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Archive for February, 2008

Daddy, What’s a Politician

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Daddy, What’s a Politician

My son, Frank, asked, “Daddy, what’s a


I replied: “Well, do you want the dictionary

definition or the real definition.”

“The real definition,” said Frank.

“Okay, no problem. The real definition of a

politician is: A legalized criminal, usually

a lawyer by trade, who smiles a lot, makes tons

of promises he or she has no intention of keeping,

who steals from the people he’s supposed to protect,

and makes decisions that usually are in direct opposition

to the will of the people. And a politician is a person whom

people place hope in with no due cause.”

What does the above have to do with health and


A lot.

First, if you make promises to YOURSELF and to those whom you

love – then KEEP those promises.

If you tell yourself and your spouse that you’re going to lose some

weight, that you’re going to regain your pre-nuptial form – then

DO IT. Don’t pretend. Get the job done.

Bob, a friend of mine, had a drinking problem. He realized it

was destroying his life and his family’s. So he told his wife

and children that he would never drink again. And if he were

to break his promise, he would eat a can of Alpo dog food off

the cement floor in his garage.

He handed his family a can of dog food to seal his promise.

Bob hasn’t touched a drop of booze in over ten years.

Read my lips. Bob’s promise is one no politician would ever make.

Second, in regard to your health, you place no hope in anyone

but yourself. Yes, I am all for hiring coaches and investing in

books and courses that steer you in the right direction. But

make no mistake about it – YOU must follow the program with

all your mental and physical might. You have others around to

help you – but YOU are still the one who is ultimately responsible

for how you do.

Advice from a coach can be invaluable. I know the things I learned

from Dan Gable and the many, many other coaches I have had and

still have, still lives with me to this day. Even so, I still have to show

up for practice and give it everything I’ve got.

Third, all humor aside, it is a good idea to watch politicians and

study their every move. Smiling is a good idea. It makes you happy,

healthier and more likable, even if you’re faking it.

Fourth, politicians who are super fat have a tough time getting

elected. Sure, there are exceptions … Teddy … but not many.

When you’re fit – you present a better image to the world.

Sadly, right now Americans present an awful image to the rest of

the world. We’re a laughing stock not just because of our politicians –

but because we’re fatter than hell – yet we’re still starving.

Oddly enough, we’re not starving for success. We’re not starving with

a burning desire to make something spectacular of ourselves.

Huh uh. We’re starving for more comfort. And our desire for more

comfort is not only putting us in graves faster – it’s putting us

into a state of lethargy and complacency wherein we’re laid

wide open and vulnerable to an attack.

The attack I’m talking about is not a “terrorist attack.” It’s an

attack on everything good we used to do that we’re no longer


It’s an attack of forgetfulness. Forgetting what makes people

win; what makes them great.

And what makes people great is really quite simple.

One, you have a goal; a vision for your life.

Two, you breathe life into this vision by thinking about it all

the time.

Three, you get off your ass and move toward your goal.

Four, you don’t pout or whine when things get tough.

You expect to suffer and you willingly do so, if necessary,

to reach your target.

Five, you expect to make mistakes and you are glad when

you do because they’re the feedback you need to reach

your goal.

Six, you great each day with gratitude and enthusiasm, even

when times are tough.

Seven, you end each day the same way.

Eight, when you’ve succeeded, you help pull others up the

ladder with you – not by doing everything for them, not by

praise when it’s unmerited – but by getting them to do the

same things you did to get where you are.

Ask yourself, are you doing the above in your life. Are you

still hungry to make something great happen in your life.

Or are you content to plop yourself before the tee-vee or

computer screen and lose yourself in everyone else’s


Start moving your body each morning and you’ll be amazed

at how everything else starts snapping into place.

Get tough – physically – with the most powerful

exercise program on the planet – Combat Conditioning –


And get “extra” tough with the best MIND conditioning program

in the Universe – which you can test by going to


Matt Furey

P.S. Ever notice that the politician seen running the most

miles often gets elected. It doesn’t guarantee he’ll be

worth a damn – but it does show that the masses follow

someone who’s moving.

Eliminate Hand and Wrist Pain NOW

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Eliminate Hand and Wrist Pain NOW

10 years ago next month I was in Minneapolis at

the NCAA wrestling championships.

All throughout the weekend my wrist hurt. And I

didn’t know why.

I didn’t fall on it. I didn’t tweak it working out. It

just hurt – for no particular reason – and the pain

was driving me up a wall. Mostly because I had a

lot of writing to do and it hurt to do it.

While at the tournament I met an old wrestler who

showed me a simple exercise that strengthened

his grip considerably.

I did the exercise as I was taught and the very

same day the irritating ache went away.

The next day, however, the pain returned. So

I did the exercise again – and the same thing

happened. My pain went bye, bye.

The following day the pain came back once more –

and by now you can probably guess what I did.

That’s right. I did the same simple exercise.

But in this instance the third time was a charm. The

pain went away for good.

As a result of this I began to look into other ways to

strengthen my hands and wrists – mostly to make

me a more effective martial artist. During my

annual trips to my vacation home in China I scoured

the country for the best exercises I could find. And

upon my return one summer, I began teaching a whole

system of exercises that hit every area of the hands and wrists –

and these exercises not only strengthened all the weak links

in the hands – they also strengthened the rest of your body –

including your mind.

What happened was truly remarkable. People who

slept in braces – or wore them during the workday –

were able to discard them for the first time in


Other people who thought they needed surgery –

were able to forego it.

Quite remarkable, don’t you think.

My friend, pain in the hands and wrists is a big, big

problem today – and grip training gadgets – for the most

part – aggravate it further.

In China I have researched and studied the best hand

exercises ever conceived – exercises from kung fu and

chi kung. And the vast majority of these incredibly powerful

exercises nothing other than your own hands and a soft, pliable

rubber device shaped like a donut – or a thin piece of string.

That’s it.

Once again, just like animals in the wild, the key to strength

in your hands comes, primarily, from using your own body


Other than that, all you need are the proper exercises, (those

that open the meridians of the body) deep breathing and

concentration. The positive effect of doing the right exercises

with concentration and deep breathing is nothing less than


I have personally trained with a master who can plow through

cement blocks with the inside of his finger. His fingers are so powerful

you’d think each digit to be a sword. Does he use expensive gadgets

to build this type of power. No.

He simply does the right type of exercises with concentration and

deep breathing.

More often than you realize, hand and wrist and elbow and

shoulder pain stems from a blockage in chi flow. The

meridians of the body are damned up with negative

stress – and this negative energy won’t be released

via surgery or using a bunch of mechanical devices.

The key to releasing the trapped energy is, once again,

the right exercises, proper concentration and deep breathing.

You get all three of the above in my course for eliminating

hand, wrist, elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome pain.

Order now by going to http://carpaltunnelfix.com

Matt Furey

P.S. Even if you don’t have carpal tunnel syndrome, you’ll

find these exercises nuking your hand, wrist and elbow

pain like nothing else on the market.

Why Eli and the Giants Won

Monday, February 4th, 2008

Why Eli and the Giants Won

The Giants had the ball. Eli Manning was in position,

ready to take the first hand-off of the game.

I’d seen all I needed to see.

I called my brother, Sean.

“Patriots are in trouble. Did you see Manning’s eyes.”

“Sure did.”

“This guy won’t be beaten.”

Sean agreed.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter I watched

Tom Brady walk off the field. Not the cool,

calm, collected Brady he normally is when he

has all day to set up his passes.

I called Sean again.

“Did you see Brady.”

“I did.”

“His cage is rattled, huh.”

“Sure is.”

“Whenever you see pouting and whining – you know

the tide has definitely turned – no matter what the

score. Another bad sign for the Patriots.”

Minutes later Brady marched the Pats down the

field for the go-ahead score.

My son cheered wildly.

“Don’t celebrate too early,” I said. “The game isn’t


Eli put on his helmet and took the field. As he did so

you could feel his absolute belief and total conviction. He

would not be beaten.

And then the “miracle” pass.

Not the Immaculate Reception – but doggone close.

The game was just as well as over. In fact, it was

over before it started.

Forget the score. Forget who was in the lead for

what amount of time. Just watch the eyes of the

quarterbacks. Read the face. It’ll tell you all you

need to know.

Despite winning three previous Super Bowls; despite

guiding the Patriots to an almost perfect season –

the fact is Brady didn’t want to win as much as Eli

Manning and the Giants. He wasn’t AS hungry.

So much of success is nothing more than

“staying hungry.” It’s all about DESIRE.

Who wants it the most.

Twas a painful lesson I learned, more than once,

as a competitive wrestler.

Today, as a success coach, I can tell who is ready for

success and who isn’t.

Some are ready when the game begins – but

after things get a little rough and “the game”

isn’t as easy as you’d hoped – if you take the

person’s “vision pulse” – you may find it has

dimmed significantly.

I see this all the time.

I see it in the eyes and on the face. And what I see

BEGINS in the other person’s mind.

Wanting to win is a feeling that vibrates from

every cell in your brain and body. Even if

you say you want to win – whenever you lose

you can point to the other guy and say, “Well,

he must have wanted to win MORE.”

That was the story last night. And it’s the story

every day of our lives.

Winning isn’t about physical strength. It isn’t

about who has the strongest hands, arms,

legs, neck or abs – although physical strength

most certainly help.

It isn’t about who is fastest or most skilled, either –

even those these qualities also help.

It’s about WHO wants it most. It’s about who

has the strongest MENTAL MUSCLES.

Your mind is and always will be the most important

muscle on and off the field.

Those who have played the game at the highest

levels and have emerged victorious understand

this. Those who have merely played – don’t.

In short, Eli Manning played his TRUMP CARD


As someone who has won several national titles

and a world championship, I know what it’s like

to play your TRUMP. I also know how to play it

in any endeavor you’re involved in.

Do you.

If not, I strongly suggest you click the following

link below and order your copy of The TRUMP CARD.

I’ve already sold out the first two editions of this

special report – and am now giving the third edition

away to the next 199 to raise their hands and say,

“Hell YEAH. I want to WIN more than the other guy.”

Go to http://mattfurey.com/trump_card.html and

place your order NOW.

Matt Furey

P.S. Did you notice the color change in Bill Belichick’s

clothing. And Tom Brady’s shorter than usual haircut.

Did they jinx themselves – or is this mere superstition.

Better yet – did they have a success ritual that they

ignored when it really counted. Hmm. Better get your

TRUMP CARD and find out – http://mattfurey.com/trump_card.html

Five Second Abs for Breakfast

Friday, February 1st, 2008

Five Second Abs for Breakfast

One of the great things about Combat Abs is that

the main exercise, The Farmer Burns Stomach

Flattener, which is frequently done before breakfast,

doesn’t take much time. Just 10 repetitions or so –

and the rigorous part of the exercise lasts only

2-5 seconds.

Always remember to follow the instructions in the book –


There are two other times when doing The Farmer

Burns Stomach Flattener (for info on the Farmer

Burns course on physical culture and wrestling go to

http://www.mattfurey.com/farmerburns.html )

– is appropriate (actually there are many).

The first is whilst sitting at a stop light.

Here in Tampa, you can easily hammer out five to

ten quick 5-second reps at a red light.

The other perfect time is when flying the friendly

skies. Once you’ve been in the air a couple hours

and want to wake up – and tone up – take your deep

breath and get flexing.

Each day look in the mirror and ‘behold the difference.’

It truly is remarkable.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Combat Abs is the ticket to your lean, powerful

waistline and core. Go visit the page about this product

and learn more – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html

No More Monkeys

Friday, February 1st, 2008

No More Monkeys

Next time you feel like you’re being assaulted

with “things to do” – take a moment to consider

the following:

a. You’ll get more done faster if you focus on one

thing at a time.

Picture the surgeon. He performs one operation

after another, all day long. He doesn’t think about

the NEXT surgery while doing the first. If he does

he’ll botch the job he’s on.

b. When you feel pressure to get “everything” done –

take a moment to focus on the area between your

neck and shoulder blades – your “traps.” This is

where a lot of tension is stored.

Let’s take the time to release it.

You’ve probably heard people talking about needing

to get the “monkeys off their back.”

Well, you get them off your back by focusing on

one thing at a time – and anytime you feel pressure

rising, you catch yourself, take a deep breath and

focus on your upper neck and back.

Feel any monkeys.

If so, change your mental picture. Take them off.

I assure you the monkeys are slowing you down.

They are NOT helping you move faster. They are not

helping you get things done.

The best way to get things done is to make a list

of what you have to do before you begin. Then

take a few moments to breathe deeply and relax.

See yourself getting the first thing done. Then

the next.

See yourself doing all these things without pressure,

without tension – without a single monkey.

Once you’ve accomplished the first thing on your list,

then “clear the computer screen.”

Let your mind go blank. Compartmentalize.

Now see the next thing being accomplished. Center

and focus. Then hop to it and do it.

True, you might think juggling three things at once is the

key to getting things done.

You might think that feeling overwhelmed, slammed,

swamped and beaten bloody are better ways to ponder

your daily “to do list.”

I don’t think so.

Take a moment to visualize all the stress monkeys on

your back. Then see all of them going away. See yourself

totally focused and totally relaxed – in the flow.

I challenge you to do this.

Stop scratching your head. Relax, smile, breathe and


Do this for the next thing on your list today. Then on

the next. And so on. See how many things you can

knock out in a spirit of calm and relaxation.

I’m betting you’ll be surprised.

Matthew Furey

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