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Archive for January, 2007

5 Second Abs

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

I’m sure you’ve seen the ads for ‘eight minute abs.’

Then seven minute. Then six. And so on.

Sounds absolutely ludicrous, doesn’t it? Especially

if, as I mentioned before, you’ve developed an

idea that a workout should take a long, long time for

it to be effective. Simply not true.

As the saying goes, ‘T’aint how big the dog is in

the fight – tis how much fight there is in the dog.’

Same goes for how you train. It’s not how long – it’s

what you put into the time.

The truth is that you don’t need a 30-minute abdominal

workout each day, as some people think. You simply

need to give your abs the training they need.

There are many ways to accomplish this. One way is to do

the Farmer Burns deep breathing exercise, as taught in

Combat Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html

In this exercise you integrate deep breathing with isometric

contractions – and each one lasts 2 to 5 seconds.

The Farmer Burns Stomach Flattener alone – which I learned

in his 1914 by-mail course, ‘Lesson in Wrestling and Physical

Culture’ – http://www.mattfurey.com/farmerburns.html

when done for about 10 reps per day – which will take you a

couple minutes, will do more for your midsection than

virtually anything else.

The Farmer Burns deep breathing exericise is just

one of seven exercises that comprise ‘The Magnificent

Seven’ of Combat Abs – http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html

Altogether, you can blast through the entire routine in a matter of

minutes. The routine will make you stronger and more limber throughout

your core and tighten your midsection in a big way.

If you haven’t already gotten this program, there’s no time like NOW

to get on the stick.

For more information on this program be sure to

visit http://www.mattfurey.com/combat_abs.html

One last thing: Don’t forget about your bridging. The

bridge is a superb exercise, not just for strengthening

the neck and back – but for making your abs like granite.

Well, my friend, that’s all for now.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. The Matt Furey Inner Circle is really hopping and when

you enroll as an annual member I’ll send you Combat Abs,

as well as Combat Conditioning and 5 other gifts for nuthin.

Jump on board at http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Do Dead People Still Have Birthdays

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

In this fast-paced, hustle-bustle world, we want to be

experts at everything – and we feel it’s best if we can attain

this status overnight.

Wanting to be an expert is good. Wanting to master specific

knowledge is important. The more the better.

At the same time, whenever you think you “know” something

really well, there is a huge tendency to close your mind to the

study of MORE. In fact, many people close their minds well before

they reach expert status.

I don’t know why this is, but we human beings love to feel superior

to others when it comes to knowledge – and as soon as we think we

know what others don’t know, we start to offer advice, even when it

is unsolicited.

Offering advice to others isn’t a bad thing. It’s an important part of

how our society functions. But to continue growing, it’s a good idea to

stand guard as you sit at the advice table. Is your mind so filled with

what YOU know that you’re unwilling to listen to or hear something

else? Are you continually emptying your cup – standing back from

what you know and asking for more? Or are you smug – content to

know what you already know?

If you feel superior to others because you know more than they do –

learning stops. If you think you’ve already got all the answers –

learning stops. If you think there’s nothing no one else can teach you,

you’re making the mistake of your life.

The key questions to ask yourself is, “Am I in learner mode or know-

everything already mode? Am I continuing to learn from others or am

I sitting in judgement of others?”

I realize that it can be hard to continually empty your cup. It can be hard

to admit that you don’t know something – but it’s also a good practice.

This morning as I was getting into my HUMMER to drive my son, Frank,

to school, he asked, “Daddy, do dead people still have birthdays?”

First thought that came into my mind was what an interesting question. One

I don’t think I’ve ever thought of.

“I’m not really sure,” I told my son. “They might.”

After I dropped Frank off I was hit with the answer. Later today I’ll give it to

him. It will go as follows: “As far as I know, some dead people still have


No doubt Frank will probably ask “who.”

And to this I will reply: “George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King,

Jr. and some other people. It really depends upon whether or not we want to keep


Yesterday, when I got home I checked the mail. Saw a few packages for me. Books

and courses I had ordered. As I began to go through them, I stayed conscious with

the question, “What can I learn here?”

At times, as I looked through the material, I wanted to dismiss it. I wanted to go

into expert mode instead of open-to-learn mode. I caught myself and stayed open.

And as I flipped through the manuals I found several key points that either needed

reinforcement in my own life – or were new to me. This woulld not have happened

if I wanted to satisfy my expert ego.

The key to becoming and remaining an expert is openness. Which are you going to

choose today?


Matt Furey

P.S. It’s 2007 – a lucky year for YOU – a year of unprecented growth. Whenever we

have a year that ends in ‘7’ – tis a good, good sign. So run with it, my friend. Open

your mind to abundance in all areas. Being part of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success

Group is a choice that will help you move through life with ease. Remove the

resistance from you life and learn how easy it can be to slide through the day,

getting more and more done in less and less time. To discover more, go to


Keep Score – Go Far

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

Why are some people more successful than others with their

fitness programs.

I believe the answer is floating in your hands – not in the wind.

Here’s what I mean: Based on everything I have observed

about my own success and the success of my fittest students,

those who do the best are those who “count” the most.

The other day I was walking along the beach. As I was walking

I was counting my steps. I was also counting the length of each

breath. And at time I was also keeping track of certain thoughts.

When I get home I make a record of what I did – and I track it

alongside another “number goal” I have.

I count. I keep score.

Many people don’t want to count or keep score – and that is fine –

yet it does make it much harder to get maximum results.

There is a reason the Shaolin monks are given drills to be repeated

a thousand times a day, everyday. There is a reason we keep track

of days of the week, month and year. It brings order and clarity into

our lives.

Yet, for some odd reason, when it comes to health and fitness, people

think the same does not apply. It does.

Want to drop some weight? Then observe the scale and/or your percentage

of bodyfat.

Want to run a marathon later this year? Then observe how far you can run

now – and keep track of how many miles you run per week. Chart out a

program, based upon numbers of miles run, and I guarantee you’ll be

crossing the finish line when the big day to run arrives.

One of my top students is a 55-years young woman. Below is an email she sent

me a couple weeks back.

Hey Matt ~

Hope you’re having a glorious time in China ~ sounds like it.

Just wanted to say THANKS for the recognition in your email the other day.

I just turned 55 and I’ve never felt better in my life! Just for the record,

in addition to the 100,000 plus Hindu Squats, I’ve also done over 10,000

Hindu Pushups this year (will be over 11,000 by December 31) and do a

three-minute bridge each day with lips to the ground. Took me two years

to get nose to the ground so I’m proud of this ~ going for the chin to ground

in 07!

Goals for next year: 120,000 squats; 12,000 pushups, chin to ground bridge,

plus will add a few Combat Abs to the mix. Can’t let all these youngsters get

the jump on me.

THANK YOU for all the great teaching and coaching ~ you’re the best.


You see what I mean. Susan counts. She keeps score. And because she does

this she is always motivated.

You can do the same.

I realize Susan’s numbers might be intimidating if you’ve been sitting on your

rumpus doing nothing for several months or years. Yet, the journey of 1000

miles begins with a single step.

The journey of 1000 squats or pushups begins with the first one. All you need to

do to get started is decide to do 1 of something.

Beginning is half-done.

It is not what you cannot do right now that matters. It is what you CAN do. And if

all you can do is 1 of something – then make a note and tomorrow see if you can

do 1.5 or 2 of the same thing. Then keep track of that.

If you do this, I guarantee you that before long, you’ll be like Susan, whipping out

pushups and squats, and whatever else, like nothing.

Now, you can secure a major advantage in your fitness quest. You can make things

easier on yourself.

How so?

By enlisting my help as your coach.

If you come to my seminar in February, quite simply you will be catapulted to the

next level. You can enroll NOW while some spots remain by going to


You can also become a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle, wherein you

get expert guidance month after month by mail – as well as online. You can

enroll by going to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

All for now.

Now get off your duff and start cracking.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

How to Make 2007 YOUR Fittest Year Ever

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

Regardless of your age you CAN look and feel better than ever.

You CAN turn back the clock. You CAN recapture the power, strength,

flexibility and vitality of your youth.

And, 29 days from now, I’ll show you, in person, how I do it when I

reveal the never-been-taught-before …

* Ultimate Chinese Long-Life Secret – something I guarantee you’ve

not been taught before. It’s the most powerful thing I have ever

discovered and it has transformed my life in many ways.

* My all NEW Slo-Lo Fitness Program … this will make your muscles

shake with reverence and program them to give you the strength

you want.

* My secret for increasing flexibility faster than a speeding bullet

* and my MOST POWERFUL “Guaranteed Results” Cannot Fail Advanced

Focusing Techniques.

Follow my lead and you’ll learn to UNWIND your tight, inflexible muscles

in the fastest time humanly possible!

You’ll discover how to double your strength with deep breathing and

laser-like focus!

You’ll discover how to delete fat from your body so fast your friends

will think they’ve witnessed a miracle.

And if that isn’t enough, everything I teach you will strengthen you

physically, mentally and spiritually.

At 43 years young I, Matt Furey, AM in the best shape of my life –

even better than when I won the world shuai-chiao kung fu title

in 1997.

Even better than when I took the now famous trademark photo before

the waterfall in China.

I’m more flexible than ever before. I’m faster too.

I’m stronger and more focused.

And I KNOW the SECRETS I learned that helped me accomplish this feat.

And just so you know – the SECRET is NOT … Hard, Hard, Hard, Hard Work.

The fact is you don’t know the reasons why I’m better now than ever before.

And you won’t find out unless you make the decision to attend my all NEW

“Secret of Secrets” Universal Health, Strength and Power Fitness Seminar.

It takes place February 1-3 in Tampa, Florida. It WILL be a monumental

life-changing moment for YOU.

In addition to what I am teaching, I have 11 other experts who are going

to reveal their very best secrets as well.

Make sure YOU are part of this grand event. Make sure YOU take yourself

seriously this year. Give YOUR body what it wants and needs to sail through

life with ease.

Enroll NOW as the fee for this event is going up very soon.

You don’t want to keep putting yourself off, do you?

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html and enroll

right away. The doors to this event will be closing soon. Don’t miss out on

the secrets that will not be revealed outside of the conference room.


Matt Furey

P.S. Last years event was only 2.25 days long. This year is 3 days

of power packed health and fitness secrets. Enroll NOW by going to


More on Goals

Monday, January 1st, 2007

Wow – talk about a big response to my “No Resolutions,

No Goals” email. Some agree wholeheartedly. Others are

shook up, even worried that my comments are in conflict with

Dr. Maltz.

Those who assume a conflict missed the following section of

my email:

“In fact, in reviewing what Dr. Maxwell Maltz taught in his classic,

Psycho-Cybernetics, as well as in Zero Resistance Living, he was DOING what

I am now doing. He just wasn’t spelling it out or teaching it [by this I mean

he wasn’t explaining the how or why behind it].

In reviewing my many successes over the years, I have come to the

conclusion that I was MOST effective when I stumbled upon and used,

albeit unconsciously, the very same things that Dr. Maltz did.”

Okay, so what exactly am I saying?

Am I saying you shouldn’t set goals?

What I am saying is your initial focus is NOT on the setting of

goals. Instead, it is placed on determining what your previous successes are – taking

time to relive them – THEN, based upon these truths, knowing how to add fuel

to your servo-mechanism … BEFORE you set a goal.

Why is it so many people experience frustration and failure with goal


It is because these people don’t relive past successes; fail to

express gratitude for what they’ve done and where they are; fail to let go of past

hurts, fail to ask compelling questions that force them to think in new ways – and fail

to spend time on a daily basis reviewing what they want to create.

Because so many people miss these elements, when they begin setting

goals their subconscious mind is NOT in the best emotional state, and this

leads to frustration. And so, it is key that you set the stage the Psycho-

Cybernetics way. You don’t simply make resolutions or set goals.

If you want to experience success in 2007 – then I suggest you enroll

in the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group, where you’ll learn to lay the

foundation for success.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html and enroll


Fighting Against All Odds

Monday, January 1st, 2007

Saturday morning began with live footage of Saddam Hussein

getting hung. A friend sent me a link to a site where someone

filmed it on his cell phone. I watched it. Gruesome.

The Saddam show was quickly intercepted by the celebration

of former President Gerald R. Ford’s life. Thank goodness.

I have always loved watching the news when respects are

paid to former presidents. The first I watched was Lyndon

Johnson. It took a long time before we had another – Nixon,

followed by Reagan – and now Ford.

In reviewing Ford’s life, I was intrigued to read about his

success as a football player for the University of Michigan.

He played both center and linebacker – and was on two

national championship teams 1932, 1933, – was an all-star –

as well as the team’s most valuable player.

In his senior season, however, the Wolverines lost all

but one of their games – yet Jerry Ford had no quit

in him, and showed this many times, in particular, a

losing cause against Minnesota.

In an interview Ford said he often recalled how hard

he played the game in college – and how this same

trait served him well when his athletic career was

over. He referred most of all, to how he played in

the game against Minnesota, who won the national

title that year.

“During 25 years in the rough-and-tumble world of politics,

I often thought of the experiences before, during, and after

that game in 1934. Remembering them has helped me many

times to face a tough situation, take action, and make every

effort possible despite adverse odds.”

Sounds like grand champion advice to me.

So let me ask, “Are you giving it all you’ve got in your quest to

be healthy and fit?”

Believe me, getting fit is a winning cause. But you do have to

fight for what you want.

Are you fighting hard enough?

If not, I can help. When you’re a member of the Matt Furey Inner

Circle – I give you all the tools to make sure you succeed. You can

enroll now by going to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

to become an annual member. Or you can take a test drive by going to


Even better than that, though, is making sure you grab one of the remaining

seats in my 2007 “Secret of Secrets” Fitness seminar. It is going to be the

greatest fitness show ever put on – and it will skyrocket you to the fit,

healthy and powerful body you want.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html and enroll right

NOW. Enrollment will be closing soon – don’t be left out in the cold.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. I am going to be covering information at my seminar that I have

NEVER taught before – including the Ultimate Chinese Long-Life Exercise,

guaranteed to turn back the clock – as well as my all NEW Combat

Conditioning training system. Are you enrolled yet? If not, get in NOW

by going to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html

No Resolutions, No Goals

Monday, January 1st, 2007

Last year I told those who receive this daily message

not to make New Year’s Resolutions. I explained that

these resolutions rarely last more than a week – and I

don’t know anyone who kept one longer than three weeks.

This year I’m going a bit further. I’m telling you not to

even bother with goal setting.

Huh? What?

Am I out of my mind?

Not at all.

There’s nothing wrong with goal setting, except the fact

that almost everybody who does it fails to follow through

with the actions necessary to make their goals a reality.

Ever wonder WHY this is the case?

I have – and that’s why I made some adjustments in my

success system for 2007.

For starters, I spent a number of days thinking about and

clarifying the new system. I put it in writing. On notepads.

On 3×5 cards. In word documents. As well as on napkins

and scraps of paper.

Then, last night, instead of staying up late to ring in the

New Year; instead of sitting around writing my goals for

2007 – I did something unusual.

I went to bed.

I went to bed early, too. Around 9 PM.

And as I laid in bed, instead of pondering what my New

Year’s goals are – I simply asked myself what I had to

be grateful for in 2006. I ran the movies. I went through

the months – January, February, March and so on. All the

way through December 31, 2006.

The movies were good. I had so much to be thankful for.

So much that I was stunned. Stunned and greatly inspired

to do even more in the new year.

Prior to running the movies I thought I hadn’t done much in ’06.

Not so. Did a LOT. Had more to be thankful for than I realized.

And this thankfulness, this gratitude – increased my desire to


While lying in a state of bliss, I made only one resolution – and that

was to repeat this same exercise on New Year’s Eve, 2007.

Upon arising I began to work the second part of my new success

system. Once again, the focus is NOT on the setting of goals.

It’s a bit different. And at this very moment I am absolutely convinced

that this method will help people achieve what they want far faster, far

better and with much greater frequency than the methods I have previously

used and taught.

In fact, in reviewing what Dr. Maxwell Maltz taught in his classic, Psycho-

Cybernetics, as well as in Zero Resistance Living, he was DOING what

I am now doing. He just wasn’t spelling it our or teaching it.

In reviewing my many successes over the years, I have come to the

conclusion that I was MOST effective when I stumbled upon and used,

albeit unconsciously, the very same thing that Dr. Maltz did.

Now that I am conscious of this secret and deliberately using it, I will

be spelling it out in detail to members of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success

Group – http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

Each month, via my monthly newsletter and CD, as well as a bonus Success

Scroll and Success Card – I will lead you to success in whatever you choose to


Are you a member of this illustrious group of DOERS yet? If not, when do

you think will be the best time for you to say “YES” to the good life?

You can put yourself off once again this year – but I don’t think you really

want to do that, do you?

So jump on board NOW and turn your life into the masterpiece it was meant

to be.


Matt Furey

P.S. I’ll be covering how to use this same powerful method to improve your

health and fitness at my February fitness seminar – check it out by going to


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