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Archive for January, 2007

Fit, Fat (and/or Happy)

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

Important Note: Only 18 spots left in my “Secret of Secrets Fitness

Seminar” – http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html

Ever wonder how we started circulating sayings like

“fat and happy? – especially when such a line is rarely

ever true?

Conversely, I’ve seen a lot of supposedly “fit” people

who are just as miserable. They’re out pounding the

pavement working toward “runner’s high” – yet there’s

no sense of joy in what they’re doing.

Ever wonder why this is?

On the one hand, the person who is overweight is

generally always smothering his or her emotions.

He’s afraid to truly step out into the world – to really

BE who he wants to be … uninhibited – with raw as well

as rare courage. So he insulates and protects himself

with a big belly. It’s his buffer between the internal and

external world – the “what I am” steering clear of the what

“I really want to be.”

The “lean and mean” joyless runner, on the other hand,

moves his body in the hopes of getting MORE out of life.

Trouble is he doesn’t realize that the same MIND that got

him fit is the same one that will help him become happy

and fulfilled. You get what you focus on – but if you don’t

know how you focused to get fit, you won’t be able to

use the same process to achieve other things.

In both scenarios, what we are observing is a disconnect

between mind and body. The fit person goes into the world,

seemingly without fear – yet doesn’t have the slightest idea

as to how he can use the same mental process he used to

get fit for everything else in life he wants. So, instead of

living a balanced life where he enjoys many, many great

accomplishments – he may spend his day doing nothing

but training.

Reminds me of the Forrest Gump line, “And for no particular

reason I started running …”

Running without a purpose. Not a good idea – but it does make

for a blockbuster. People identify with the “and no for particular

reason” line more than they care to admit.

The overweight person has one advantage over the fit person.

You may be surprised to know what it is. Here goes: When the

overweight person loses his extra weight, it almost always

coincides with moving forward in life – moving past your fears;

moving toward goals that truly matter to you; and most importantly,

making those goals become a reality.

With each shedded pound the overweight person can say to himself,

“That’s another huge step toward a better life.”

The fit person can do the same. As he runs, does Hindu Pushups or

squats. Swims or walks. Bicycles or hikes. Instead of moving without

a purpose, he can use the time to run mental movies through his

mind. Movies that will lay the foundation for whatever he wants in


He can link mind with body and spirit. He can connect his spirit to his mind

and to every cell of his body. He can emblazon a message of fitness and

happiness into the essence of who he is and become MORE than he is

right now.

Everything in life begins with a mental picture, an image in your mind;

including fitness; including happiness.

If you don’t like the results you are getting in life right now, then you

must start changing the images you’re circulating in your mind.

Think of exercising and you’ll begin doing it.

Think of eating better and you’ll eat better.

Think of getting someone to help you get fit – and you’ll find the person.

Think of happiness and you’ll become happy.

On the other hand, if you dwell upon the opposite of what you want – you’ll

get more of that, too.

The secret of ALL lasting change lies in your self-image. Going from fat to

fit requires more than exercise and proper diet. Those are the actions, the

habits. But the most important habit of all is the habit that supercedes exercise

and nutrition. It is the habit of seeing yourself the way you want to be.

Going from fit and miserable to fit and happy also lies in how you see yourself.

Everything is an attitude … and attitude is everything.

If you don’t agree, then I dare you to do this one thing: Before going for a walk

or run; before doing the exercises I teach in Combat Conditioning and Combat

Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html – say the following to yourself:

“Everything is attitude and attitude is everything. Today I’m going to exercise

like I love it more than anything else in the world.”

Then go through your routine.

If you don’t have a much better workout, then I’m a monkey’s uncle.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Want to be infused and enthused about your future self? Then make sure you

attend my “Secret of Secrets” Fitness Seminar. Only 18 more spots are left. Get

in now while there is still time. You are going to learn FAR more than exercises.

I’m going to show you how to put the best movies of all times into the Theatre of

Your Mind. I’m going to show you how to “The Story of Your Future Life” into living

color – and after I’ve done this – I guarantee your life will change for the better.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html and grab a seat


The Day I Almost Lost My Foot

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007

When I was 9 years old my next door neighbor, Greg, was out

mowing his lawn. He was a year older than I was and normally

well mannered.

Regardless, on that humid summer evening back in Iowa, I decided

to bother Greg by walking in front of the lawn mower as he pushed

it. I was begging him for a reaction.

React, he did. But not the way I expected. Instead of yelling at me

to get out of the way, or letting go of the mower to physically push

me – he had a novel idea.

He decided to push the mower right onto my foot.

“YOWWWWWCHHH” I screamed as my shoe got caught under the

mower. I fell to the ground screaming and crying.

In an instant my parents, Greg’s parents and the entire neighborhood

came running. I laid on the ground thinking the end was at hand.

My sneaker was in hundreds of tiny pieces, scattered all over the lawn.

And my mind was spinning faster than the blade on the mower.

Greg literally mowed my shoe right off my foot. Yet somehow –

and at this point I’d have to use the “Grace of God” line – my

foot was spared. Not a scratch. Not a nick. Not a trace of blood.

I didn’t realize how lucky I was that day. My parents were more

relieved than I was, because unlike myself, they knew much

better than I the value of my foot. They understood the pain,

suffering and lifelong agony I would have endured if the blade

had cut into my bare foot. I might have lost a couple toes. I

might have lost my foot. Perhaps something even worse.

My foot survived this run in with the lawn mower, and from that

moment on in my life I took seriously my mother’s stories about

guardian angels.

Whether you believe in guardian angels in the external world or not –

I think you will agree that within your own mind there is also a type

of guardian angel. It’s called your Success Mechanism. When fed goals,

questions … and memories of the things you have to be grateful for – it

goes to work to bring MORE of the good your way.

On the other hand, you also have a Failure Mechanism within. And when it

is fed images of doom, gloom and despair – when it is fed resentment,

disappointment, failure and frustration – it goes to work to bring you more

of them.

It is up to YOU whether you want to focus on the good or the bad. I most

certainly suggest the good – and if at any time you begin to dwell on or

think of the bad – catch yourself doing so and ask yourself, “What’s good

about this? How can I turn this situation to my advantage? Where’s the seed

of an equivalent or greater benefit in this?”

When you ask questions like these, you probe the subconscious section of the

mind to come up with ways to turn every semmingly negative experience into

a positive. Once you’ve done it a few times I think you’ll come to understand

how the positive outweighs the negative.

Oh – and by the way, I never walked in front of a lawn mower again. Lesson



Matt Furey

P.S. As a member of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group you’re going to do

more than learn a few lessons. You’re going to learn to attract to yourself more

good than you’ve ever previously imagined. I am thrilled to hear so many success

stories coming from members of the group. I want YOU to be one of them, too.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html and enroll NOW.

Five Second Abs for Breakfast

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

One of the great things about Combat Abs is that

the main exercise, The Farmer Burns Stomach

Flattener, which is frequently done before breakfast,

doesn’t take much time. Just 10 repetitions or so – all

of which take 2 to 5 seconds.

Always remember to follow the instructions in the book –


There are two other times when doing The Farmer

Burns Stomach Flattener (for info on the Farmer

Burns course on physical culture and wrestling go to

http://www.mattfurey.com/farmerburns.html )

– is appropriate (actually there are many). The first is

whilst sitting at a stop light. Here in Tampa, you can easily

hammer out five to ten quick five-second reps at a red light.

The other perfect time is when flying the friendly

skies. Once you’ve been in the air a couple hours

and want to wake up – and tone up – take your deep

breath and get flexing.

Each day look in the mirror and ‘behold the difference.’

It truly is remarkable.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Combat Abs is the ticket to your lean, powerful

waistline and core. Go visit the page about this product

and learn more – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html

Take a Cruise

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

I’d like to personally invite you to attend an exotic cruise

February 21-26 featuring an elite group of wealth experts

who will share invaluable insights on How to Create Wealth

in today’s ever changing world.

This is a rare chance to be a part of a Wealth Event unlike any

other. This unprecedented opportunity is limited so you will

need to act fast to secure your cabin. Trust me – you will not

want to miss the chance to be surrounded by the top wealth

experts in their field as well as enjoy a fun-filled cruise that I

‘m sure you very much deserve. There is no better way to kick

off 2007 than by increasing your personal and financial wealth!

If you have not had a chance to learn about the Wealth Cruise,

here are just some of the reasons why you must attend:

1. Come meet Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, Kendra Todd,

Todd Dotson and of course yours truly (Matt Furey) in person. Each of

us Wealth Experts will wow you with our knowledge and insights on how

to Create Real Wealth in your business and personal life.

2. Big Kick Off Celebration and Party with Incredible entertainment by

the dynamic Lynn Rose and many others.

3. Direct Wealth Building Opportunities for those on the Cruise! Some

of these deals are unbelievable. Don’t miss out!

4. Cruise to Cozumel and enjoy fun in the sun along with all the Wealth

Cruise Experts.

5. Network with likeminded individuals around the globe.

6. Learn how to build your business from the ground up or take your existing

business to the next level.

7. Find out how to be an internet marketing expert and see how you can make

hundreds of thousands of dollars by advertising your business with insider secrets.

8. All this and much more! You need to check out the Wealth Cruise website

for more details.

I almost forgot – I have arranged special pricing for my students, so please

reference Promo Code MFWC07 to receive a discount on this incredible

opportunity. I can’t wait to see you on the cruise.

Please visit http://www.WealthCruise.com to get all the details.

Matt Furey

No More Fear of Fitness Failure

Monday, January 8th, 2007

I recently received an email from a man who wants to know if my

fitness program will work for him. Normally I would simply say ‘yes’ –

yet today I have a different response that may surprise you.

Here’s the letter – followed by my comments:

Dear Mr. Furey,

I have been receiving your emails for sometime now and I can’t believe

I am writing to you. I am 42, out of shape, with high blood pressure. My

dad just had a heart attack at the age of 67. He also was diagnosed with


I am sure you have had this question before, but I will just lay it out.

Are your programs right for a ‘fat old man’. That is certainly how I

feel about myself. I know it is time to do something, but I am scared.

Scared of failing, scared of loosing motivation. I am also scared of

dying early from my own laziness.

You are outspoken. Please take a moment and give me your input.

I would greatly appreciate the guidance and insight.



Tucson, Arizona

M.F. Dave, thanks so much for writing and for laying it on the line

in regard to your current thoughts and feelings. My answer to your

questions is simple: Who is asking? The person you have described,

the 42-year old fat man, as well as the man who is afraid of failing,

losing motivation and dying – all wrapped up in one – is NOT the

REAL YOU. There is a stranger within you that you need to make

friends with; a stranger who KNOWS you can succeed; a stranger

who loves you, cares for you and will do whatever it takes for you

to rise above these fears, phobias and current conditions.

I suggest you begin speaking from the part of you that is confident,

courageous and filled with the desire to make something of yourself.

In the past you have succeeded in many, many things. You need to

spend time recalling your past successes instead of dwelling on your

fears and failures. You need to picture what it is that you want – not

what you fear.

If you will do this, I am sure you will succeed. My fitness program may

not be right for you – but I’m betting it is. If you really want to succeed,

I suggest giving yourself every chance for success by enrolling in the

Matt Furey Inner Circlehttp://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

I also suggest you become a member of my Psycho-Cybernetics Success

Group – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

Here’s why: Earlier today I read the following from a man who is

both an MFIC member and P-C member. He wrote this on the Matt Furey

Inner Circle discussion board in reply to another man’s question. Please

read what this man had to say and be inspired:

Subject: You gotta start with the inner you

Message: David, First place to begin is with your self image. Until you change

the way you see yourself (your inner self…the real you), you won’t make a

permenant change. I speak this from experience. Where I suggest to start is

the psycho-cybernetics success group. I’ve been struggling with many obstacles

for the past 4-6 years. And for a quick over view, my life was on a dramatic

rollercoaster. A ride that consisted of drugs and alcohol.

I’ve worked out sparaically during these years as a way to rid myself of these

two major headaches. Didn’t work. I joined the success group in the beginning

of November. Not really sure why I joined up, but I did. At the time I was suffering

from a really terrible addiction. One that people say you never get over. One that

I swore to never try…crack.

Well when I started receiving the newsletters and Cd’s, I decided to attempt to try

and change my inner self. During this time, I was open to new ideas. Ideas of how

to improve my life. And by opening myself up to a positive change, the rollercoaster

life I was living came to a halt. The group is what shook me, and put me back on

my feet. Since then, I’ve became 10x the person whom I used to be. I’m not giving

the success group 100% credit for my change (I’ve been clean since November, the

only time during these past 4-6 years that I’ve accomplished this, and I am not looking

back), but I will say its helped me become who I’ve wanted to be.

You can do everything in the world to get fit, look good, loose weight, etc. But if

you don’t change the way you see yourself through your own eyes, you’ll never

be satisfied. And that leads to the rollercoaster ride over and over. You know,

before I was afraid to tell people I used to smoke crack. I was always in fear

that I’d fall like I have in the past. But not now, I’m proud that I’ve overcome

one of the largest obstacles in my life. And I am proud to tell about it.

Good luck David, you have just took the first step in surrounding yourself with

top notch people who are looking forward to helping you along the way.


I think Jared just showed you the path to take, Dave. The rest is up to you.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Don’t forget about my February ‘Secret of Secrets’ Fitness Seminar. It’s

filling up fast. At this event I’m going to introduce you to the REAL YOU – Your

BIG SELF. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html and

enroll NOW.

Why 2007 is a POWER Year for You

Monday, January 8th, 2007

Since the beginning of this year I have sent notes to several

people, not only wishing them well for 2007 – but also telling

them that THIS is a Power Year.

Now, I am sending this to YOU as well.

Whenever a year ends in ‘7’ – it has got to be a good sign.

You can find at least seven reasons why this is so if you’ll

look for them.

Here is my short list of seven:

2007 is a Power Year because …

1. The number seven is so powerful it was often used in

the Bible – i.e. the story of Creation itself spanned 7 days –

and because I am a creator – I like the number 7

2. The number 7 was considered a magical number by the


3. The Babylonians and Egyptians believed there were 7

sacred planets

4. Seven rhymes with heaven.

5. There are 7 natural wonders of the world; 7 wonders of

the Middle Ages and 7 wonders of the ancient world.

6. My given first name, Matthew, has seven letters.

7. In 1987 I opened my first business in California; and I won

the world championship in kung fu in 1997.

Okay, now you can do as one person did and write to tell me,

“They’re all power years, Matt.” And you would be correct.

Yet, as I told him – “Although you are right – we are currently on

THIS year. So why not tell yourself that this year has special significance

and make it so.”

As you can see from my 7th reason, I went back in time and found one

major success that took place in a number ‘7’ year. I suggest you do

likewise, then tie it to WHY you’re going to do well this year, too.

Do not look for the things that went wrong in a number ‘7’ year as that

would activate your servo mechanism toward the negative. Focus on the

good and you will create more of it.

Focus on this year being especially powerful for you – and it will be. We get

what we’re looking for.

Or you can trot along, lumping this year with all the others, giving it no special

place in your mind or heart.

I prefer the approach I’ve outlined here. Why not give it a whirl and see what

great things you accomplish this year?


Matt Furey


What Causes Yo-Yo Weight Fluctuations

Sunday, January 7th, 2007

Years ago I trained a 53-year old real estate salesman named

John. He was one of my best clients because he followed directions.

He did everything I recommended and because of this, he got

results fast.

Prior to training with me, John was emotionally beaten from the

stress of his job. People called him at all hours of the day. He

couldn’t even go to a movie in peace as he felt he MUST have

his cell phone and pager with him – just in case someone called.

Not being able to take time for himself caused him to feel stressed,

and when he felt stressed – he did what many people do. He shoved

more food into his mouth, usually in the form of donuts and pastries.

This created the “blimp city” look for him – right in his stomach. He

weighed 235 pounds and most of it, as he would say, was pure “lard.”

When he first began learning from me he said, “Just tell me

what to do and I’ll do it.”

So I mapped out his program, began training him – gave him

the Furey Fat Loss Program to follow – and turned him loose.

He was the model client. He did everything I told him to do. He

showed up for every workout. He took action and quickly got

results. Within three months he had dropped 36 pounds – and

after six months he was down to his ideal weight of 175 pounds.

I was so proud of John – but John was not so proud of himself. He told

me that although he looked better, he didn’t FEEL any better. He said

this in spite of being able to go on bike rides of 100 miles or more,

when he couldn’t do a mile when he started with me.

When John said he didn’t FEEL any better, I was stunned. How could

he NOT feel better? Twould be impossible, I thought.

I pointed out to John all the positives he had accomplished. In response

he told me about all the things he couldn’t do yet. Although he went from

a waistline of 43″ to 32″ – he told me he was still too fat. One day, right

during the middle of a workout, he quit. He said he was tired of the training

and didn’t want to do it anymore.

I called him periodically to check on him. He wouldn’t take my call.

A year later I saw him going to a movie. He was bigger than ever, well beyond

the 235 pounds he weighed BEFORE I trained him.

I called out to him. He stopped in his tracks, looked to see who it was. Upon

seeing me he looked at his shoes, then looked back at me and said, “I’m

sorry to have let you down.”

I asked John if he’d join me for a cup of coffee. He agreed.

“It is not you who failed,’ I said to John, when we sat in the coffee shop.

“Well who is it, then?” John asked.

“It’s me,” I said.

“YOU? How did you fail?”

“I failed to teach you the most important element of lifelong health and fitness;

of life-long weight loss.”

“But you helped me lose wieght,” said John.

“I did,” I replied. “But there’s a reason you didn’t keep it off. You didn’t keep it

off because I didn’t tell you that you need to change your self-image, the person

you are inside. I only taught you how to exercise and how to eat.”

“Isn’t that enough?” said John. “Isn’t hard work the key to success?”

“No, it’s not,” I said. “You worked hard, you got results. But you didn’t continue

on the path you were on. You even told me you didn’t FEEL any different even

though you lost a lot of weight and had mega-endurance and strength compared

to when you started with me. You ignored everything positive you did and focused

on negatives. And some of the negative were nothing more than your imagination

gone wild.”

“I can be my own worst enemy sometimes,” said John.

“You can also be your own best friend,” I said.

“How?” said John.

“By focusing on the good you’ve done. By recalling your successes. And by changing

who you think you are in your mind’s eye.”

John agreed to come back to the gym for training. This time, however, instead of

only teaching him exercises, I taught him how to change his self-image. I told him

to follow my directions on this, just as he had followed my directions on how to

exercise and how to eat.

He did – and he lost the weight once again. Ths time, he lost it for good. He changed

how he saw himself within – and this not only lead to the same physical results – but

to a good FEELING about himself once the weight was off. This in turn led to him

keeping the weight off, permanently.

What I have described above is true. It is not hype. It is a proven fact. You can read

more about it in the 30 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics, by Dr. Maxwell

Maltz – or at my other website, http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com

The truth is we never rise above our self-image; at least not for long. And if we ever

do, our mind cannot handle the success and we quickly revert to the way we were


We live in a nation of yo-yo dieters. Of people who lose-gain, lose-gain, and end up

worse than ever before.

There is a way to end this destructive cycle. And I’m making it the primary focus

of my work from now on.

I’ve spent years teaching people how to exercise and how to eat better. And I’ve

published information on the importance of changing your self-image – but nothing

compared to what I have planned.

This is why, at my “Secret of Secrets” Fitness Seminar – being held in February – and

heading for a sell-out, I’m going to teach you how to place success images in the theatre

of your mind so that you achieve a lifetime of success with your weight, your body and

your health.

There is NOTHING more important to your success than what I am going to cover

at this seminar. You can learn exercises and diets until the cows come home – and

they do – but without making changes to your self-image, nothing will happen except

a perpetuation of the yo-yo syndrome.

Come fly with me – above and beyond the limitations you have placed upon yourself.

Come to my seminar this February. Time is running out. So is space. Enroll NOW and

change your life for the better … FOREVER.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html and turn yourself into

the confident, confident, successful person you were designed to be.


Matt Furey

Why Goals and Resoultions Fail

Friday, January 5th, 2007

When I began my personal fitness training career back in

1987, many of my clients came to me looking for motivation.

And I gave them plenty of it – but more importantly, I taught

them something that is “THE KEY” to success in anything.

You might think it’s goals – or New Year’s Resoultions. You might

think it’s positive thinking – or will power. Yet, the truth is that the

key to success is none of these things.

Regarding will power, I once had a client who told his friends,

“Matt is my will. I don’t have the will to exercise on my own,

so I go to him and he gives me the will I need.”

Not so. I gave the man support – but I didn’t give him my will.

Not only that, but I went so far as to tell him he didn’t need to

use his own will either.

There’s an old saying, “In the battle of will power versus imagination,

your imagination wins every time.”

This happens to be true with getting fit, improving your career, having

better relationships, rearing your kids – and everything else. You can

do your best to impose your will on a child or student, for example, but

it is the other person’s imagination that will prevail. The same goes when

you pit your will against your imagination.

Your imagination was created to move mountains – to help you create

whatever you want in life. Your imagination, as P.T. Barnum once said,

is “the elixir of life.” Or as Einstein said, “… is more important than


The most important part of the word ‘imagination’ is “image.” As in, what

is your “self-image?”

How do you see yourself? What is the opinion you have of yourself?

You can set goals – as I encourage people to do; you can make resolutions;

you can even try to use your will to get what you want out of life – BUT if

your goals, resolutions or will are in conflict with your self-image, you will

not make lasting change. Not only that, you won’t even take lasting action

to create the results you want.

The bottom line is that you will fail to get what you say you want. Or you’ll

get what you want temporarily – only to snap back into agreement with

the picture you have of yourself; your self-image.

The good news is that you can change your self-image. You can attain the

results you want by relaxing your mind and body and imagining the person

you want to become.

Just as a professional fighter shadow boxes to perfect his punches, you use

your imagination the same way. You play around with the image you have

of yourself. You go to the place that Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 30-million

copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics, called your “Theatre of the Mind.”

You go into this private movie theatre and make changes on the INSIDE that

will in turn change who you are on the OUTSIDE.

This, my friend, is the key to making goals and resolutions successful. This is

the key to making positive thinking work. Without a change in your self-image,

you’re riding in a car without gas.

“How to Build a Fit, Powerful and Healthy Self-Image” is something I am going

to cover at my February “Secret of Secrets” Fitness Seminar in extraordinary

detail. I am going to guide you through all the steps that lead to lasting

success. And when you follow these steps you will attain the weight you want; the

fitness level you want; and whatever else you want out of life.

Learning how to change your self-image IS the most important exercise I can

teach you. With a healthy self-image you’re somebody; without it, you’re nothing.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html and BECOME the

SOMEBODY you’ve always wanted to be.


Matt Furey


Friday, January 5th, 2007

I haven’t been able to get this out of my mind – and

frankly, that’s because I don’t want to.

Two days ago I was in a magazine shop, grabbing a pile

of periodicals to leaf through. One that caught my attention

was TRUMP. As you can imagine, the name was in BIG,

BOLD print.

Yet, beneath the name was a slogan – “THINK BIG – LIVE


With a slogan like that, how could I refuse. Without even

looking at the contents of the magazine, I bought. It’s

still sitting in the front seat of my HUMMER. I still haven’t

opened the magazine to read it. And I’ve already gotten

FAR more in benefits than wait I paid for the issue.


Because of the slogan – “THINK BIG – LIVE LARGE.”

I wake up in the morning saying this to myelf. I repeat it

aloud to my daughter and son.

Naturally my son asked, “What does that mean?”

“It means that most people think too small. And they live too

small. They don’t believe in themselves enough. They don’t

even bother to make deliberate choices on what they want

out of life. They simply follow the followers.”

A bit later in our conversation I said, “There’s MAGIC in thinking

BIG. When you think big you have more energy. And I believe you

have more chance of success, not less. When you think small, you

don’t get much energy and there’s not as much magic. So THINK

BIG. Whatever you want to do in life, think of being the best. Think

of giving it all you’ve got.”

What a message to send my son off to school.


Tis a LOT of food for thought – don’t you think?

Today, whenever a problem, worry or concern arises, ask yourself if

you’re thinking BIG enough. Ask yourself if there is a different way to

approach the same idea; a way that would bring magic into the


Each and every day, think about continually expanding your self-image.

Think upon the things you want to do, be and have. And don’t let anyone

stand in your way when you pursue those ambitions. Not even YOU.

Matt Furey

P.S. Those who really want to expand their thinking and their reality are

members of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group. Enroll now and get

my Moby Dick (Think like a whale) Meditation as a gift. This one CD will

change the way you think about life and the choices you can make forever.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html and enroll


Think Like a Whale

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Ponder this: A sperm whale is 50 to 60

feet long and weighs 80,000 to 100,000


It can dive as far as 10,000 feet – holding

its breath for an hour or longer.

What does this have to do with you?

Well, in the first of 50 Amazing Visualizations that

I am making for members of the Psycho-Cybernetics

Success Group – I reveal all the details.

Applying what I teach in this first CD alone can help

you blast through obstacles and resistance, strengthen

the power of your imagination, give you confidence on

demand and the energy to dive into the marrow of life,

drawing from it everything you need for a lifetime of

health, wealth and peace of mind.

When you use my Amazing Visualizations as well as the

material in each issue of Psycho-Cybernetics – the

Newsletter, you can look forward to living a truly

grand life.

I challenge you to get involved.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html


Matt Furey

P.S. By the way, each month with your membership, you’ll also

receive a Success Scroll and Goal Card. These two items, in and

of themselves, are worth the entire amount of the program. When

you read the words on these scrolls you turbo-charge your mind

and are catapulted onto success. You begin to slide through life

without the struggle and resistance. Obstacles that once stopped

you are obliterated. You discover, possibly for the first time, that

YOU are much BIGGER than you think you are. With this in mind

go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

and enroll NOW.

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