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Archive for August, 2006

Fire in the Solar Plexus

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

Getting what you want out of life is a bit like

starting a fire in your back yard.

Let me explain:

Suppose you have a magnifying glass and a backyard

filled with dry grass.

The sun is blazing when you walk outdoors. Your pitch

a blanket and take out your magnifying glass. As you

hold the magnifying glass in your hand, you move it from

one spot to the next.

Yes, you’re trying to start a fire but due to lack of patience

and focus, you can’t stop changing yourself from changing

the position the glass is in. After a few seconds in one spot,

you move on to the next.

Finally, an expert in the art of ‘making fire’ comes to observe

what you’re doing. He tells you that you’ll never make a fire

the way you’re trying to do it.

You then ask, ‘Well, how should I do it, then.’

The expert tells you to focus the magnifying glass in one spot

and hold it there until the fire begins. You follow his advice

and within a short time the back yard is blazing.

Naturally, the point of this story is NOT to encourage anyone

to start a fire. The point is to show you that MOST people

who set goals don’t know how to start a fire.

They look at their list and try to make everything happen at

once. They never stop to focus on the ONE goal that can generate

so much heat that the other goals get accomplished, even with far

less focus than the ONE.

Suppose your goals are represented by all the different places

the magnifying glass was positioned. Yet, no fire from any of

those place until the guy shined the glass in ONE place long

enough to start the fire.

Then what happened. After the fire began it quickly consumed

the entire backyard (all the other goals got accomplished).

This doesn’t mean that you never focus on goal number 2, 3, 4, 5

and so on. What it does mean is that you MUST focus on ONE

goal long enough to start the fire in your solar plexus. And once

that fire gets going, you’ll be amazed at the extra energy you’ll

have for the other goals.

To become an expert on starting the fire within, be sure to get

hold of Dr. Maxwell Maltz’ Zero Resistance Living. You’ll find it

at http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html


Matt Furey

P.S. My October seminar is filling up at breakneck speed. We’re down

to a mere 17 seat cushions. If you want in, I encourage prompt attention

to this matter. It may be completely filled within a few more days. And if it

isn’t, you can count on the fee going up considerably on August 27, at

12 midnight, EST. To enroll NOW go to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

Computers Make You Fat

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

In a recent visual schtudy of computer-using

men and women, I discovered they have a

much higher rate of buttock fat than those who

simply watch tee-vee.

Not only that, but those who use a computer for

more than eight hours a day are quite likely to

suffer from higher rates of buttock fat than those

who watch tee-vee for the same amount of time.

The reason for this is simple: Those who watch

tee-vee for eight hours are more likely to get

up every hour or so and go to the fridge for

something to eat. Strange as this sounds, this

little bit of exercise makes a difference.

Computer people, on the other hand, are more

likely to make a phone call or send an email –

asking someone else to bring them food. They’re

LESS likely to get up and go get it themselves.

This slight difference in preferences leads to a 9%

greater chance of being prone to buttock fat –

whereas the tee-vee group is 32% less prone

to having back ache, knee pain and cancer.

Further research into this phenomenon is forth-coming

after I get a grant from the U.S. government for 5

million smackeroos. I’m also looking into accepting

bribe money from some of the food and pharmaceutical


Now, perhaps what you’ve read made you laugh. I hope

it did. Here’s why I wrote it: Most of the studies we do are

pure BS. They tell us almost nothing. They’re an utter waste

of time to read. What’s worse, many so-called experts cannot

produce a shred of original thought on anything without first

consulting the latest study, quoting another source, repeating

what someone else said, and so on.

You’ll note that el Fure-cat is different.

If you follow nature’s laws – which are usually NOT put on the

scope of a ‘scientific study’ – you’ll get along in life far better

than you will reading schtudies.

Here are a few of Nature’s Laws:

1. Practice deep breathing daily – preferably in fresh air

2. Move your body through space – walking, swimming, doing

bodyweight calisthenics, practicing martial arts, dance, etc.

3. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

4. Get plenty of rest

5. Stretch your body after long periods of sitting or lying

6. Avoid processed foods that come in a bag, box or wrapper

7. Think good thoughts

You can study the list above all you want and the conclusions will

always be the same. These laws work.

There are more I could list. Not necessary right now. Do the above

and you’ll know you’re on the right track.

Most importantly, if you sit at a computer during the day, make sure

you get up and move around every hour or so. Stretch your neck and

lower back. Loosen your joints.

I show you how to do all the above in great detail when you’re a member

of the Matt Furey Inner Circle. With your annual membership you’ll receive

10 gifts from me. Of course, you can enroll monthly if you’d like, too.

Check it out NOW by going to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html


Matt Furey

P.S. Have some spots left in my October seminar – The Science of Super-Human

Marketing – http://www.knockoutmarketing.com – Get in while you still can.

Copyright, Gold Medal Publications, Inc 2006

Are You Slammed With Too Much to Do

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

Whenever you get busy, which is probably frequently,

you may find it useful to say things like, ‘I’m slammed.

I’m blitzkrieged. I’m overwhelmed. I’m swamped. I don’t

have any time. I can’t find the time.”


Here’s the good news. Anytime you use any of the above

to refer to your life – you’re playing the part of the whiner,

moaner, groaner and complainer.

I’m no different than you on this. I could very easily use

ALL of the above to refer to my life on certain days – usually

all seven.

Yet, I don’t because when I do I’m making life out to be

harder than it is.

Not having the time can easily be changed to finding the

time. Maybe it takes a week or so for you to fit certain

things into your life – but you can fit them in if you choose to

be un-slammed.

The key for me getting a lot done is having a definite

schedule for doing certain things – and the less deviation

the better.

I know people who talk about how busy they are – who moan

and groan about not being able to find time for things they

know will improve their lives, if they’ll simply buckle down

and do them. These same folks have time for tee-vee, talking

on the phone, running around town, helping their buddies wash

their cars, and so on – but finding the time to do what is truly

important. Nope. They’re ‘slammed.’

In today’s world people are easily overwhelmed. But the main

reason for this is simple: People take in a lot of information – and

generally do nothing with it.

If you jump up and GO – you cannot be overwhelmed. Learn a

little – then move. Learn some more – then move. Don’t spend

all your time absorbing. Sponges need to be wrung out after

they’ve collected too much water. So do human beings.

Learn, absorb – then squeeze out the excess pressure with


Tis what me thinks.

To un-slam yourself, look into Dr. Maltz’ Zero Resistance Living Course.

We have less than 30 sets left – then they will no longer be avaliable at

the current amount as we’re in the process of restructuring the program.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html and order now.


Matt Furey

P.S. We’re marching toward a sold-out show in October. If you want to

un-slam and un-swamp your life, then go learn how you can make a

fortune by helping MORE people live a better, more abundant life –


Fat People Got Many Reasons to Live

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

When I was a kid growing up in Io-way – (as my

Uncle Jack, an Omaha lad, used to call it), a popular

song went like this: “Short people got no reason to


Like hell.

And the same ‘like hell’ applies to fat people. We got

a hefty crop of them all around us – and the people who

are helping make our society fat are licking their chops

at the sound of all the money pouring into their coffers.

The manufacturers of products with partially hydrogenated

oils, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, modified corn starch

and a host of other “fatteners” hope they can turn America

into a nation of 400 and 500 pounders.

From their perspective, tis good to get you over 300 lbs.

You’ll eat a hefty meal and still be hungry afterward because

you got zero nutrition from what you ate.

And so – you’ll eat AGAIN.


Sad but true.

Meanwhile, all the fat people are suffering from a host of other

problems, emotional as well as physical – and much of it is

directly related to BAD food and lack of exercise.

In recent weeks a great many fat people have enrolled in the

Matt Furey Inner Circle – and they’re excited as hell to have

found a place where they receive sound advice and, most of

all, encouragement.

Oftentimes many people, i.e. the fat and obese, will read my

promotions, and sad as it sounds, they cannot picture themselves

being one of my testimonials. The reason is because, at their

present weight, they cannot do a single pushup, squat, situp

– much less bridge.

So these people feel my program is not for them – that they’re

too far gone.

Well, let me be clear. When you’re an annual member of the MFIC, you get

all the books you’re afraid of for nothing anyway. And no matter if you

cannot do squats and pushups, you CAN follow the Magnificent Seven in

Combat Abs – and you CAN follow the Furey Fat Loss Program – and you

CAN go outdoors and walk. You can even walk indoors, from room to room,

if you’re too embarrassed to be seen walking outside.

What’s more – as a member of the MFIC, you get free advice and tips on

the discussion board we have for you – a private forum with a plethora of

experts and others who’ve laid the ground work and succeeded before you.

All you need do is place your feet in their footsteps and follow along.

Not only that, but in my monthly newsletter and CD, which comes along with

your membership – you will receive a lot of tips that you can begin following

instantly, regardless of your size.

And so, if you’re fat, if you’re obese, if you’re clinically obese – have no fear.

Your condition is a job for Super Fure. Super Fure-cat – that is.

Yes, I will scatch and claw my way into your mind and help you remove all the

unwanted layers – permanently.

Yet I cannot help you if you passively sit around waiting for things to happen.

So get up off your duff, mang – and make something good happen for yourself.

YOU have MANY, MANY reasons to live. Once you start with me you’ll discover

them – one after another.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html and get started NOW.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. If an annual commitment seems too big a step for you to take right now – then

I suggest you take your first step forward and enroll in our 1-month test drive.

You can read about it at this link – http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html

Why Car Accidents Happen

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

Last weekend, after taking one of my Zen walks

along the beach, I dropped into a restaurant that

serves gyros. This particular place serves them

better than most – in part because they’re 90%

lamb and 10% beef.

As I entered the restaurant, a Russian lady greeted

me, took my order (double-meat – no bread) and

prepared my meal.

Her name is Anya. She’s 21 with sparkling eyes – and

a round, plumpish figure. She tells me she’s a vegetarian.

I tell her she’s eating too much bread. We hit it off


“Sir, may I sit with you while you eat?” she asks.

“Sure, have a seat,” I reply.

“Sir, I must ask you. You always have time to go

where you want and do what you want. What do you

do for work?”

“I don’t work,” I say.

“Sir, if you don’t work, then how do you drive the HUMMER

I always see you in?”

“Oh, well, I earned the money for it doing what I love to do –

and in my book, that ain’t work.”

“Sir, what can I do to make more money. I come here two

years now and I like it, but I don’t want to spend my life

making pizza. I want to use my talents but I cannot find anyone

who will believe in me.”

“You don’t need anyone to believe in you. First, you believe in

yourself. When you believe in yourself, and I mean REALLY

believe in yourself, you will attract others who will believe in


“But sir, last month my boss here fired me. For one week I had

no job. I didn’t know what to do. I had no money.”

“I understand,” I said.

“And what’s worse, I got in a car accident.”

“Have any idea why that might have happened?” I asked.

“Well, sir, I didn’t just get into ONE. I had TWO. In one

week. It was horrible.”


“What do you mean – BINGO, sir?”

“If you only had one car accident – maybe we

could say you had a bad day. But when you have two

in one week, or even in one year, I can assure you

there is more to the equation.”

“Sir, what do you mean?”

“Two car accidents in a week means your emotional

world is seriously out of balance. You’re either angry or

feeling guilty about something – or full of fear – and all

of that emotional baggage can play itself out in disastrous

ways. Not ALWAYS. But much of the time.”

“You know sir, when I got fired, I was very angry.”

“I’m sure you were.”

“So what should I do?”

“I will bring you a book next time I see you. It’s called

Psycho-Cybernetics. If you will read it and apply what

it teaches, you will know what to do.”

“What will it teach me?”

“It will teach you how to RISE above your problems. It

will teach you how to picture yourself at your best – and

how doing this will build your confidence and begin attracting

to you what you want. When bad things begin happening to

you – you easily attract more bad things. I think you’ve

experienced that, haven’t you?”


“The same goes for good. When good starts flowing into your

life, you attract more good.”

“So how do I get more good to flow to me?”

“You already have it – but you’re not focused on it. You’re focused

instead, on what you think is bad. I came in here today and all

you tell me about are your problems. Not enough money. Got

fired. Two car accidents in one week.”

“But these things really happened to me,” she said.

“I know. At the same time, a lot of OTHER very good things happened

to you.”

“Like what?”

“Like you got your job back. Here you’re still pouting about getting fired –

yet the truth is you got re-hired.”

“That’s true.”

“And what about the fact that you didn’t die in your accidents. You weren’t

hospitalized. You still have a roof over your head – and plenty of pizza to


This got a laugh.

“Think of all the times you’ve acted confidently, with courage. Think of all

the knowledge you have. Think of your friends. Think of how you live

near the beach and can go for a walk on the sand each day as the

ocean laps at your feet and a cool breeze massages your face. Think of

what you have to be grateful for.”

“So this book will teach me this?”

“That and a whole lot more. Key thing to remember is that YOU are bigger

than your problems. You rise above them by being BIGGER than them – not

by feeling small or acting small.”

I finished my meal and left.

Minutes later, as I was walking along the street, I recalled that I was in this

young woman’s shoes once, too. I got into accidents when I was angry, I

struggled with money; I thought only about the things in my life that I didn’t


Then, gradually, bit by bit, I began to activate the success mechanism within.

As I did this my life began to FEEL better. And as it felt better I had

better experiences. When I focused on and gave thanks for the good flowing my

way – more good things came my way.

Yes, there were and are negatives in the air, too – yet it’s not my job to focus

on them. My job, if there is one, is to focus on what I love and create more of it.

In the advanced course on Psycho-Cybernetics – you’ll find out much more on how

to make your life the masterpiece it was meant to be. Discover more by going to



Matt Furey

P.S. Still have some seats left in my October seminar, wherein I’ll show you the

fastest, smartest way to make a fortune without ever feeling like you have a JOB.

Make what you love to do your job – and it’ll never feel like one. Learn how by

going to http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

How to Tear a Phone Book in Half – No Matter How Big, No Matter How Thick

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

Last May, a man who is 6′ 5″ tall and 260 pounds goes to

my hotel room to be interviewd for a program made for


Unbeknownst to me, he put on quite a show for the camera

crew. The S.O.B. tore up my phone book.

He tore right down the middle, through the cover. He didn’t

break the binding or cheat in any way. I know because the

camera crew showed me the footage of what he did.

Last January, at my health and fitness seminar, this same

guy, John Wood, ripped a Tampa Bay phonebook in half

while in a bridge. Not an easy strength feat. The audience

went wild.

But there’s a little guy, a strong man who is about half the size

of John Wood. And he can tear a phone book in half even when

it’s wrapped in duct tape. He can even tear one in half with two


What’s more, the little guy can tear a corner out of the book – again

with two fingers.

He can tear a phone book in half with oven mitts on.

And the technique he uses is pure power. There’s no cheating. No

cooking the phone book. No popping the spine or cracking the

paper. Just a straight grab, pull and RIP.

My son, Frank, and I watched the little guy’s DVD this past weekend.

And Frank got so excited he tore up the manual that comes with the

DVD. I started to yell at him – then stopped myself. It was too funny.

Then Frank reached for a MAD magazine and asked if he could rip



How about my Highlights magazine?


How about this book on Florida snakes and reptiles?


Frank is only six – but I think this phone book tearing DVD may

have put him on the right path in life. The path of strength.

Having a strong grip will amaze your friends, coworkers and family.

But having a crushing handshake won’t cut it, bro.

Nope. You’ve got to be the life of the party by learning how to tear a

HUGE phone book right down the middle.

It’s a skill worth having – and any man who can do this is destined to

be a chick magnet.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/tear_phonebook.html and read about

this incredible DVD that I recommend wholeheartedly.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Again, you don’t have to be huge to tear a phonebook. You simply

need to develop a killer grip. Let the ‘little guy’ who makes it so simple

show you how – http://www.mattfurey.com/tear_phonebook.html

Copyright, Gold Medal Publications, Inc 2006

Stretch Your Body – Stretch Your Mind

Monday, August 21st, 2006

Earlier today I was working out with a couple guys

in a gymnastics center. After doing a few sets of

Hindu Pushups, squats and bridging, I began to

work on my backbend.

This means falling into a back bridge from a standing


Now, most people would consider me as having a pretty

phenomenal bridge, especially considering my size. Yet,

I’m always looking to improve – so I pulled the school’s

coach to the side and said, “Got any more tips on what

I can do to make my bridge better?”

He walked into the other room with me. I demonstrated

what I was doing, then told him I felt stuck and wanted to

move to another level in this exercise.

Next thing you know, he has me doing a couple exercises

I’d never seen before. I got into position and executed them

as best I could. And I started feeling muscles I wasn’t hitting

fully before.

When I came out of the bridge, I was feeling euphoric. Had

blood hitting the noggin at a faster rate of speed. My it felt

good. It’s the sort of feeling that comes with a breakthrough

in your life.

“You realize you stretched a foot farther than before, don’t

you?” said the coach.

“A foot?” I questioned. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, you moved a foot further than before. The exercise I

gave you forced more weight forward. Amazing, huh?”

I set a time to work with him next week – not because I need

to, but because I want to. I want to get even more out of my

body – in part because I realize that the more I get from my

body, the more I get from my mind.

After a good workout, after a session in which I get my body

to open up at a deeper level – there is always a corresponding

opening in the mental and spiritual realm – if you look for it.

The reason this is so is simple: Your mind, body and soul are

interconnected to begin with. It’s just that we’ve been taught

to separate them so we can study them.

That’s fine – yet it has it’s limitations. Causes much confusion,

me thinks. You’ve got so-called intellectuals who think they’re

smart because they don’t exercise or play sports. They can

brag about their academic smarts all they want – but if they

have a hang-over gut, they’re missing something upstairs.

Want to be smart? Then train your body and get it to do

what you want it to. You’ll quickly find, the moment you

begin to exercise, that your mind, your intellect and your

imagination, are the keys that determine whether or not

you get fit – as well as HOW fit you get.

Not convinced? Fine, then go for a walk and pay attention

to your thoughts. Find out whose in charge of your body

as you listen to the internal babble going on. Find out whose

in charge as you see the images you paint in your imagination.

You’ll find the same stranger who will stretch your body and your

mind to a new dimension – if you’ll say the magic word … “yes.”

Want to stretch further? Then become a member of the Matt Furey

Inner Circlehttp://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

With your membership you’ll receive 7 gifts as well as access to our

members-only discussion forum, where you receive the coaching and

advice that will turn your life around.

Not only that, but you’ll also get my monthly newsletter and CD as part

of the program. Each month I expand, in great detail, upon what I’ve

given you here for nothing.

If you think what you’ve just read is enough to help you get on your way

to greatness, then you’re stopping short of feeling the powerful and life-

enhancing stretch membership in the MFIC will give you. Enroll NOW.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. If a 1-year commitment seems too big a step for you to take right now – then

I suggest you take your first step forward and enroll in our 1-month test drive.

You can read about it at this link – http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html

It Doesn’t Matter How Old, How Fat, How Weak

Sunday, August 20th, 2006

Am I too old? Am I too fat? Am I …. Am I ….

Am I?

The above represents many of the questions sent

to me. Today let me answer this question for ALL

who have it.

First, being old does NOT stop you from improving

your physical condition. Best thing you can do is

look for reasons why you CAN get fit, no matter

your age, rather than the one reason you think

is somehow preventing you.

When I had my personal training studio back in California,

from 1987 to 1999 – I trained many, many “mature” men

and women. I had a man come to me who was 88 years

young and had never worked out. Not only that, he smoked.

When he coughed, let me tell you, I thought a lung was going

to come out.

Yet, he did what I told him and his fitness level improved

dramatically. He went from barely having the strength to

get out of a chair – or to get out of bed – to making those

skills look like child’s play. Part of his workout involved

making him get out of a chair, repeatedly – as well as having

him lie down and get to his feet.

Then there was a 92-years young lady I trained. She trained

with me for four years. Her training with me was covered in

a number of newspapers – and it attracted other men and

women in their 70’s and 80’s. Without exception, every man

and woman, regardless of the age, improved.

I had another woman call me from my parking lot to ask if

she could come in for training. She was in a big white van.

I wondered, Why not just knock on m door?

Well, a minute later I had my answer as she wheeled herself to

the steps leading into my gym.

Her name was Emily. She was paralyzed from the waist down –

she was 36.

10 years earlier her first husband shot her in the back – then

killed himself. She rose above the agony, the pain and the

frustration of having to start over – but start over she did.

With me as her coach, she trained for and competed in wheel

chair marathons – along with her new husband, who was also

in a wheelchair.

Yes, there are some people who cannot do some of the exercises I

teach in Combat Conditioning – but as members of the Matt Furey

Inner Circle will tell you – I have something for virtually anyone.

If you weigh 500 pounds, I have exercises for you. I have a

way to help you get started on the road to superior health.

Not only that, but the members of the private, members-only

discussion board will give you support – helping you make the

transition from where you are to where you want to be.

Each month I give you my best stuff in my newsletter and CD – and

if you do what you can, coaxing your body along the road called

success – you will improve.

The moral of the story is simple: Don’t let what you cannot do interfere

with what you CAN DO.

Keep this in mind at all times. And yes, you will be making a wise decision

by becoming a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle. Enroll NOW for one

year and I have 7 gifts to send your way – gifts that will change your life for

the better – http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. If a 1-year commitment seems too big a step for you to take right now – then

I suggest you take your first step forward and enroll in our 1-month test drive.

You can read about it at this link – http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html

World War on the Streets

Sunday, August 20th, 2006

My friend Jake Ross has a message for you –

and it comes straight from his ‘bunker.’

His message is about stopping the World War

going on in our streets, in our schools, our bars,

our back alleys, inner cities – and everywhere

else that fights break out.

Innoncet people getting beaten, knifed – even

killed – mostly because they were too innoncent.

All most of these people needed was a little

balance; a little knowledge on HOW to whoop

someone’s butt, if the situation ever calls for it.

And more and more often – the need does arise.

No doubt we want to go through life and assume

or presume no one will ever bother us. But

statistics prove different. Someday you may very well

have to stand up and deliver the big blow that

stops an attacker.

That’s why I insist that you GO look at Jake’s message.

Once you begin reading his powerful words, I think you’ll agree

that he’s got the right idea for YOU and ME. I’ve placed his ‘bunker’

at http://www.mattfurey.com/lightning_ju-jitsu.html for the next day

or two.

Go visit him NOW – while there’s still time left.


Matt Furey

Man Eats Himself to Death

Saturday, August 19th, 2006

Years ago I heard the story of a weight lifter eating

himself to death.

As the story goes, he sat eating portions of food fit

for King Henry VIII. And while slamming down another

pound of pork – his stomach exploded.

Now, this story may be nothing more than a tall

tale. I haven’t found evidence of this happening –

so I won’t mention the man’s name – but he was

quite famous.

Even so, the fact of the matter is that millions of

Americans ARE eating themselves to death; not

to mention drinking and drugging themselves to


In the book – Reinventing Yourself – best-selling

author Steve Chandler, tells the story of his father,

who at a young age became a multi-millionaire,

then retired (big mistake) and drank himself to


The story was irrefutably true. Not a tall tale. It

gave me shivers. That’s how honest it was.

The good thing about booze and drugs, however,

is that you can say no – and survive.

But food – well, as the saying goes, ‘Ya gotta eat.’

And eat we do – to the point where we’re so fat,

so lazy and so lethargic that we no longer feel it

is normal or natural to move. Many people think

that exercising is odd; not to mention eating a

healthy diet.

Think of it.

Can you imagine the cave man thinking that

moving his body was somehow strange?

Or that it was better to reach for a Coke and

a bag of chips than a leg of lamb?

Can you imagine him going out into the field

and returning with a pizza, a liter of “diet” soda

and some cookies?

Yet, that’s precisely what our society has turned

into. A gut-full of gutless terds who have within

themselves the ability to CHANGE – to

REINVENT, to create a new person out of the

old. But in order to do this, people must tap

the power within; the must push the “I want

it” button, crank up their desire and go for it.

This morning I was at the local fresh food stand.

I bought myself seven watermelons. Two seedless.

Two with seeds. One gourd shaped and two

called ‘sugar babies.’

I wheeled them into the store to pay.

Man approaches.

“You making some Vodka mixers this afternoon?” he


“Nope,” I reply.

I push the cart a little further.

Woman gets in line behind me.

“What are you going to do with those?” she asks.

“EAT them,” I reply.

On the way home I call my brother, who has dropped 10

pounds in a week following the revisions I’ve given him to

my famous Furey Fat Loss System. I tell him what the bozos

in the store said, along with my answers.

He laughs.

“What are you going to do with those?”


What do you think I’m going to do – put them for the front

porch, along with a pumpkin – just in time for Halloween?

Or carve them to hang on the wall?

Or toss them thru the neighbor’s window?

Perhaps even drill a hole in them to use for some late night


Wake up, will ya?

I’m going to EAT these watermelons.

And I’m going to eat them the proper way – and yes there is a

proper way to eat them. Do it the wrong way and you get fat –

or your stomach feels like it’s going to explode. Or you get gas,

cramps, even diarrhea.

Eaten the right way, however, and the excess flab will fly off your

body so fast you’ll think Michelangelo carved a NEW YOU.

I’ll reveal HOW to use watermelon – as well as make other revisions

to the Furey Fat Loss System in the August issue of my monthly

newsletter and CD, that you will receive for being a member of the

Matt Furey Inner Circlehttp://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Enroll To-Day for a year and you’ll receive the new formula I’m following,

as well as 7 free gifts that are worth nearly double the fee.

Find out why the Furey Faithful hang on my every word. You’ll know why

when you read the next issue and listen to the CD. Get in NOW – while the

getting is grrrreaaat.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. If a 1-year commitment seems too big a step for you to take right now – then

I suggest you take your first step forward and enroll in our 1-month test drive.

You can read about it at this link – http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html

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