETHING.

One of the reasons why so many people in China are doing the long-life exercises

is because they’re so easy to learn and do. But the main reason is because the

exercises open the meridians of the body and create greater chi flow.

This is most important. As I’ve said before you – no matter how strong your external

muscles – your internal organs are MOST important. Even a minor problem with your

liver, stomach, heart, lungs, kidneys and so on will do much more than get your

attention. This is why it’s important to have a system of exercise that opens you from

the inside-out.

Working hard for the appearance of health is fine – maybe even dandy – but nothing beats

the overall feeling of health that comes from within when you do the exercises that

simultaneously recharge, rejuvenate and revitalize your internal circuitry.

Yesterday morning I left early to return home. Because I was in a hurry I skipped the

Chinese Long-Life exercises – and let me tell you, I felt that crud all day. Until I got home,

that is. Once inside the walls of my abode I went through the routine and I instantly felt

like a billion bucks. Woke up feeling great, too – but, not wanting to repeat the mistake of

yesterday, I trained first thing. Right now I’m feeling AWESOME and I’m saying to myself,

‘Next time you have to leave early, get up earlier and train.’

When your body is used to training and you don’t train, you instantly recognize how awful

you feel.

Funny thing is that those who don’t train feel like crud all the time – and they think that crud

is their natural state. Pretty sad, huh.

Health and well-being, high energy and a calm, peaceful demeanor is your natural state.

And the fact of the matter is that you can experience all these good feelings as being

natural when you follow the Chinese Long-Life System.

Get the program and discover this truth.

It’s a simple program. It’s so easy to follow. Yet it proves that the best things in life aren’t difficult.

Go to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html and order NOW.

We’re almost sold out of the course at the introductory amount. Don’t delay. Kick

butt today.


Matt Furey

P.S. For a complete listing of all my products go to http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

Self-Confidence in Seconds

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

A few years ago I spoke to a young man who said he

wanted to have a business of his own.

But he had a problem.

‘I just don’t have any confidence,’ he said.

‘Do you have an imagination,’ I asked.

‘Yes, of course.’

‘Good. And do you have a memory.’

‘Yes, of course I have a memory.’

‘Okay, can you remember something you did in the past

in which you had a lot of confidence.’

‘Well, yes, I do. But it was a long, long time ago.’

‘That doesn’t matter,’ I said. ‘What was it.’

‘Well, when I was in 2nd grade I was really good at math.

I was top in the class.’

‘Great. Let’s start there,’ I said.

I then took this man back in time and had him relive his

confident days in 2nd grade math.

He immediately began to feel better about himself – and all

he was doing was reliving a memory.

Next, I took him into the Theatre of The Mind – in his own mind,

and had him imagine bringing that same 2nd grade confidence

into the present, and putting it into his idea to have a business.

He followed my advice and was shocked to discover that doing

so changed how he felt about being in business. Suddenly, instead

of fear and frustration he felt courage and confidence.

I told him that if he repeated this exercise everyday, that his

confidence would soar and that he would begin naturally doing

the things that successful business people do.

One of the amazing things that this man unraveled when doing the Theatre

of the Mind, was how he had numerous success experiences that he had


At first he could only think of being good in math while in

2nd grade. So we started there.

But after a couple weeks in the Theatre, he realized that he was also

a good writer, and a fairly articulate speaker. In junior high he was a

good baseball player. And in high school he recalled the feeling of

hitting a homerun in a pivotal game.

So he started to recall the confidence of those moments, too.

He got the true message of ‘living’ Psycho-Cybernetics.

A couple years later, this man not only had his own business,

but it was thriving.

He showed that there is great power in your Imagination. As

well as your memory of past experiences.

Wouldn’t you like to know how to do what this man did. Isn’t there some

area of your life where you experience frustration – even failure; where

you lack confidence.

Well, you CAN change all that. You can start feeling more confident

To-Day. Right NOW.

In Zero Resistance Living you’ll discover how to rocket launch yourself

away from frustration and failure. You’ll discover your BIG SELF, the YOU

that knows how to put you on the course to success. I suggest taking a peak

into the program by going to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html


Matt Furey

P.S. To leave the rat race and commuter lifestyle behind – and get started on

the road to making a fortune on the Internet – be sure to visit


My Opinion of Dope Smoking/Smokers

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

I wish I was kidding, but I’m not. Yesterday I got an

email from a dope smoker asking about whether or not

he can do the Chinese Long-Life System.

Here’s what he wrote:

‘Hi Matt,

I’m one of the Furey Faithful. Thing is that I have an

awful pot smoking habit. I get high several times a day.

I’m wondering if your Chinese Long-Life Program can

help me. But don’t tell me I have to quit smoking pot.

I need it to get through the day. Takes the edge off if

you know what I mean. Please advise.’

Cann E. Bus

M.F. Listen up Cann. You’re not one of the Furey Faithful.

You may think you are – but if you’re toking on the so-called

sacred cabbage each and every day, you’re seriously deluded.

You’ve got problems pal, and you’re not dealing with them

by passing the peace/love/dope pipe. Get off it. Be a REAL

man and quit. And don’t write me again until you have.

Now go kick some real butt without the crutch.

What I’m saying is true, you don’t follow the Chinese Long-Life

System while high on dope or while inebriated in any way.

Same goes with meditation and internal work because smoking

dope reverses the the chi flow in your meredians. Meditating

while “high” will not set you straight – it’ll screw you up more.

When you do the Chinese Long-Life program you are working on

fine tuning your body’s inner circuitry. Cannot do that if you’re a

dope head or a drunk.

Order today at http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html

Here endeth today’s lesson.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. One reader of my daily tips wrote to tell me the following about my

“Slap Your Face” message:

Matt, this is one of your best daily emails yet. Sorry to clutter your mailbox

with the ennui of another opinion, but I wanted to respond with a genuine

compliment that you can appreciate.

After ordering the Chinese Lifelong System about 6 months ago, I’ve been

slapping myself silly every day. The knots in my back are gone. My slightly

high blood pressure is down. My attitude and energy have changed.

No more words needed. This system works in so many ways.

I don’t know if you will make time to read this email or not, but I just wanted

to tell you in short words, you’re stuff is great. I know you have a great day

everyday (me too), but I hope the energy that I am Psycho-Cybernetically

sending you will help you have an even better day. I see you having a good

day on my movie screen. I can say clearly “I get it”, no more excuses in

my life – thanks to you MF. My best to you and your family.

Brad Malesker

Omaha, NE (just down the street from your home town)

M.F. Thank you Brad. My mother is from Omaha and my father attended

Law School at Creighton University. I spent many a day in Omaha as a

young lad visiting my grandmother, uncles and cousins. In fact, one of my

cousins, Mary Pat, is a regular reader of this daily email as well. Wish you

the best.

BTW, if you want to know what Brad meant by Psycho-Cybernetically, well

then, you must go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

and find out.

Why Five Second Abs Works

Monday, March 5th, 2007

Testimonials on the effectivenes of the Farmer Burns

Stomach Flattener, as seen in my best-selling book,

Combat Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html

are poring in.

One man wrote to say he’s dropped four inches from his

waist inside of three weeks – and just as I wrote, his digestion

has shown a marked improvement.

In Farmer Burns 1914 by-mail course, ‘Lessons in Wrestling

and Physical Culture’ – http://www.mattfurey.com/farmerburns.html

he said the same thing. In fact, Burns also, referring to the subject

of deep breathing, said – ‘Deep breathing along has made many a

weak man strong and many a sick man well.’

The whole reason why the Farmer Burns Stomach Flattener works

is because of the deep breathing combined with flexing and tensing

of the abdominal muscles. Simple flex and tense the abdominals

and you don’t have much. The whole key lies in the mixture.

The greatest thing about this exercise is that you can do it

virtually anywhere and no one else has to know. It’s your little

workout secret.

You can do it at your desk. In a car. On a plane. In the shower.

Even while doing other exercises.

It truly is remarkable.

Be sure to make Five Second Abs part of your everyday routine.

Kick butt – take names!

Matt Furey

Slap Your Face

Sunday, March 4th, 2007

The other day a reader of this daily e-letter wrote to tell

me I should be ashamed of myself for my insensitive nature.

What was she barking about.

Well, that headline I wrote a few days back, ‘They Must Be Smoking

Crack,’ really struck a chord with her. Turns out a close family member,

i.e., a parent, was a crack addict.

Somehow or other I was supposed to be concerned about this

before hitting the send button. Somehow or other I was supposed

to refrain from using any sort of language whatsoever that might

offend this one person.

This cry baby attitude is a big part of what is wrong with ‘merica

today. We are a country littered with far too many cry babies, momma’s

boys and sissies.

Now you know why it is an absolute pleasure to deal with the Furey Faithful –

those wise men and women – as well as youngins, who are forward thinking,

always on the cutting edge, ready to DO instead of beg; those people who

get up each morning with a good attitude – and if by chance they don’t have

one when they arise, they exercise, breathe deeply, stretch, walk, or simply

focus on their goals … anything but sit around figuring out who should be

ashamed or who needs his face slapped.

Truth is, you and I would be wise to slap our own faces each and every day,

not only for a reality check, but to wake up, energize, expand our brain activity,

and so on.

I’ve got this self-flaggelation thing down pat. I learned it from my wife.

One morning I noted how she sat before her mirror, doing makeup and so on –

but before she applied whatever it is she puts on (yes I’m totally ignorant about

this and unashamedly so), I noticed that she slaps her face and massages it good.

I figured at first that this was a ‘woman’ thing and that men didn’t do anything of

the sort. At least not REAL men like me.

Well, imagine my surprise when Master Zhang taught me all these pressure point

massage techniques for my head and face. I tried them out as per his suggestion,

and I’ve never looked back.

Here’s why: Suppose for a moment that I have an I.Q. of 140 – which would be a

bit higher than el presidente as well as the guy who tried to oust him from office.

Well, even so, that 140 can get awfully run down and tired at times and feel like

a double-digit number like, er, 40.

But after I whack my face, tweak my ears, work all the pressure points for the eyes,

sinus, ears and so on …. and do them in order of importance as shown in the Chinese

Long-Life System … my brain wave activity increases dramatically and I start thinking

like a true genius instead of a pretend genius.

I don’t know if this face patting is a preventative for Alzheimers or not … but I’m thinking

it might be. Afterall, we tend to ignore our face and head when it comes to health care.

One thing is certain, however, and that is the increased brain waves percolating in my


Who knows, I keep this routine up I may take another I.Q. test someday. Problem is

they don’t put any wrestling holds on them-there tests. Dooooiiii. So I be doomed be.

Moral of today’s message: Be yourself. Forget about pleasing everyone all the time.

That’s a retarded way to live. And that sort of stress reduces the joy of living and will

probably shorten your life because the stress of making everyone happy will kill you.

Make yourself happy first. Only then do you have something else to give.

The Chinese Long-Life System reaches into your soul and gives you the sort of

deep down happiness, peace of mind and health that you want. Be sure to get the

program will the getting is good. Right now we have somewhere around 50 sets left

at the introductory amount, then the package will go up considerably.

So slap your face, wake yourself up and get thee bunns over to the Chinese Long-Life

System – http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html


Matt Furey

Author of the Int’l best-seller, Combat Conditioning – and a plethora of other power-

house products – http://www.mattfurey.com

P.S. Slapping your butt is a good health practice, too. I’ll cover that in a future email.

Stay tuned.

Don’t Let Your Legs Get Old

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

In China they have a saying, ‘Ren lao xian lao tui.’

This means, ‘When a person gets old, the legs get

old first.’

When viewing the aging quarterback, boxer or hoops

shooter – we know this is true. For martial artists,

tis one of the reasons why so many after 40 turn

to the so-called ‘internal’ arts, such as tai chi chuan,

xingyi, bagua and so on. The aging athlete cannot

keep up with the heavy demands of the rigorous

art anymore.

People who regularly fly the friendly skies, especially

those loooonnngg flights, are becoming more and more

concerned with their legs going bad. We call it ‘deep vein

thrombosis, aka DVT.

Poor blood circulation in the lower legs can lead to heart

attack and stroke. Not a good thing.

One of the good things about flying on Chinese airlines

is that via the television monitor, the passengers are

prompted to move and exercise. And the exercises they

give are excellent.

Walking is great for the legs. So is jumping. I recommend

you use a good rope your your jumping – those that Bobby

Hinds at LifelineUSA makes are best – http://www.lifelineusa.com

And of course the squatting in Combat Conditioning – that’ll get

you in fine, fine shape.

Yet, nothing WAKES the legs up and super-charges them more than

the slapping, knocking and tapping movements we teach in the

Chinese Long Life System – http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html

Why is this.

Quite simply, these slaps and knocks immediately improve blood

circulation. And they increase chi flow along all the meridians in the


The meridians in your body are like the lanes on a freeway. So long

as the traffic is moving, all is well. But … if at any time the traffic

stalls, tempers flair, blood pressure rises and, in some cases, bullets


Imagine this same scenario in your own body. If you’re tired, fatigued

or feeling less than extraordinarily magnificent, then the chi is not

flowing in your body as it should. Imagine what a profound change

will transpire when all circuits are on, when all the energy in your

body is flowing as it should.

Not only will your legs stay young, powerful, lean and flexible –

but if you travel via plane, you’ll laugh when you hear talk about

deep vein thrombosis. The chances of those who practice the Chinese

Long Life System having this problem are slim and none and slim just

left town.

To recap, keep your legs young by walking, jumping and doing Hindu

squats. If you cannot do Hindu Squats, do the Wall Chair – or do the

1/4 squats shown in the Chinese Long-Life System.

Then make sure you learn all the slaps, knocks and so on that invigorate,

rejuvenate and recharge your body like nothing else in the world.

Oh, by the way, Gary, one of the Furey Faithful, wrote yesterday

to say that he recently went on a cruise in which many Chinese were on

board. Being he’s a tai chi practitioner, he figured he’d get up early to

practice along with them. To his amazement, no one was practicing tai

chi. Instead .. they were doing these exercises that el Fure-Cat has been

raving about.

Imagine dhat. Once again, this Fure-cat is way ahead of all the other

wannabees on this here Internet. Just when the copykatsz think they’ve

caught up to me, I leap frog over them in a single bound.

There are a few reasons why this cat can leap-frog the others so quickly.

But the most important is that my legs are still young. Learn how I keep

’em that way by getting the Chinese Long-Life System.

We have approximately 70 more programs that we’re going to let go

at the current amount. So JUMP in while the jumping is good. Go to



Matt Furey

How You Spend Your Time

Thursday, March 1st, 2007

If you look at how much time you spend doing

what you do – and if you keep a log – you might

be surprised at what you discover.

First, you might discover that although you say you

don’t have any time, you found time for tee-vee,

gossip, fault-finding, idle-chatter and so on.

Second, if you add the amount of time spent doing

things unrelated to furthering your success, and you

multiply it by 7 – then again by 52 – you’ll come up

with an astonishing figure.

For example, if you spend two hours a day going on

discussion boards on the Internet to put up posts for

all to read – this same amount of time could have

been invested in writing a book.

Or, let’s say you watch tee-vee for two hours per

day. That’s 14 hours a week or 728 hours per

year. Said even better, those two hours end up

being 30.33 days. Not 8-hour days either. 24-hour


One of the things I work on doing each day is sending

something positive and encouraging for others to read.

I do this two ways. The first is direct communication with

people I coach or those whom I know. Another way is via

my email lists.

Sending words of praise and encouragement to others comes

back multiplied. The more good energy you give to others, the

more you receive in return – even if no one says a word of praise

back to you.

One of the great things about taking time to praise others, as well

as yourself, is that it increases everyone’s energy – giving you

more oomph to put into your day. On the other hand, criticism

usually has the opposite effect – and because much of the time it is

completely ignored – the person criticizing wasted his time.

Over the past couple days a great many readers of this email sent

words of praise for the message sent on Tuesday, entitled, “How

Nothing Can Stop You.”

Then yesterday, a lady who says she’s writing a book about how

Psycho-Cybernetics has changed her life, sent me an email telling

me how much she hates my emails, how they’re all about me, me, me

and offer nothing of value to anyone.

Very funny.

One of the key principles of Psycho-Cybernetics is that you stop

criticizing yourself and others. It’s a tough rule to live by. I fail at

it more than I care to admit. Yet when I do I realize how much time

I just wasted – and how the criticism will almost always have zero

positive effect on the future.

This is why I implemented my “No Whining” rule some time ago.

When you don’t whine, you’re in a state of gratitude.

Naturally there are times when you need to speak up and be heard;

when there is an injustice being done to you and you need to put an

end to it. This, however, is not to be confused with time-wasting

criticism and condemnation of others. It is not to be confused with

whining. Evenso, it’s a good idea to know when to put a lid on the

talk about an injustice.

The other day a member of my MasterMind wrote to tell me how

his former business partner did a lot of things to harm him. He

was understandably upset about it. Evenso, in order for me to

coach him, he needs to deal with the legal matters in one room

and the regrowing of his business in another. I’m not someone

who can legally advise him, so my advice was simple:

“Time to rise from the ashes, my friend. From devastation to liberation

to capitalization.”

He got the message and thanked me for refocusing his attention.

Another member wrote to tell me how well his business did last month,

but it was mixed with great fear of the good not lasting, concern about

all the bills he has to pay, and so on. He spoke of his embarrassment in

telling me these things.

I wrote the following to him:

“All is good here. Including the embarrassment.

When you have a bill to pay, the key is not so much the inhale and exhale,

but that you say, “Hey, I’m thankful I have the money to pay it.” You think

this thought while you exhale and inhale.

This puts things in perspective as your brain knows what it is like to have bills

and no money to pay them.

What you did last month is superb. It’s going to keep getting better. Having 6K

above expenses is very, very good. Far, far better than scrambling to only pay

the bills and being left with your ass hanging.”

See what is going on in the above. The man has his best month ever – but

in spite of this, instead of being grateful, he goes into fear about it not

lasting – or dread that he still has to pay the bills. This type of thinking is

a waste of time – and it harms the success process that has begun. That’s

why I refocused this man’s attention on being thankful he has the dough to

pay the bills.

I remember the day when my wife and I went to the bank together to get

a cashier’s check to pay our taxes. The teller looked at my wife and said,

“Ohhhh, I want to cry.”

I smiled and said, “For what.”

Then I turned to my wife and said, “You and I both know what it’s like to get

the tax bill and not have the money to pay it. Let’s be grateful we have it and

not go into dread. That will accomplish nothing and will stop the flow.”

She agreed and after we sent the check both of us noted how good it felt.

This was a big change for us. Prior to that we’d hang onto the dough as

long as we could, dreading having to pay our taxes.

I observed long ago that those who dread paying their taxes have a very

difficult time increasing their income. When I lived in California I even heard

people say how they’d like to earn more income, but if they did they’d have

to pay more taxes.


The moral of today’s message is simple. Look at what you do

to waste time … as well as energy. Look at what you’re doing

to block the flow – then go back to doing what you were doing

to get IN FLOW.


Matt Furey

P.S. Several of you wrote in yesterday to comment on Bruce Lee’s written

goal. Your comments were write on – yet there’s more to be discussed on

this matter, and I’ll cover it in this month’s Psycho-Cybernetics Success

Group offering – go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

and become a part of it.

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